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Stop whining your anglo looking 5head isn't the only posterchild that exists anymore.

But why did they do it, old v was so pretty, now she looks like a shemale


cyberpunk = dystopian, so black = dystopian

You should have given up on that game when they said there would be no TPP, like us giga chads did

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We want old V back !

What the fuck does that mean

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Probably nigger slang
me no speaking this language

I agree the first V looked so much better.

What do you mean you don't speak or don't understand ebonics?

Is you racis or sun thing nigga?

stop being so fucking problematic.

How about no?

Attached: fucking niggers.png (650x720, 331.93K)

That's it, I'm calling my discord friends on you fuckers

Third person is for zoomers

t. chad king

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it's their game, you simp. you can mod it however you want later.

>literally searching for any excuse for pirating games

Discord users can't see a phallic looking thing without wanting to sit on it.

I will just trow a cucumber on the floor and see your friends fighting for it like rabid dogs on a piece of raw meat.

First day pirate for me, since it will be on GOG


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Imagine being proud of pirating DRm free.
The niggest of the Somali niggers pirates.

I'm not paying for your tranny game, sweetie

But I'm gonna play it anyway, and after that I will complain about it don't matter if it is good or not

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cute women are problematic

My dick in your ass going in and out at incredible high speeds is problematic

>saving the same img twice
No surprises.



Pretty simple pun. One has an abnormally large FOREhead is called a 5head.
>No one was talking about niggers
Rent free

Name a single game with an ugly protagonist with a decent character creation.

It'll probably be a flop but at least some of the music sounds okay.

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>we doom 2016 n shiet

The Sims.

Also get the fuck outta here.

>Sorry that it's not some shitty Jewtube playlist of synthwave music.

>literally doom 2016 music
>waa shut up

We waz beiin shemale n shiet

Don't respond to the tripfag, especially that one.

I said game

Are you serious? I... I literally just explained it to you.

Hope they don't go the rockstar route and only allow me to make ugly dykes

>Acting like the soundtrack of Doom 2016 wasn't liked by a lot of people
Okay, faggot.

>everything good about cdpr games have been ripped from other games

Who do I have to kill so that this hideous trend never happens?

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Your point? Most games if not all are just ripping from each other. Then again I wouldn't expect a a zoomer to know that.

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But she is soo gross. I just cant get over it, sorry. Not since old model is gone for racist reasons.

>cdpr doesn't have a creative bone in their body
>"Your point?"
Cope and seethe

Sombra and Laura are flawless fapbait though.

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It would be better without the hideous half shave

>I have no argument as creativity across the whole industry died a long time ago.
>Thinking it only applies to CDPR
>"Cope and Seethe"
Oh boy...

>organizing the catalog to see new posts in order to get first post for maximum attention
yea im thinking this is based

Marnie's design is perfect.

I wont until people listen to me. None of you are listening.

You can create your own character retard.

>I have to blame the whole industry for cdpr's incompetence
Just say you're a shill next time and save some time

CDPR was always overrated.

Okay cunt destroyer

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But not like the original V !!!!! I keep telling you all but you are not hearing me.

What were you faggots expecting from trannyspunk?

Yeah i agree

This is gonna be the gayest game ever. Mark my words.

Why u keep going man

Why does Yas Forums think this game is going to be about trans stuff? All I've seen is australopithecus africanus.

It's just funny to make fun of cdpr for trying to virtue signal trannies and then immediately busting their teeth out on the pavement


>Hasn't seen that the whole industry has had an ounce of creativity for easily a decade
>How to detect a zoomer.
Call someone a shill because your original point was BTFO.