ITT you are five years old again

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Great I'm getting my N64 as a present next year

>getting a bj from my babysitter while I suck on her breast upside down
Those were simpler times, too bad I told people.


fuck off zoomer.

I was five when gen 1 came out you shit sucking zoomer.

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When I was 5 the playstation and saturn came out, and I was just starting to form conscious memories. How much do you even remember when you are 5 years old?

are you american by chance?

No Uncle Joe, not again, it hurt too much last time!


I just got my first console, a NES.

Not much and as an autist it may be for the best.

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i really don't remember what i was doing in 1994.

>parents get divorced

>5yrs old
>pokemon ruby

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Fellow 93 bro what up

When I was 5 Modern Warfare came out, but my parents said I was too young to play it. I was allowed to play rockband though.

I don't remember much of the year 1995-1996. My first vidya was Star Wars Racer when I was 8-9

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I was 12

wtf how do i get luigi in mario64????

man all these wildtangent games are cool mom

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I always saw that as snorlax.

man imagine being a gen 3 baby shitter

this is the year I started bustin

I remember way back to when I was in a diaper still using the baby stand.

good times...

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I want those shoes

>unironically LITERAL 30+ y/o boomers on a video game forum

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>Blows into cartridge

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I always thought the BFG looked like a weird vacuum cleaner.

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Picking up this up for my wife's son tomorrow.

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Dad the game is working
"ok son let me take a look"
"blows into it"
"Ok now go try it"
>yfw it fucking works

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I always love these dancing bushes

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this game's visuals is way more charming than anything that came out afterwards.

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wtf how do i get waluigi in mario64????

Pokemon peaked with Platinum and Gen 5.

>are ya winning, dad?

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I didn't have any fucking video games when I was 5, faggit. I didn't even know how to spread butter on bread. Still traumatized by it. Thanks for bringing that up asshole.

le redditor reveals himself

>le redditor reveals himself

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>Just got the gamecube for and playing Luigi's Mansion for the first time
Take me back boys...

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shouldn't be surprising as Yas Forums has been around for quite some time, hell i was years late to the party with Yas Forums and i have still been visiting this site for around 13 years now.

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I want to cut off that ear so bad.

Uncle why is it so painful?
I poop from there!

How is a game from 2002 zoomer (in terms of culture I mean, not birth years)?

Zoomer-oriented culture didn't start until 2005-2006 when Ben 10, Johnny Test, Hannah Montana, and High School Musical came out. 2002 still had much in common with the late 90s.

horizontally placed computer with monitor placed over it goes brrrrrrrrrrr haha

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Zoomer is anyone born between 1995-2015. Assuming you're 5 years old at 2002, you'll be born a zoomer.

>5 years old.
That is when my life peaked, being 4 for the best time of my life.
All I did was watch the same 5 or 6 Disney movies on repeat, play Pokemon blue and crash bandicoot even though I couldn't read, play outside with my dog, having the best time playing pretend with a cardboard box, running errands with my mother and vising her friends and playing with her friends children.
The main and best thing about being four was having no worries because your parents made everything ok.

Then I turned five and was forced to go to school and the real world forced it way in.
I am 26, I have a great job but I don't want to work, I have worries about bills and dying alone.
I was fucking lonely when I was four.

Thank fucking Christ I am out of education though.
Fuck school and fuck college.

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1997-2012. 1995 is not zoomer.

muh nigga

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Do you have a really good memory, or do you just remember really far back memories for some reason?

Yes it is.

if you're under 40 at this very moment, you're a zoomer.

School was great, only social rejects and/or people with average or below intelligence didn't enjoy school.

To be fair, there's no solid definition of Zoomer, there's twenty different definitions
>Merriam-Webster says "people born late 1990s and early 2000s"
>Oxford dictionary says "the generation reaching adulthood in the second decade of the 21st century"
>Pew Research Center says people born 1997 onwards
>Forbes says "Composed of those born between 1995 and 2010"
>BBC says "anyone born after about 1995"
>Statistics canada says "Generation Z as starting from birth year 1993.

I was quite popular and did ok at school work I just hated being forced there and to deal with all the other bullshit that came along with it.

At least with work I have tons of options, If I don't like my current work environment I can just fuck off somewhere else

This means that most of the people shitting on flossing Fortniters would be called zoomers themselves.

I'd be playing Mario 64 and Resident Evil with my dad :)

Before he went to prison and I didn't see him again for 12 years :(

So 39 year olds are zoomers?