Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain 1 > Risk of Rain 2

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first for thicc

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Nerf Loader
Nerf Acrid
Nerf Commando
Nerf Artificer lol
Nerf REX
Buff Mul-T
Buff Mercernary
Remove Engineer from the game

when will hopoo make it 5 player coop instead of 4?

>nerfing characters
kys discord tranny


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Now THIS is podracing!

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Seething Loaderfag

10 man when

>buffing merc

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post playtime and opinions, and others judge them
>whirlwind is better than uppercut
>command is only acceptable with glass/vengeance
>metamorphosis is actually fun
>if you complain about glass not having osp, you're a shitter

Attached: ror2played.png (500x279, 105.8K)

tell me more

based walterposter

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the classic dissonance noobtrap

>noooo characters can't be strong in a game that's all about becoming really strong we need to balance the game like a moba!!

Why parents aren't glowing in 2?

>glass is broken

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>paladin just gonna be a beetle
>my stupid lemurian design was pointless
At least I dropped it before I got too far

>shitpost characters
>people immediately seething
It shouldn't be this easy. I fucking play Acrid and Rex you brainlets.

>run going well
>suddenly hurr durr blazing elder lemurian whored of many 6 gorrilion health
>they shit fireballs fucking everywhere
>can't even dodge them because everywhere I evade to gets hit with more fireballs
fuck this game and fuck horde of many. what a lazy, shit boss idea

where's 10 man

reminder that artificer is fat

Attached: D4oaOrNX4AA2eox.jpg (2253x3355, 265.98K)

no children to make them glow

fuck hopoo and fuck trannies

Attached: clay templars.webm (800x450, 2.87M)

>Not preparing an exit route depending on which boss spawned

git gud

She lost weight months ago. Now she's light enough to hover.

>gold orb

reminder: Reducing the number of ‘Horde of Many’ spawns from the Teleporter - we’re not entirely sure why there seems to be more, but there will be less.

how did they get this through quality control?

i admire your photoshop skills

fuck off list tranny/hopoo shill

Not him but you're a retard, the characters should be internally balanced to one another.

>just buff them all then!
Just play on rainstorm then if you want the whole fucking game to be easier, retard.


>see clay templars
>start fighting them instead of getting to the cover
>didn't even press the dodge
Stop playing on Monsoon you fucking poser. Drizzle is made for you.

>>whirlwind is better than uppercut
Mathematically proven wrong, let's not do this again.

>>command is only acceptable with glass/vengeance
Glass makes it easier. Vengeance is mandatory though, Evolution should also be included.

>metamorphosis is actually fun
>if you complain about glass not having osp, you're a shitter
Both correct.

horde of many is getting addressed next patch. Right now they're spawning too many

>hey look everyone so many spawns! this isnt right!

>buff merc

Of all the retardation in this post, this might be the most offensive

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> everyone ded except me
> I'm arti
> I fly above shooting bosses
> I won't die but it's slow as fuck
> they all leave
what do

This is a good post to be reposted in these threads.
This is not.

Attached: soup.jpg (557x422, 36.73K)

Helpful reminder be sure krita saves your document so you dont have to dig through the archive to find the image you made

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i miss the big crabs

>Mathematically proven wrong, let's not do this again.

>worse with tri-tip
>worse for leeching seeds
>worse for stun grenade
>worse for mobility (No horizontal speed, can't launch off curved surfaces)
>worse for maintaining positioning
>better for gaining height mid-air
>marginally better with damage-scaling procs.

dodge where retard? the entire zone was filled with clay niggers

>how did they get this through quality control?
Gearbox QA is a piece of shit. They didn't even notice how Engi's Harpoons break the cooldowns of other abilities, something which is extremely noticeable if you play him for a couple of runs.

that's not REAL thicc

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Tell me anons, why do you still play RoR 2. Is it because you have nothing better to do?

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The sides of the bridges have extensions you can walk on. Could've jumped off and gone there.
Would've been better to prepare to GTFO altogether before they spawned.

aren't those the games where if you make it past 30 minutes you kill everything automatically without doing anything?

undertuning characters will always be worse and make the game less fun
dilate discord tranny

With my life, yes.

>It''s still weird as fuck seeing a human RoR character without them having a helmet on though.
One of the main reasons I love this series is because I love the masked nameless rank soldier trope. It's cool seeing every character except the dog fit into it.

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my essence created this, and youll never take this away from me

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I pop by for a while after each update because I'm having fun

Why would five make more sense than four?

if you're increasing the player count, you might as well make it eight

What the fuck ever happened to this thing

Because I wish it was good like the first game but it's not

ran into the ground by /tg/tards
just like the actual towergirls shit. if it's not made by a degenerate furry fueled by a desire to coom then it will never get off the ground (see: princess & conquest)


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I keep trying to fool myself that the game is fun but it never is

mommies WHEN

Call walking turrets bad again and I will slay you
I swear I wasn't carried by the reds, they only showed up on the last stage, you gotta believe me

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Because it's fun and I am not a baby

And here i thought MH coomers was the limit

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how do anons feel about landmates?

Thank you user, you've convinced me not to host 10-man. Instead I will dedicate myself to the arts

How do we fix Acrid, bros?

The space suit and helmet designs are cool as fuck too.

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SHE is already fixed

It's fun? With artifacts, playing funballs + chaos is some of the most fun I've had yet, pretty good update.

With this

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when the beef too raw

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Because no one hosts risk of rain 1 vanilla anymore

by hopoo figuring out that if everything is broken then everything is usable serious how hard is it a fucking moba found that out

arti is fit, FIT

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fuck off dumb furry

no it wasn't

what do you mean? everything IS broken :)

link the mods

>it's another "Magma Worm" aggros on the turret halfway across the map, wasting my time" episode
ugh. I don't even know why I bother.

holy shit mommy


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Leave him alone

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They fix his bugs after ignoring them for 4 months.

Does engineer's hand still stretch when you jump?
Take your discordtranny meme and go

what's the best character, why and how do I unlock them?

t. F2P

Loader, kill the secret boss in Siren's Call

what golem pic is he talking about

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Are the doppelgangers supposed to drop an item when defeated? I just did the trial for it and it looks like one of them dropped a knurl.

im beginning to think the whole discord trannerino is a meme at this point, you guys are obsessed

Femmod where? Mine broke with the update.

You already have him unlocked from the start.

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how? he has no good skills and his weapon seems weak

I imagine the image that was in the reply to him

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You still have to unlock his fun skills, you merely asked the wrong question initially.

i see, thank you