We need a gun with rare ammunition that kills instantly with a headshot

>we need a gun with rare ammunition that kills instantly with a headshot

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Well actually a small caliber weapon is more likely to kill with a headshot as it is more likely to pierce one side of the skull but not the other, so the bullet just stays in there.
This isn't universal, however. A big fucking gun would blow your head away.

>We need a gun
Say no more

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>we need a gun
This will never not be a lie.

>2020 NuPython

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>we need a shotgun, but not an old-timey one

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Doesn't make sense to me. Having seen some exit holes makes me think those are worse than a bit of lead inside your noggin. Those things are way bigger than entry holes, with a lot of matter escaping when the hole's made.

Source: My ass. Prove me wrong.

>we need something that looks futuristic and has lots of ammo

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>we need a rare unlockable gun that summons tornadoes

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In a combat situation, you're functionally dead if a bullet enters your brain, either way.
Miraculously surviving in the aftermath isn't exactly relevant when talking about situations in the heat of the moment.

>we need a gun that allows the player to do a fuckton of damage

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I love the balance of revolvers in most game. It feels great to take precision shots without having to be scoped
Not really, the sheer power of a magnum bullet would make up for whatever damage a bullet left in your brain would

>we need a starter weapon that has unlimited ammo but does fuck all damage

>precisamos de armas brasileiras

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The P90 really looks like it's from a sci-fi movie.
Can any /k/fags here give me a rundown on how useful it is or what kind of people use it in this day and age?

Police and special forces use it because it's small enough to use inside a vehicle or in tight hallways, is very controllable on full auto, and fires very small but fast rounds that will go through soft body armor.

>we need a cool fucking gun

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Rate my shotgun. It has RPK furniture on it.

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Thats a grenade

>we need a sniper rifle but disguised as something else

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>We need a gun for the fedora audience

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9.5/10. I want one of these myself, but I'm not sure if I should pick it over a M4


>press x to filho da puta

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It's fine for a PDW, but PDWs have mostly been phased out for short-barrel rifles (usually 7.5" ARs) so its only really used by like bodyguards protecting a VIP or special forces that don't feel like using a MP5 or short AR.

The kind that goes in and bounces off the inside of the skull is nice.

the bullet ricochets on the inside of your skull and liquefies your brain

>We need a fish

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It's not that the bullet just stays there, it's that it will bounce off the inside of your skull a few times dealing a shitload of damage.

Do zoomers really?

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The Vepr 12 is a wonderful shotgun. Mine manages to shoot low brass just fine.

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>we need a gun for OP

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>the bullet ricochets on the inside of your skull
That sounds like something that would only happen in a cartoon.

>we need a gun that will obsolete all the other guns we've worked on

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Is this some new variant of the ol' ".22 is the most lethal calibre because it bounces around inside the skull" meme?

Well, you're wrong on that. Bullets bounce off bones and create strange wounds all the time.

bounces, whatever you want to call it

I remember seeing a pic on Yas Forums showing multiple police reports or something saying that they prefer using 5.56 carbines instead of P90 or MP7 because they'd need to use more ammo to put people down, which means training people to use automatic fire, paying for more ammo and having the press report that policemen shot a guy 17 times in the chest instead of 2-3 times which will seem excessive to people.

>a gun doesn’t instantly kill on headshot
Terrible game design. I don’t care what the gun is, it could be a slingshot for all I care. If a headshot doesn’t take someone down, it’s bad game design

It supposedly happens with fairly weak calibers like .22LR or .32, but it isn't consistent enough to always hit in the right way to slurry their brain so most people just treat it as a myth.

Small calibers usually don't even have the power to pierce the skull in the first place unless from close range. Skulls are incredibly durable.

>tfw no big bore snub revolver love

>We need a gun for the badguys to carry

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>We need a gun that can tag players who use it more than 50% of the time as suspected world war 2 fetishists and nazi sympathizers
Name any gun that signals someone is eerily obsessed with ww2 more than the Luger

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>El videojuego necesita mas armas Mexicanas!

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I would totally play a game that consists of these junkpunk weapons

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Apparently a lot of attempted gun suicides fail because the gun jumps up from the temple when fired because of recoil, so people just end up putting themselves in a vegetative state until someone decides to pull the plug

the impact against your head concusses the fuck outta you though

Swiss Luger> german Luger

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It might not be a myth but it's still a stupid "fact" to talk about. If you get shot in the head with anything you're gonna have a bad time.

>We need a gun for the gays

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I've heard cases of people getting shot in the head and the bullet going under the skin and just traveling up and around the skull.
Bullets do weird things.

>we need a gun for the regular (good guy) soldiers

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Fucking fags needing a tripod for a revolver lmao

does anyone else think that these old german pistols are really goddamn ugly and non threatening

the tiny barrel makes me think it's going to shoot BBs at me

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It looks like the nambu. Haven't seen them in anything other than ww2 cod and usually they aren't very good.

>we need a gun for the school shooter


give me guns for regular people
like you would find in a low-powered zombie apocalypse type situation

German WWII guns in general look pretty gay and pansy compared to the powers’ weaponry

I hate how suppresive fire is useless in the cowadoodys and counter strikes.

Nah, I think they look cool as fuck

The gun won't recoil noticeably before the bullet even leaves the barrel, moron. Think for a minute, how would anyone ever shoot anything accurately? It drifts upwards because they're limp wristed and drag the muzzle upwards while trying to squeeze the trigger.

>we need a gun for a fat fuck squad gunner

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Not even joking an AR-15, the proliferation of PSA $500 garbage rods has really solidified them as babby's first 'salt rifle

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little schweinhund?

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I need to see a Mythbusters video on this.

Assuming its the USA
Most regular shotguns (Mossberg/Remington/ double barrels)
Bolt-action "hunting" rifles
Regular pistols (1911 / Glock)
Regular revolvers (S&W, old colts)

The FG42 and MG42 are the coolest looking guns in WW2. It is known.

>babby's first 'salt rifle

what the fuck do you need more than one assault rifle for

Because I can.

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Depends on the country, but in the US AR-15s, shotguns, rifle caliber bolt actions, etc. are guns or normal people. Pic related the 10/22 is rather common.

Owning 5 nearly identical ARs is the Ameri/k/an way

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It's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs you commie

Glock and all the other modern polymer striker fired pistols. Berettas and older S&W revolvers for metal framed stuff; 1911s aren't actually as ubiquitous as one might think. AR-15s in droves; Mini-14s and SKSs for ban states. Pump shotguns, primarily Mossberg 500s and its variants and Remington 870s, likely in full barrel length hunting form.

>we need a gun for the villain

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I like how you went from perfectly reasonable to completely retarded in a single line.

Recoil begins the moment the bullet starts moving, this is basic physics. The more limp waisted you are, the more noticeable the movement prior to the bullet leaving the barrel will be, you’re not going to hit shit at point blank with a limp wrist. If the bullet leaves the chamber before the recoil becomes noticeable, it wouldn’t be affecting its trajectory and if recoil didn’t affect single shots, it wouldn’t be a factor for most sports.

For when technology/science gives me multiple arms to wield multiple guns at the same time.

>20 inch barrel pseudo-DMR
>10 inch CQC carbine
>mid-length general purpose rifle
>supersonic 5.56
>subsonic .300 blackout
>pistol-caliber carbines
I could go on for a while

>ywn quickscope with your buddies in mw2 again

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We want a gun that shoots phallic like bullets at 5-6 inches in automatic, but not so fast that it does not sound punchy. We also want it to fire armor piercing, incendiary and tracer.

Because no one posted the most aesthetic Kraut sidearm.

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>what the fuck do you need more than one assault rifle for
For go fuck yourself, that's what

Why is it colored like a Silent Hill monster?

>AR-15 for everything
>AK-variant for cheap fun
>some kind of semi-auto 308-rifle for DMR-purposes

I could think of more
AR-15, pump-action shotgun, Glock 19, scoped 308 bolt-action rifle

>we need a side arm to disable vehicles


>we need a gun based off a class of weapons that are obsolete in this day and age

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anything before mw 2019 is a shit video game

>not the gold-plated variant

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If you're using a shotgun or other manually-operated firearm then you have a point but in an automatic action the majority of the energy transferred to the shooter happens when the bolt or slide hits the rear of the gun which is long after the bullet has left the barrel

recoil is a result of the fucking gunpowder igniting and exploding which naturally moves the gun that you are holding. its as simple as that, dont be dipshit.

If you're gonna bother going for the deagle meme, you might as well get it in .50 African Eliminator.

>we need a gun with a plane attachment on it

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It's not an assault rifle if it doesn't have full retard on the selector.

is the gun stalling the plane a meme? it sounds like a meme, but I keep seeing it repeated everywhere

no they don't you mouth breathing dipshit. Bullets fragment or they shatter the bone.

>necesitamos un arma culia

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t.never had a gun pointed at them

"I have fired as many as 500 rounds in one trigger burst, that takes just about seven, eight seconds, and [it had] no impact on the air speed of the aircraft," said Ruhel, who has logged 3,500 hours flying A-10s.

It boils down to simple physics: Force = Mass x Acceleration.

"The bullets are only about three-quarters of a pound," Ruehl said. "The airplane, in a typical combat mission, is 40,000 pounds. When you got 40,000 pounds moving at 350 knots, that's a lot more [force] than a three-quarter pound bullet moving at 2,000 feet per second."