That's a big preemptive yikes from me, bros.
That's a big preemptive yikes from me, bros
>Confirmed hiding simulator
I'll only buy it if the twist at the end is that you were playing as old Billy Coen the whole time.
As opposed to the tetris inventory simulator of the ones before it. Nah, they know how to filter this shit now ever since 7 became the best in the series. And fuck your nostalgia goggles just before you give me the "first ones are the greatest" crap
>its another faggot game director thinking their idea for a long running beloved series is better than whats been done successfully so far
>its another "creepy" characters, "realistic" designs and ugly women with spaghetti hair and no ass game
fuck this
>I would rather do nothing than something.
>waaah i want to play the same game over and over again
>every assumes the worst
>implying it's not just going to be about bio-ghosts or some shit and link to Umbrella by the end as usual
You guys are predictable with your retarded negative predictions
>As opposed to the tetris inventory simulator of the ones before it. Nah, they know how to filter this shit now ever since 7 became the best in the series. And fuck your nostalgia goggles just before you give me the "first ones are the greatest" crap
How much more can you departure from 7? A turn based rpg?
Ghosts and werewolves
T virus robots.
Nano virus, turns you into borg.
Damn it, just when Capcom was doing pretty good I have to write off RE along with SF. Save us Itsuno
>As opposed to the tetris inventory simulator of the ones before it.
How was that an issue in any capacity?
>7 became the best in the series
Not that scripted mess of a game. Having forced walking segments to listen to annoying characters, or sections with ugly people yelling at you isn't scary either. Then again, no RE was scary. Remake 2 took an enormous shit on RE7.
A classic game with tank controls would be a pretty big departure at this point. Just sayin'.
Never considered myself a proper RE fan so they can do 1st person, werewolves and paranormal shit for all I care
I loved RE7
>make universally praised re 2 remake
>completely depart from it with cash grab piece of shit re3 remake and its universally shitted on
>okay what do we do now?
>lets make something even further away from re2 remake for re8, make sure it has more lootboxes this time!
>NOOOO game require use brain bad! I wanna streamerbait trash
>RE4 is a serious departure
>massively popular and successful
>RE7 is a serious departure
>very popular and successful
I'm not hearing a problem
Good. Fuck lore. Lore fags ruin everything.
tedious and boring mechanics means i'm smart look at my iq guys
>Between the constant demakes, over the shoulder games and the walking simulator that was 7, Resident Evil 8 has more serious series departures
Just kill the series already
Remake 2 is just as garbage as 7
All re games feel like a b horror or action flick and I never found them scary.
massively is better than "very" as you like to claim it
Nope, it actually has good gameplay unlike 7 you cuck. Woah, le scary Jackman chasing me in le scripted events so spoopy. The enemies on the boat were fucking pleb as well.
it's only tedious and boring because of YOUR low IQ faggot
>Nooooooooooooo I can't figure out inventory management or tetris which is something even middle-aged housewives already had figured out since the early 90's I swear I'm smart
The only game that ever gets compared to Tetris is RE4, and there has yet to be a game in the series without any inventory management. RE6 is the game with the least inventory management and RE7 and the remakes lean more towards 1, 2, 3, REmake, 0 and CVX than they do to 4.
You just lack critical thinking skills.
literally nobody plays RE for the horror
If you can't handle item management, I'm suprised you're able to use the washroom or toilet IRL.
That's the whole draw, they're fun and schlocky
I've always considered myself a proper RE fan so they can do 1st person, werewolves and paranormal shit for all I care
I loved RE7
good. Fuck remaking PS1 games, give me another FPS.
I loved Ethan and Baker.
RE has been dead since RE 3 and CV. those were the last good REs. now its CoD RE.
2 remake was the best direction series took since 4, because nobody works there anymore who could make something like 4 good.
Werewolves could at least be a reasonable bioweapon, but if they start meddling in the occult bullshit it's gonna be as much of a disappointment as RE4, plotwise.
Your logic really must have passed out at some point if you think that if someone criticises a certain mechanic it means he can't handle them. Those two are not the same. Someone can very well handle something and still call it shit.
Then why would I play the originals over the 3rd person games?
RE4 was a mistaaaaaake : )
3 was a lazy cash grab and code veronica is fucking shit. Dino Crisis games are better than post RE2 classics.
t.grew up with a PS1
REmake>4>7>derivative stale trash>6
for the solid gameplay?
Couldn't agree more, I think that's the magic of the series in the sense that you can make a good RE game regardless of genre. Still waiting for my squad based STARS fps game my bros.
lol everyone ITT is shitting on you
>waaah i want to play good games over and over again
why don't you just replay it then?
I prefer REmake3's Carlos.
You ever played raccon city? its exactly what you say except you play as both umbrella and stars. It was a pretty good game but it sadly got a lot of hate because it released after res 5
Oh no, my online reputation is totally ruined what am I gonna do
capcom's second renaissance is officially over.
It was shorter this time...oh well, see you in two gens, folks.
well that's because you're a homosexual
That is kinda how you sound, yeah.
not in a gay way, I just think he's funnier and has way more personality without being a creep latin date rapist stereotype.
5, 6 and both revelations were good.
That's a good joke.
Only if the death scene for "dying" to a werewolf is you becoming one as well, UwU
If they're gonna keep doing first person, they need to at least bring back the Survivor cast.
Because they're far more compelling games ? Remake 2 is the best of the 3rd person games because it's so similar to OG RE2 in its structure. Fun sitting there but actually has depth. The 3rd person games are generally mindless, linear and thoughtless. Also more tedious, unfun shit like most of RE5 and 6 which are only really fun in co op.
RE7 is an absolute dumpster fire. None of the enemies are scary, it feels like a parody of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
You're delusional stooping so low as to put CV, which is only better than RE0, on a pedestal when REmake came out after it.
resident evil needs 3 things to be such
1. hot playable girls
2. horrible monsters
3. puzzles
if it is lacking one of these it's not resident evil it's garbage, if 8 is closer to 7 then I am fucking OUT
well that's because you're a homosexual
Stop listening to "leakers" you fucking retards.
Another short, stripped down, one and done, no side content filler game to look forward to. Awesome!
They do, and in fact tank controls and fixed camera are perfectly fine. You're probably zoomer trash.
Resident Evil games aren't scary. Are you 5?
5 and 6 should be reworked into an action series based on them to help remove certain limitations.
For example in RE6 the reactions you had to getting shot felt horrible and I feel they only were that way because the game wasn't committed to fully just being an action horror game and wanted to pretend to still have horror roots. They should just DMC it, and make a random new series from that.
I didn't like Revelations but Revelations 2 was good and close to RE2 IMO, but the REMOVAL of the dodge is why I say RE2 over Revelations in terms of gameplay
Tank controls are fine but everything else changed in the remake gameplay wise is a straight upgrade. Take the nostalgia goggles off.
Resident Evil 8 will be a city builder with roguelike elements. Screenshot this post.
good games don't need remakes
prove me wrong
Resident Evil required no thought whatsoever. Silent Hill is much better at everything you are pretending Resident Evil games were fun for.
When the game forces you to watch unskippable cutscenes of characters screaming at your face in vain attempts to be scary, it is a valid point to bring up. Mia was such a turd and couldn't give less of a fuck about her either, nor Jack or Ethan.