More powerful than PlayStation and most PCs

>More powerful than PlayStation and most PCs...
>... for a quarter of the price.

Thank you, Mr. Spencer. This will do nicely.

Attached: Xbox SeX.jpg (1280x720, 54.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>quarter of the price
It's going to be $250?

Fuck off in Italy a similar pc will run you 2k minimum

austria here and I have to kindly remind you that xboxs are for white people only
the roachstation5 is what you're looking for

I'm not italian I just live here but fuck you anyway.

holy fuck

& a quarter of the games

It's funny how sony's fanbase is jewy SJW types. It's also funny how desperate they look regarding the obvious fact that Sony got shook by the series x 12tf and decided to close the gap with extreme overclocks. There is no reason you would design a system from the ground up with absurd over clocks. There was ample evidence to suggest the ps5 was around ~9tf.

Uncle Phile is bringing us to the golden age.

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It doesn't really matter how many niggerflops it has until we have confirmation of a good game lineup. Why all this shitposting about specs?

have fun paying the monthly tax to use your internet.

based oida

>specs dont matter
they do matter

Playing multiplayer in 2020 is a bit pathetic. Please don't out yourself like this in the future, it's embarrassing for the both of us.

Because wherever you live is so awesome

So you can play multiplats at high resolution? Then you've just got a worse PC.

Name just one generation where powerful hardware meant an instant win

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This one.

I play a lot of multiplats yes, and I want a console that runs them in 4k60 on my tv, unlike the weak shitstation5 or weak shit-rights which mustards on this board try to brag about

No it won't. Feel real sorry for people who think high end hardware means a console autowins

The nogame-box cock swallowers still believing corporate lies that their nogame-box is more "powerful" than an average PC.

what kind of shitbox you buying

I feel sorry for those who deny the inevitable.

Why are all Sony fans trannies?

Attached: 1584662568376.jpg (1440x1819, 165.54K)

>go into bannerlord thread
>98% of posters gaming on shit-rigs that benchmark worse than the oneX, never mind the upcoming SX
>go into xbox thread
>bunch of sonygroids larping as pc gamers with epic rigs
I lmao everytim

>ps2 outsold gcn+xbox
>nintendo wii outsold ps3+360
>switch outselling ps4+xbone
they do not matter you stupid nigger

>thrid world shithole sales numbers where you cant even get an xbox
top kek
sell a gorillion shitstations if you want, I'm not gaming on a weak piece of trash

Yes the Xbones DRM had nothing to do with it, it was solely the PS4 being more powerful.

you're gaming on a console, too late nigger

What's DRM.

>tell sonyroach hes gaming on trash
>"muh sales"
>tell sonyroach sales dont matter cause hes gaming on trash
>"im a pc gamer!"

Sony banned my PSN like 3 years ago because someone hacked the store and I downloaded like 10 games because they said 'free'. Never had that problem on Xbox. Because Xbox isnt about to let some lard ass hack their shit. Also PS4 is for children.

Xbone was $100 more and had zero games

Nice job undermining any point you were trying to make by using a racial slur. Dingleberry

>specs matter but facts dont
kek indeed

it's a fact that specs matter

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based Phil

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How can one man be so based?

snoyboys on suicide watch after this one

im actually rather upset that this game probably wont get a sequel


this and forza horizon 2 are the best xboner games

>not throwing killer instinct on that list

i dont like fighting games


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nice i'm getting one too
feels good to not be braindead

>implying your shitbox won't be gimped to hell and back due to cost, power and cooling limitations
Man it's going to have the shit downclocked out of it and run vidya at presudo-8K 10 fps just like all previous gens.

Attached: lel.jpg (150x150, 3.9K)

I'm not buying it, I just like rooting for the underdog.

theyve shown it running games and it looks like theyre telling the truth

same here
if fh5 is in japan though im buying a sexbox

games are more fun when they run at smooth framerates so yes specs matter. matters less for movie games though.

>i care about specs
>but i dont want to put down the money for the best specs

Attached: EUnDIdtWsAEz_Us.jpg (900x743, 176.38K)

>a YT comment
>my dad works at Nintendo

Attached: EETQYhOVAAAacg5.jpg (1080x667, 65.56K)

there is literally almost no black people in italy you uncultured fuck

>Crapgamer switched sides just as Sony started fucking up

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based and truepilled

guy who leaked HZD coming to PC said ps5 wil launch with no 1st party exclusive

xbox 360, was more powerful and won
xbox one, released the x version mid-gen and won
xbox sex, will release more powerful and will be the best place to play games again.

>xbox one, released the x version mid-gen and won
good one

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still going to buy a ps5 over new xbox

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>still going to buy a ps5 over new xbox

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>cope: the image

I don't have to pay $2k for a pc pastanigger LMFAO


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Cool. Can't wait for shit games. Long load times. 2001 UIs. Slow menus. Wooop woop.