Does Amy Rose even deserve love from Sonic the Hedgehog considering how she’s sorta mean to everyone else?

Does Amy Rose even deserve love from Sonic the Hedgehog considering how she’s sorta mean to everyone else?

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Would you eat the chocolates, even if her DNA was in them and it would turn you into a clone of her?

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She doesn't deserve love from anyone in her world or irl

I’m allergic to chocolate so no

She's not mean to anyone else. She's only been recently mean towards Sonic and that's when he actually shows disinterest in her.

Also You used this same image to start a last thread, correct?

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Kinda curious as to why they heavily toned down her Sonic obsession in her most recent appearances. I don't mind it, it's just a weird jump going from obsessive yandere stereotype to character that feels more grounded in comparison.

I love Amy Rose!

Post amy

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>Does Amy Rose even deserve love


because everything needs to be assexual these days

If you don't like Amy, why do you come into all her threads and shitpost?

a group of discordfags are organized to shitpost all the day on Yas Forums and Jannies don't do anything to that shit


I've been ignoring them for like a week. This was too good to pass up.

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I'd rather get a physical, if you know what I'm saying.

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as long as she's obsessed but can still live her own life she still is like clingy ass women irl

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reminder that sonic was on a date with Amy in black knight, that's why he had 2 chilly dogs on the first place

sadly nusonic is faggot since his "adventures" aren't even worth

Because a cunt who never shuts up about a guy she wants is annoying. Very annoying.

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Amy deserves the worst punishment of all - marrying me.

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A pandemic threatens the world...
No one knows how it started. All that is known is that it's affecting millions of people worldwide...
People all over the world are turning into Amy. They bake chocolates with their DNA and convert others into her...
How can we stop this pandemic before it gets worse?

>stop eating chocolate but live in a world of amys
sign me the fuck up, im going to breed so much short pink furry pussy

> user is user
> user's roommate, John Doe, has been Amy-fied.
> John has taken to the change in stride and tries to do things as he normally does.
> user has not.
> Every day, he has to wake up to a short, pink little cartoon person living in his apartment.
> Amy-John, being tiny, often asks user to pick them up to reach places and do other things that require height
> user takes note about how it feel to hold her(him) in his arms.
> user takes note how Amy-John looks up at user
> user is confused.

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Why fight it? I'm sure almost everyone would become a very cute hedgehog if given the chance.

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Amy hasn't been mean to anyone in a good while now. SEGA seems to be trying to move her away from being as violent and crazy as she used to be.

It started with Sonic Boom, I think. I think it's a nice change, desu. Original Amy seemed more like a stalker than one of Sonic's friends to the point where it seemed like he actively disliked her.

Now she's just a friend that comes onto him occasionally.

>It started with Sonic Boom
The same Boom where it's now canon she has a shrine dedicated to Sonic? She may not be a bitch or as violent anymore but she's still a crazy stalker and it gets my dick so fucking hard god damn I want a yandere gf

Because it started getting more and more extreme to the point where it was starting to make her unlikable. Remember, Sonic Heroes had Team Rose start a fight with Team Sonic in a cutscene with Amy pretty much telling him that Sonic WAS going to marry her no matter what. Sonic Boom, for all its problems, showed that Amy can work without wanting Sonic's furry blue cock in her mouth every time they're on screen and that's probably why they toned her crush down to normal levels in the mainline games. Probably one of the only good things Sonic Team has done with the characters in years.

Eh. That really didn't start happening until Sonic X.
The Adventure duology had a good balance between sweet and sour, so to speak.

RougAmy is a way better thing than it has any right to be

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S.P.D emergency

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You'd be a bit mean too if Eggman kept you as a sex slave for six months

Well she is twelve(formerly eight), so that's to be expected.

What do you think being hugged by Amy would feel like?

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unless you are a Manlet it would be like hugging a doll

Super Amy when?

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I don't get why people bring this up when ages in Sonic have literally never made sense or meant shit.

pressure on legs, face on crotch

That's too far user!

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she had a shrine? I thought it was just the life sized doll of sonic

Why can't Sega just give us the strong golden waifu? Even Dragonball gave us the Sayan girls recently.

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The world is not yet prepared for that, I assume.

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Because after fans bitched and whined about "too many characters", one of Sega's responses was to make it so only Sonic can ever go super again.

This, we hardly even see Super shadow anymore

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Sometimes you've just got to take what you want in life

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God, I hate Sonic fans so much.

desu super sonic isn't even necessary anymore,all the enemies are jokes,the last one who would make sense in plot would be time eater and dark gaia since they where omnipotent shit

Why doesn't she just settle for Knuckles or something?

People wanting Sonic to be a 1:1 to Shounen the literal japanese capeshit are why this franchise and most importantly the fanbase need to die off asap. You all have irredeemable shit taste.

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Her personality was changed since Colors/Lost World/Boom. She is less of a psycho yandere and more of a mother of the group.
Personally, I think she is more boring and bland now. But she still loves Sonic in a responsible way and its more likely for Sonic to return those feelings now.

She has standards.


Playable Amy when?

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