If they added new senrans in the next game what fetishes would you want them to cater too?

If they added new senrans in the next game what fetishes would you want them to cater too?
They already gave stuff for diaper fags.
Mine'd be goth, clown, ssbbw, shortstack.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>in the next game
user... I ...

dumb coomer weebshit
kys tranny


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There will be no more Senran Kagura, user. The franchise is dead.

SJWs won, we lost.

When did this happen?

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Says who?

Inverted nipples


>Replying to him with the reply thats already replied to him.


Preferably one where the Hanzo girls are reacting to a stinky blast from Asuka's chocolate starfish.

I thought japs ignored SJW's?

Attached: no more happy boobs.jpg (980x793, 139.54K)

>Not belching
Weak in body and spirit.

SONY is not a japanese company.

I would want them to add my OC to the game.

Japs ignore SJWs, but they can't ignore their Sony Californian overlords.

Yuri tongue kissing with saliva trails.

>the next game

Attached: ....png (485x326, 184.28K)

Sony moved in Cali, user
the only new fetish (maybe the only fetish) being represented in a future Senran main game is virtue signalling

It's not just calicommie sony but also the fact the director is a huge sony bitch who wasn't willing to take the series to another platform. So he made some stupid waveracing game with notSK girls that nobody cared about.

It pains me to see the shitty situation SK is in at the moment. With its creator gone and Sony enforcing garbage censorship with the Japs not even being able to pledge since they have to be in ENGLISH ONLY you could say this franchise is limbo'd for good. I liked Senran Kagura, too. Both the musou and the character customization aspect.

I fucking love this franchise unironically, but im still going to say that I want gameplay.

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SK isn't Sony, Takaki is just a bootlicking idiot who refuses to acknowledge alternatives. The series could be fine if the right people got their heads out of their asses.

>another garbageran thread full with npcs

I just wanted a thread where we could bond or wage war with eachother over our degenerate fetishes, and instead I recieve horrible news.
Man fuck this.

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Or if anyone other than Takaki took charge.

Which they should do, since he's not even at Marvelous anymore.


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They do, Snoy is in Southern California, not Japan.

This isn't news, it's been in the open since before Renewal released but the signs were there as far back as the canon shift to the Versus timeline. Takaki lost the plot while looking at the Deep Crimson/Shinovi Versus situation. Series has been fucked for a while now.

Not quite, but I present Fubuki to you.

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More breast expansion.
And ass expansion too.

I haven't played a single one of these games because the graphics and gameplay seem so shovelware that I can't bring myself to play one.
Also because I completely burnt out on Dynasty Warriors style "here's a mob, fuck them up" gameplay that not even poorly modeled girls whose hair models clip through their bodies could convince me.
I think Ikaruga is hot and Souji wears a leotard that caters to my fetish

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I just want more of my sweet love Rin being an absolute hopeless romantic sweetie pie

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whats this from??

What are the chances that Takaki will create something similar to Senran Kagura while working for another company?
sort of like Kojima with Death Stranding even though that's not a fair comparisson

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Not bad but it needs black lipstick and a navel piercing(No other piercings though, except maybe ears, anything else is too much).

Why is Asuka so cute?

Because shes innocent and posotive, two of the most important traits for a person(Not a ninja usually but who cares big titties isnt good for sneaking anyway.)

He already tried to make something else with that jetski game. And it sucked. Being at a different company won't fix that.

At least you have good taste.

From what we know right now? No chance.
He said on an interview that his only original idea of a project at Cygames is a sort of beat em up, but the cast would mainly be dudes.

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This is a girls only thread.

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Boys don't have tits like that

Some of them do, theyre just really fat usually or experience it as a side effect from antidepressants and shit.

MtF-genderswapped Senran
Irreversibly, of course

I want to sexually convert Imu

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Miyabi isn't that fat though

They should stop being cowards and make Minori the 13 year old shortstack she's meant to be

Yeah, that's more up her alley

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miyabi milkers

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>in the next game

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Ryoubi's a nice start, but we could go much further.

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>What are the chances that Takaki will create something similar to Senran Kagura while working for another company?

he made a shitty water ski game with worse everything and now works for gacha shit company, he could have chosen to develop for switch and PC bust instead bailed because he is a sony boot licker, fuck him

Jesus Christ OP she's 16 years old stop sexualizing her.