Animal Crossing says genderfluid rights

Animal Crossing says genderfluid rights.

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Imagine not supporting trans rights

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Went from boys not being allowed to wear girl's clothes to being allowed in New Leaf but with Mabel implying you're a freak to this.

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what do you mean? you could have girl style haircuts in new leaf back in 2013.

>I suppose

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fuck off

LMFAO of course he's a Bruins fan

seeth more mancubus

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The chin on that right can support aaaanything it needs to on its own

Remember this is all the doing of white people. White people hate family values and place their loyalty to trannies above all else.

Imagine being against the concept of the non-binary

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baka desu senpai baka

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the spanish version says
>Islander (male)
>Islander (female)

Look man, I bust nuts to Momokun and even to me, trannies just aren't worth the fap.
Momokun, dude. She's like a fucking cross between a Bobo doll and Great Value Jessica Nigri.

you mean jews?

Imagine being the GF knowing the BF you dated wants to be a woman.
You'd honestly think you fucked up as a woman somewhere.


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Well its a gendered language
their language prevents them from comprehending the concept non-binary

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nonono the gender shit is old hat, you're suppose to complain about the new one not having useless features that only showed up once in the original game.

Japanese does too. Seems only the English version dropped the "boy/girl" thing?

Imagine being so obsessed with how society thinks your gender should behave that the idea of castrating yourself is less stressful than the idea of not conforming to your "gender role".

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Trans people are mentally ill and non-binary is made up nonsense from kids who were never raised properly. Day cares likely raised them while their single mother worked every day so they learned the only way to get attention from others is to cry, scream and do everything to stand out. This is a cry for help.

Every version of AC except the English version has the (Male) (Female) thing.
Because westerners are too fucking sensitive now that male and female trigger them so fucking hard they go into a seething pit of rage and cry on twitter 24/7 about it.

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>NOOOOO I can't have my character be a tranny because they took out the genders!

>FF7 Remake promotes crossdressing and transgenderism through a homo erotic mandatory dance sequence

>New Horizons deletes gender

>Cyberpunk 2077 Deletes gender

Yeah I’m thinking 2020 is based


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NoA is cancer, we've known for years. Still enjoying the game.


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>Women are being removed by "men" who want to cross dress
>If you call these "men" out, you get called a TERF
Transexualism is another tool to diminish and control women. It's fucking bullshit.

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This is MLP-tier cringe, why does Yas Forums like this game again?

She’s fucked so many BBC’s

This real?


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>tfw no trans gf

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It'll be even more based when corona has her way with these useful idiots.

Animal Crossdressing is tranny propaganda trash just like every Neokikepisstrashtendo game. They're not even trying to hide their agenda now

Japanese isn't a gendered language and also says boy and girl

In fact I think English is the only translation that does this shit


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>He doesn't know

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And I say get on your knees and suck my cock if you keep being a faggot.

He's right you know. Watching males beat the shit out of actual women is pretty "woke" I must say though. You lefties were the real misogynists all along.

all surgery

is this a big enough screen

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I'd be stoked to have a vag that creates 40%ers, it would be a horrific weapon in the right hands.

Why have I still never actually encountered anyone in real life that does this "non-binary, I have no gender" stuff? It feels wholly confined to the Internet and various pieces of "progressive" media.

>trans rights movement is actually sexist against women
The ultimate redpill

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>progressive ”””””humor”””””

>Be born with a great masculine bone structure that makes you a recently attractive man
>Throw it all away to be a shovel faced "woman"

>be man with giant tits
>start calling yourself a girl
>lose weight and get rid of the tits
Some people are just addicted to self-sabotage

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Because people in real life don't act like people on the internet do.

Trans women are women

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of all the traps you cling onto a joke character


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Update when?

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No. They are biological males. A watermelon is not a handgun no matter how many times you insist it is. You are deluded and mentally ill if you honestly believe what you said.

>my biology doesn't determine my gender!
>I need to dramatically alter my biology with surgery and drugs to conform to my """real""" gender!

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guy looked like a fag

Ngl, would've done this had I known about it earlier. Growing up as a tranny can't be worse than growing up as a fat incel.

i matched with this "chick" on tinder

I read it on my phone m8

There are literally differences in brain shape and size between men and women
Trans women brains look like female brains.

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>ugly people exist haha take that trannies!

why is ftm crossdressing so rare

That fucking colonial era house looking ass jaw

Are there any AAA games with a trans protag?

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It does look nice on him though.

It's casual, relaxing fun. At least it's not faggot shit like "high schoolers are unstoppable" or "God/Church is evil" tropes we get in JRPGs

because masculinity is seen as being inherently worse than femininity.

>I spent all day taking hundreds of pictures of myself and finally got one where I almost look like a gir haha take that cishet scum!

I've been noticing you a lot on Yas Forums in threads like this one. What's your deal? Are you a minority agains sjwism?

I love animal crossing, but I agree, I don't like this removal of gender and walking on eggshells for these outrage seeking social media types

I wonder who you're quoting

And their biology is still male. You idiots have to create 2+ biological sexes in order to serve your delusions.

And as far as the science is concerned, many scientists deny there are even any biological differences between male and female brains, so your argument is untrue.

yes, a brain looks like a brain
thanks for clarifying professor.

Why is it always Anglos pushing trannies?

He’s a self-hating white nationalist who spends too much time on twitter

Based animal o'kami

>Transexualism is another tool to diminish and control women
Woah, you're actually making trannies sound pretty based

Cultural marxism and the Frankfurt School. They are "whites" when it is convenient for them.

head too big

why the marimba

I don't see the problem here.

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He died by tits and surgery

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Either that or the Germs. I wouldn't be surprised if they have the urge to destroy something like they did to Europe since they were just a handful of tribes.

>tfw no trans bf

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wtf bros why do rich people get to be passable

Like... 4. She's taken a lot more white cocks.

oh yeah, forgot he topped himself
was a coin flip regardless


mostly painkillers

Anime makes people gay and trans, we know.

>$50000 for Surgery from the most expensive surgeon for the full package
>"Rich" people

why are kikes always so ugly?

*only in the shithole named USA.

>started the game
>just picked the one that looked like a dude and got on with the fucking game I paid money to play and barely even thought about it until Yas Forums got upset about it
>Yas Forums perpetually obsessed with tilting at tranny windmills for years on end now

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Drag kings are a thing, user.

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nice. we've gotten progressives to admit that there are physical differences between male and female brains so that they can defend trans people. 4d chess

This is bate, because reminder, that this is not the case on the international edition of the game. The only changed this toward the end because they were getting pressured to, and the development team was actually mocking and making fun of these people and only did it because they did not want to deal with their whining.

Genderfluid people are a joke, and you will always be a joke.

You really think that dude only paid $50,000 for this entire transition? Are you dense?

Don't be jealous cuz they take better selfies than you

>tranny thread
>alll whites
Like pottery, truly the most degenerate race.

Blame the stupid Americans

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SMT Devil Survivor 2 has an intersex MC.

Imagine cutting off your own dick and taking estrogen because you're mentally ill.


>that look of barely contained disgust

just decided I'm trans
I think I can feel my skull reshaping right now
okay, I'm not trans any more
oh shit it reshaped back!!

No one is jealous that they have a crippling mental disorder that causes them to kill themselves that we don’t have.

Sex influences all physical characteristics, including the brain. Having a brain closer to the female end of the spectrum (according to god-knows-what metric) doesn't make you a "girl" any more than being 5'3" with wide hips makes you a girl.

>implying you know shit about science and dont just quote it when the need suits you

Stats show there's actually more PoC trannies than whites, whites are just attention hogs on social media while PoC trannies have to do sex work to pay for their shit