>retarded midget fluffball fights with a fucking nunchuck
never 180'd on a character so fast.
Trials of Mana
She mainly uses flails, but there are nunchucks as well.
You're just afraid of the C
What is the C?
>outdated gear
>about to fight earth benevodon on gnome day
Not a good idea isn't it?
Something you coom in and looks nice
Maybe I can get past the retarded speaking...
I'm thinking about buying this game, but I actually can't stand looking at this character. Is s/he optional? I don't want to look at or hear this person if I don't have to.
All characters are optional if you want them to be. You pick three to be your party for that playthrough.
What are your classes?
Excellent. I tried to play this years ago, but it kept failing the checksum and hanging on a black screen, and I didn't feel like looking into getting it working. Always heard SD3 was good though.
This is SD3, right?
Helps to use JP audio a lot.
>he doesn't like Charlotte
Absolutely awful taste dechi
I know I'll love this game, but denuvo's a really big turnoff and I dont want to support it at all, what should I do Yas Forumsros?
Just killed him
Knight, Sorceress and Ninja.
I don't want to grind and want to beat the game fast because I will be playing FFVII and The Trials remake soon.
So everyone is 3 levels lower than the current area enemies and only Duran deals over 1 damage over regular mobs while he is useless during bosses and is only there to heal while Hawkeye and Angela deal tona of damage spamming jutsus and magic.
6 Benevodons to go
Get it on a different platform or pirate it, I guess.
Not everyone here is a pedophile, user. I could even get past it even she didn't talk like a literal baby.
You can like a character for non-degenerate reasons user, stop projecting so hard.
Half of my point was that even besides that she's fucking annoying.
They went a little overboard with the localization, that much I can agree on.
>Special attack where she repeatedly whacks an enemy with said nunchuck then falls on her butt and owies
Fucking 10/10 Still won't put her in my party though
>Not everyone here is a pedophile,
>datamines confirm we get to fight the unused boss squid Byron and the three nation leaders
Holy based
Has data mining revealed a difficulty setting above Hard?
is it true that she's a retarded adult with dwarfism?
She's 15
Apparently she's the same age as the rest of the playable characters.
She's half-elf so she ages slowly.
She lives with her grandpa and a bunch of people who coddle her a lot too so that didn't help with the mental development.
Anyone else thats gonna buy it on the PS4?
Flamekhan has been a dick all along, jussayin
What other rpgs should I play while I wait for the remake to be released? I don't really want to play the first seiken densetsu because it just looks bad.
Thinking either ff10, ys 3, or SaGa.
Would like to know this as well.
I am.
Tried the demo on Switch and PS4. Portability is nice but the difference in performance is pretty significant so I'm going with PS4 after all.
So we get to have sex with Angelas mom? Awesome
Saga rereleases aren't bad. They got less of the RPG maker violation the DQ and FF releases got.
Yeah same reason for me. I barely use my switch out of the dock nowadays anyway.
There's NG+ but I haven't seen anything about something above Hard mode.
I hope it comes in a patch or something.
I'm not worried about the starting area being easy, of course that's easy, but I've seen gameplay videos on YouTube where people are in more advanced areas and they still take no damage. I hope at least that those videos are showing overleveled people playing on Normal or something.
solo-mode would be dope for a harder-mode
I think the only way to see for sure is to wait for people to actually start playing on release. I remember hearing somewhere that hard mode gets harder as the game progresses. Guessing that some of the later-game demo stuff was on easier modes and/or involved being overleveled for demo purposes. For what it's worth that Playstation underground video featured the person playing stacking the everloving fuck out of survivability stats.
Ngl if it is easier it might be improved by that. I had several times in the original where I had to grind for like an hour to get to the right level, mostly because I used the death level based spell so I couldn't fight bosses at a low level.
He was overleveled and stacked durability stats on top of us not knowing the difficulty.
Any leaks yet?
>that Playstation underground video
Oh, yeah that's the one I was thinking about heh
That's a bit reassuring.
I am glad that they (apparently) got rid of literally unavoidable damage when monsters cast magic, that was obviously hard but not in a right way I think.
I'm not opposed to self-imposed challenges either in case the difficulty doesn't ramp up significantly.
I thought this was already out in japan for some reason
Unfortunately no, worldwide release in 20 days.
Hadn't thought about it but worldwide releases are pretty common now, aren't they?
Yeah they are, probably because the nip market is just so shit for anything not made by shitendo now days.
>I am glad that they (apparently) got rid of literally unavoidable damage when monsters cast magic, that was obviously hard but not in a right way I think.
I definitely agree. A number of bosses were little more than glorified number checks in the original version.
>I'm not opposed to self-imposed challenges either in case the difficulty doesn't ramp up significantly.
Thankfully Trials is really good with that, provided they don't force class changes in the remake. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't force them, since no class changes is a pretty common self-imposed challenge, if memory serves me right.
>Saga rereleases aren't bad. They got less of the RPG maker violation the DQ and FF releases got.
I was confused with live a live and romancing saga, but I'll still look into the latter.
beastboi > nunchuckball > green coom > red coom > thief > swordguy
Was honestly surprised by how fun red coom was to play. Screens of her are the reason I bothered to download the demo to begin with (won a purchase from me, just don't know if it'll be day 1 or wait for sale), but I didn't expect her melee to be any fun after realizing she's basically the black mage of the game. Expected to hate Charlotte because I thought she was just there for the pedos, turns out she uses the coolest weapon in the game, is fast as fuck, and is actually funny and cute once you give her a chance.
Thief was the biggest disappointment, though. Expected him to be the most fun.
carlie is good and sabers are good
>no class changes is a pretty common self-imposed challenge
The biggest challenge there would be missing out on the costumes.
I think one of the gameplay videos showed Zable Fahr and the usual move he does looked unavoidable. Unless simply jumping does the trick.
>no forced class changes
The original never forced you to change class either, it is just very difficult if you don't.
Bad taste
It goes
Red coom>beastboi>thief>swordguy>green coom>swordguy>chawwote
Thief is the most fun with nightblade because it is fuckin OP
>here's your valkyrie bro
Right, that's what I was getting at. I'm saying it's possible the remake could change that, given the tendency of modern games idiotproofing themselves. On the other hand, it seems like they have a pretty good idea of the target audience of this game, so that makes it less likely to happen.
Which swordguy placement is the real one?
Night blade? Is that something from the original? Or is is something accessible in the demo of this remake? Anyways, I was thinking he'd probably grow on me with some more time or at higher levels. The good news is they're all fun to play at least.
I don't really care for Duran either as a character or as a playable character. He's a meathead dipshit whose origin episode stands in HEAVY contrast with pretty much everyone else. His gameplay is... typical? Unsurprising? He's the generic swordsman of the game, and he plays like a generic swordsman. I'm sure that some people's thing, but I'll pass on Duran for the time being.
is there a leaked full version of the game out or something, the demo certainly doesn't get you that far.