Yas Forums was wrong once again.
Cooking Mama Drama
Should I buy this game? Is it going to be a collector's item?
The strongest supported theory for why it got pulled from the eShop is that it's a bootleg.
This just leads to question B. Why was it pulled?
Something weird it's going on. It has been said it mines bitcoin and overheats your Seitch, but sone peopke who happen to have the game say it's not true. Some others says according to a press release only accessible through the Waybavk Machine, the technology is there , it is possible for the game to mine crypto.
It reads like a creepypasta.
Licesing issues?
>believing some twitter nobody
uh yeah
can someboy explain this drama without details?
>Believing in a random Yas Forums poster.
Imagine being such an autistic loser that a twitter screencap triggers you.
I'm gonna keep telling people there was cause it's an interesting story.
There's drama about cooking mama. Is that few enough details for you?
Literally who?
well if some random guy on twitter says it, i dont see any reason to doubt it
i get all my facts from random twitter or youtube comments
How can you explain something without details?
Cooking Mama game get released on the eShop, gets pulled out after a few hours. Sone retailers sell the game, most don't. There is a PS4 version but it's nowhere to be found. Has a shady blockchain feature.
Imagine being such an autistic loser that you trust some twitter post.
What reason would you have to believe that this guy has access to the source code for a published, closed source game like this?
Is this guy some kind of expert? Whats the code he got access too? He talks like a fucking bishop speaking to medieval peasants like we should really trust his divine judgement.
Does this thing mine crypto or not?
Why a Cooking Mama game is surrounded by shady shit?
Not him but unironically kill yourself.
Why the fuck don't you stay in Twitter?
Why the fuck do you think any sane person would believe anything someone with a Mario avatar says over Twitter?
You may not understand this since zoomers like you were raised to think a blue check mark next to your name means you know what you're talking about, and the best source of political information is quoting actors and celebrities on their opinions.
Again, Kys asap
His post reads like tweets that said "flu kills more people" back in February. He probably did a CTRL+F for "bitcoin" and "crypto" and nothing came up case closed.
>twitter user with pronouns in the bio
What do you think Reverse Engineering (RE in the tweet) work is?
Unironically this though, I've never met anyone on the lgbtq spectrum that is capable of that kind of reverse engineering. Or any.
>literally who twitter thread
>even has drama in the post title
i just want to fuck that mama
Discordfag here
>Playing on Switch
and filtered
this is the developer's site now btw lmao
it didn't give a warning yesterday
Wow thank you twitter user with a Mario avatar, I'm glad you're here to defend Nintendo like always.
>Getting this assmad about someone posting something from a social media site to another social media site
Get some fresh air user
>random reddit filename
>didn't even understand what the pic was about
ESL tourist.
Was the tranny right?
>calling someone a loser on Yas Forums
absolutely not. what do either of those points have to do with anything? The game doesn't implement blockchain in either of those ways so what is he talking about?
As the developers we can say with certainty there is no cryptocurrency or data collection or blockchain or anything else shady in the code. The Nintendo Switch is a very safe platform, with none of the data and privacy issues associated with some mobile and PC games.
So yeah probably just forgot to change the release date after a hasty transition to work from home.
Always do the opposite what trannies say.
CIA pulled the game since it used blockchain to share data between players
This reads like the corporate jargon that was used to fucking sell the game
It's not even the same developers of the original
I pity the dev team, looks like they are getting fucked over for nothing
>schizo typos
I bought it. Will report when it comes in.
a lot of it isnt true. I got the digital version when it went up. I can play the games just fine without being online or being connected to wifi. Switch hasnt overheated at all and i play it daily for way longer than 30min
wait a second
>Computer scientist who understands blockchain
But clearly doesn't understand security token offerings (which they ran) or the business reasoning behind utilizing blockchain technology. Variable ID system could also be done by generating a random number. Certain copies won't receive exclusive new content, so the differences between experiences might not be even there. This guy is the "I'm in it for the tech" idiot of crypto projects.
are you implying that Yas Forums is a fucking social media website?
Theres been a cooking drama
isnt it Planet Entertainment that made it?
The only difference betwen Yas Forums and twitter is that you don't HAVE to create a user name
here's the big question user.
is the game good?
and does Mama's family shows up in it?
Another thing to note, this guy (Eandom who from Connecticut) runs the publishing of the game. He denies any of this of course
they are just the publishers, the actual developers are 1stPlayable and some of the big members of the original japanese team helped the project in the production.
Is Cooking Mama a real Mama?
if so, who are her children?
Only Yas Forums would think anyone would want to use a switch as a bit coin miner.
what? the studio official account talked about the game here twitter.com
>you socialize with people here
>you share media like images
I own it and the only error I get is pic related. Any idea what it means?
She has two kids, an husband and a dog.
post evidence faggot. Post video or its bullshit
you're next.
What? Are you retarded?
Dude I only paid $30 for it the day it came out
>Random Twitter user says it's not a cyrptominer with no proof.
>Everyone else who says it's a cryptominer has shown at least some evidence hinting at it being one.
that's cute.
I wonder if it is selling more than usual because of this whole controversy.
Excuse me?
It's less a drama and more a ~mystery~.
I got a hard copy of the game at target the day it came out and it’s done nothing to my switch... so far...
I remember mama having like a weird swedish accent or something but I look back at footage from the wii game and its clearly just a nip speaking engrish, this is some bearenstein level bullshit
the actual devs of the game are talking about it here twitter.com
The devs have come out and said it's not a cryptominer.
US and JP mama speak in engrish
EU mama speak with a weird british accent.
i hope it's the same for this game.
Yes your sekrit club is just social media under a different name
What a criminal wouldn't say to save his skin.
As if the devs would outright admit to such a thing
>50 bucks
Yes, you gigantic dumb fatty.
It should. I know you zoomers think "triggering" is a bad thing when it comes to being disgusted at shit, but you should be disgusted by shit. The opinions of a nobody should not be held in high regards.
what's good Yas Forums oldfag here i got cooking mama. p fun game honestly but the motion controls fuck compared to the wii and ds.
it's asking to update should i do it
i think it means that you are a fag
If I were to buy a copy for collection purposes, should I get a PS4 or Switch version?
what do you want a video of? it running with wifi off?
do it for mama faggot
Eh it's just $20. I recently got a big Corona virus raise and I'm not spending money anywhere else right now. Maybe the game will go for more later on. I'm willing to make this dumb decision right now.
Also it's sold out everywhere, Target doesn't list it, Walmart doesn't list it, there's only 5 copies on eBay. Something's up, and we'll find out what it is in the coming weeks. This for sure isn't getting a reprint.
Do as you want , the PS4 version has a different publisher strangely enough
>Trusting the devs who also have posted no proof.
Real question is why was it on sale the day it came out? And why was there almost zero advertising for this game?
>It has been said it mines bitcoin and overheats your Seitch
by one user, on Yas Forums, who was shitposting and never posted a source or anything. Please contain your autism and think about this logically.
Switch will always have a higher resale. Unless ghe ps4 print was substantially lower. But i think this is a case of mismanaged release date, not some secret hidden cause.
It’s a fucking forum not social media you retards
the publishers seem to be very dumb
demand is most definitely greater than the stock that's available
def get the ps4 version. i've been through 5 targets and seen evidence of switch existing but not ps4 and only 1 copy of the switch to be found at any of those stores
Why would anyone try to mine crypto currency with a console as powerful as an Xbox 360?
>stop dont call my safe space social mediaaaaa
Not a forum.
actually no scratch that buy every fucking copy you can.
>Everyone else who says it's a cryptominer has shown at least some evidence hinting at it being one.
Please provide one, single, literally any example of anyone actually documenting unusual resource use, unusual heat production, unusual game performance, unusual network activity, any single real sign that a miner is active, anything other than circumstantial guesswork that some games journalist came up with to generate hits on an article based on a vague press release from last year that only details the use of blockchain for DRM (which the developers are saying on Twitter didn't even get implemented beyond that notice to investors). The game is a shit Unity game with a completely mangled release, from a budget developer (1st Playable) that happened to get lucky with licensing for the Cooking Mama IP and then was pushed by their publisher (Planet Digital) to shove a bunch of blockchain DRM shit into it to pander to investors that didn't even actually happen. Those are the only hard facts we have.
Its developers are making a hoax around their own game to raise attention to it.
Probaly a new tittle is comming out or mama will be invited to Smash.
Would you like smash with mama?
Thanks, think I'll get one of each in that case. I can always return them if nothing comes of this situation.
every single problem with the game seems to circle back to the publishers. I'm starting to think its just one guy living in his moms basement.
You havent seen shit bitch
>actually like cooking mama games it's my guilty pleasure
>game is 40 bucks
>now this
i'm afraid...is the game good at least?
>Ichigo giving Valentine's chocolate to her brother
Are these REALLY the devs?
Also game is still on the devs site.
Why you bought this faggot game?
Are you a girl?
I bet you like The Sims too.
Please don't ruin this cuteness with you know what, degenerate-user.
>which the developers are saying on Twitter didn't even get implemented beyond that notice to investors
Except investors were sold worthless crypto tokens with a promise that their games will use those tokens. Said sale funded the devs who are responding. Nearly 30 million dollars.
>Cooking Mama IP and then was pushed by their publisher (Planet Digital) to shove a bunch of blockchain DRM shit into it to pander to investors that didn't even actually happen.
Which is why the game got recalled.