Are there any videogames that portay americans as war criminals...

Are there any videogames that portay americans as war criminals? And I'm not talking about "muh evil president forcing people to do atrocities" but something closer to reality with military willing to kill on command and main hero participating in all of that. I can't think of a single example

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This whole thread will consist of nothing but Spec Ops: The Line, and euros/spics bitching about America.

For me, it has to be Spec Ops: The Line

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Spec Ops: The Line is what you're looking for.

Every day I'm grateful that I don't have to live in USA.

Can't get any better than Spec Ops: The Line

Its not a war crime to destroy an enemy retreating trying to regroup. Come to think of it I don't think you can commit a war crime against arabs considering theyre not actually human beings.

Why are all Americans sociopathic?

damn he called it right on the money holy shit

>being surprised how easy it is to predict europoor comments whenever America is mentioned

Because the country doesn't give a shit about human lives

Which country does?

You don't get to the top by being a bitch

rent free. Go kill someone over toilet paper.

You mean he did damage control for something that's obvious? You don't say.

Is it a warcrime to invade a country without war declaration and kill its leader?

Sociopaths are weak by nature. Ted Bundy cried like a bitch on his way to the chair.

It could have been a good thread about how war crimes are portrayed in games, or a nice discussion on games that let you go against the government guys you thought were good, like Deus Ex.

But it's not. It's just the same old cliche bitching about America. I don't blame Americans one bit for acting arrogant when they have to hear the same thing all the time.

>I don't blame Americans one bit for acting arrogant when they have to hear the same thing all the time.
lmao. poor americans, having to hear mean things on the internet.


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>he doesnt realize that was fake and done to generate sympathy

user, you don't know what a sociopath is.

Not that hard to do honestly, spec ops is well known and euros and spics are magnetically attracted to any America bad thread on any board.

>rent free
which part upsets you, ahmed? nothing i said is wrong.

>war crime
Who the fuck came up with this retarded concept? You're killing people for wrongthink, how the fuck is that not already a crime?

lol not when youre the sole superpower. as one of our most famous jews said
>its good to be the king
make sure you thank uncle sam for the chink flu cure when you get it.

dunno,ask the next school shooting faggot

Ted Bundy's remorseful act in the courtroom was fake, but the begging, screaming, fighting the guards and pleading for his life on execution day, that was all real. Bundy was a coward. Sociopaths are cowards. Other people are dispensable to them, but when it comes to their own lives they are absolute babies.

Let's not conflate a mental defect with strength.

Yeah, but what's more evil? Killing soldiers or killing babies? Now which do you think is a war crime in the context of war?

Metal Gear.

Meanwhile America is exponentially on course to have more coronavirus deaths than any other country on the planet by far.

How the fuck is the highway of death a war crime
isn't cutting off a retreating enemy literally warfare 101?

None of that happened. He was calm during his final interview and his last words were thanks to his lawyer. He didn't fight any guards, he didn't plead for his life.

You're literally making shit up you fucking faggot.

look at you op
look at you.

there are no games for that feel, because it isn't real, you're just bitter as fuck and probably a nazi


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stop projecting, please

he literally spent the night before his execution crying and praying and calling his mommy lmao. i dunno about fighting the guards, but he was definitely a huge pussy about it considering the shit he was capable of doing to others.

Imagine defending Ted Bundy

>those hats
the eternal aussie

Pretty much

You absolute retard. He confessed to MORE murders after his sentencing and spent his last days crying like a faggot. He knew there was no way out.

Imagine being so stupid you make shit up to try and win your arguments

Not actually human beings is the same excuse they used with the japs, back in the big war. Lots of shit like skull trophies. Enough to make Khorne proud. When dead jap corpses were returned to their homeland after the war, something like 60% had their skulls missing.

>kills roasties
>blames it on cooming too much

Yeah, I'd say he was based

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America is the worst country in the whole world
Even worse than china

Kys chink glow nigger

Rulers who wanted to keep their armies intact, despite using them. Those folks got together to make a list of what's not ok to do to each other's toys. Things like don't execute prisoners, but trade them back after the war's over so both sides can recover their manpower a bit.
War crimes against civilians are a much later addition.

No one made anything up. This is all easily confirmed information.

That pic wasn't a war crime

goddamn fucking faggot. retreating combatants are still combatants, hang yourself cum slathering faggot.

literally based

>la times

Moshi moshi spic

Europeans have destroyed africa and asia. So it evens out.

>implying the vietnamese were human beings

>literally says nothing about fighting the guards, pleading for his life or any bullshit the other user said

Ok retard


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God what the fuck is the point of Yas Forums anymore if you can't even have a conversation with anyone.

>When dead jap corpses were returned to their homeland after the war, something like 60% had their skulls missing.
imagine making up numbers. let's see a source for that. taking skulls did happen but don't make up numbers

Maybe there aren't any because it's untrue.

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My grandfather died with a smile on his face. Bundy was a pussy.

So are surrendered combatants. And allied combatants. All of which the yanks are happy to shoot at. What's your point?

Hey, i like America.

Just don't respond to underage newfags. Unfortunately they're the vast majority.

Japs did the same to the chinks

Actually the reason for treating war prisoners decently is that if you don't, people tend to not give up and instead fight to the last. This in turn leads to them killing a whole lot more of you. So treating them decently saves lives on both sides.

How about you take your revisionism and fuck off back to you stupid fucking spic.


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Why are you so mad that your idol Ted Bundy wasn't actually strong, but severely mentally ill, selfish and weak?

>military willing to kill on command and main hero participating in all of that
Literally any war game?

>t. Balkan

>Country's citizens if not government-involved agents commit mass atrocity
>Foreign country shields perps despite being some third world wasteland by itself
>troops sent over
>"oy vey, america is the bad guy"

Killing fleeing enemies with the intent to fight again is not a war crime

Idc about bundy, you've the one bringing false history to somehow prove a point about americans as if we were all cloned from the same tube tank as him.

Thats some reddit tier shit and i think you should go back spic

Yep. And pretty much all other asians other than themselves. They had bretty good respect for whites though, until yanks fucked it up. It's almost like they were sucking up to the western powers and trying to become one of them.

>Enemy falls back
>Eliminate them before they can set up again
OMG America that's so evil!

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Well, Breakpoint has a backstory about this with the main villain but it's really about pmcs being evil

Your grandfather was smiling because he didn't have to put up with you anymore.

no, because video games are pro jewish propaganda, that's why americans are good goys killing brown people while the kikes count the shekels

Essentially FF15 in a way. I’m not even joking. Insomnia (the city Noctis is from) resembles a Japanese city and Gralea (the enemy city which destroys Insomnia) straight up resembles an American city

The Niffheim Empire commits war crimes against Insomnia

It’s not exactly “America bad” but it’s difficult not to see what they were going for

Americans are all sociopathic too, and being a sociopath isn't strength. Not caring about others isn't strong, it's just foregoing an inconvenience.

Addendum. 60% refers to the jap corpses from Marianas Islands. Other locations had lower rates.

No, that isn't correct.

Any game that features the nuclear bombings in japan?

Shut the fuck up tripfaggot


That's fake news!

>didnt dent my accusations cause hes so up his own ass about americans
Nice so i win. Ggs spic


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pic unrelated
killing goatfuckers cannot by definition be a war crime
i heard Americans raped a few women in Germany though, shameful business


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Please don't bring gun jesus into this. I don't want him to die for our sins.

Caring about strangers more than your own family isn't related in any way to goodness, it's a fear based morality where love is taken for granted and therefore dies in the hopes of avoiding conflict.

pic unrelated?

They are portrayed as scumbags thatll do anything for war profiteering in Valkyria Chronicle4

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even his commie ass wouldn't care about a few dead Arabs

Highway of Death wasn't a war crime you stupid euros and arabs. We can bomb you and you cant do anything about it.

ITT Starving euros cut off from Semen rations

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It is impossible to commit war crimes against communists as communists are not people.

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