Jill has a really nice body
Jill has a really nice body
Her back looks really strong. You can see from her arms she works out.
She's smart, she's brave, she's beautiful. I'm writing this post with only my right hand.
that sterile shower must have felt fucking amazing when she got through it.
no she's not and has saggy tits.
a slight tear drop sag is the most aesthetic part.
lmao, you neet faggot never working out. I can tell
She's alright though plenty of average gym thots have more bulk than her.
>saggy tits
this is your brain on coomer anime
What’s Jill’s bra size? That’s my favorite.
I'm on mobile so I can't post a pic but I think her character design is influenced by Kerri Russell.
>work out
Are you serious lmao
Shes used goods user. Plus she had an abortion. Disgusting
nope you really can't lmao.
What was that stupid "le vaccine" chase? in the end it gets destroyed and the plot obviously catches on with the events of the original but that was certainly pointless.
Kill yourself incel.
What did this mean?
i knew that from the demo, but... moar
Maybe I'm fucking retarded but is RE:Resistance available? I can't find it in the resident evil 3 menu.
Carlos' body is even better
I just noticed it's a separate game on Steam.
what can I say? she's perfect.
did wesker turn on the vibrator?
Built for monster throat rape
Her hand couldnt handle Carlos Big Brazillian Cock.The tip of her fingers looks bruised
built for BNC
Danm for Real Jill have a overall better face and there way less weird shots.Claire still have her weird puffy cheeks
i see they have turned jill into another empowered feminist npc. in RE 1 she was a scared vulnerable girl.
I'm playing on Nightmare with two hip pouches, the Samurai Edge, 1 attack power coin, ammo crafting thing, and the bolt cutters/lockpicks and it feels like cheating. Should I tone it down? There were I think 6 zombies outside of the donut shop and I headshot 5/6 of them with ~10 bullets. However, I just finished the bug nest and got to the first Nemesis encounter and he seems insane compared to hardcore so idk.
claire looks like she has autism
how did you unlocked so much stuff on your first round?
>slightly open mouth
I thought they weren't going to make her so sexual?
>trying to contact anyone with clearance to stop this shit
>in an IRC chat room.
I have finished the game two times so far, both on hardcore. This Nightmare run is my third. I assumed everyone had this many points? I also bought the RE1 costume.
in a hot way?
For me, it's Claire.
>people were complained that Jill looked like a goblin before game releases
>game is now out and the circlejerk began once again
lefty master race
I want to swooce in their caboose, if you know what I mean
skinny hannibal
What are the specs on the behemoth PC running that?
>"why is she not as much of a scared little girl this time as much as when she had never seen zombies before?"
you dont need a mega rig to run RE2/3, the RE engine runs on wizardry
No I don't?
Any huge titty mods yet?
Nemesised heh.
Yeah it's actually pretty well optimized.
I can probably squeeze out a little more graphic performance but at this point I'm not even really noticing the differences in settings and I'm averaging somewhere in the 100-ish range of frames/sec
call me a stupid person but how do you ger your steam screenshot filesize so low? i cant seem to find an option for jpg/png
Any mods to make Jill look like she did in RE biohazard?
Jeez, they really did a number on her face! She was a cute, now she's a brute.
There is one but makes her look worse.
Uh-oh, vothfags are here, help me Nemesis!
I wonder how her feet looks and smells like
She looks like a tranny.
Here I fixed Jill for you.
"I've seen some shit."