What the fuck is happening with tf2
Adding hats
gay niggers from space are flooding casual servers with bots that will crash the server if you try to votekick them.
aimbot or ddos attack otherwise.
Same as it ever was.
lag bots, I hope now that Alyx is out Valve give TF2 more than 5 part time devs to sort out VAC and add a Heavy Update
>people actually start to go back to tf2 after overwatch begins to die down in the public consciousness
>immediately afterwards game becomes infested with cheaters in every single multiplayer match
>most of the community servers are dead which forces people to play matchmaking with spinbots
Valve had a real opportunity to re-capitalize on TF2 after people who dropped the game in the meet your match/end of the line era began to come back. but nope. Valve doesn't give a shit.
Is this a keylogger
>arena mode
bring it back valve fuckers
depending on how long it takes Valve to fix this, it could mean a renaissance for community servers that aren’t BlackWonder and Skial 24/7 cp_orange3 InstaRespawn servers. Would be kino and honestly I’d rather have that happen than for the dev(s) to release a patch
To that user who keeps shilling creators.tf in these threads...thank you so much, it felt amazing to finally play a non-cancerous TF2 match again
unless you go to valve HQ to lick everyone's big pink cookies they won't do shit
How demanding is it to host a server?
I have a couple spare rigs hanging about in my house right now.
>First the economy
>Now matchmaking
Who dies next?
partyvan with voice_enable 0 is pretty good
call me a faggot for muting but im not about to listen to the micspam of someone with a frog profile picture
Arena was only fun with randomizer, medics make that mode lame
>not just muting the few faggots that spam constantly over everything
it's pretty enjoyable if you do that
found lots of good bands in this way
valve niggerkiller is literally killing this game with his lagger bots, holy based
tf2 is valve's retarded stepchild and because of the "do whatever you want" office culture at valve so nobody wants to bother with it.
Niggerkiller has been doing this on EU servers for months. He just starter on NA a few days ago. Don’t expect it to end any time soon. Go play community servers.
It took 10 years but people finally realized Valve is just a soulless corporate entity who only wants to push profitable garbage onto you, and have no integrity whatsoever.
>blizzard made a tf2 lagbot to try to kill tf2 so people would play overwatch
I think you mean cloak and dagger spies
It is a DEAD GAME, that's what's happening.
Learn how little Valve cares about anything
Doesnt make sense since TF2 only has like 6k active players and Overwatch has a million
>tf2 is dead, says increasingly nervous man for the 10th year in a row
6k tf2 players have infinitely more soul than a billion overwatch players
>in every single casual server
>crashes the server if someone tries kicking it
>erases the chat if anybody mentions words like “cheat”, “hack”, “kick”
This will kill matchmaking if Valve doesn’t fix it soon, but community servers are safe. Even if they do fix it, it will only be temporary since they don’t do hardware bans and Source is full of exploits.
considering their refusal to release player numbers and the fact that finding a match can take up to an hour on prime hours and without the need for lagbots, I sincerely doubt overwatch has a million players
It gets deader every year, user.
Now you have hackers who can crash the official servers and Valve doesn't give a single fuck anymore. You don't get updates, you don't get anticheats, you get only bad community, matchmaking and aimbots.
>finding a match can take up to an hour on prime hours
post your server region and map choice
I literally only queue up for cp_powerhouse on Virginia and I still get matches in a minute
Wrong since most tf2 players are south Americans therefore soulless
I was talking about overwatch dummy
>have to queue for 5 minutes for game
>find game within 10 seconds
And I’m in NA. Overwatch is dead as hell.
playing too much powerhouse has ruined my reading comprehension
Rather it be south americans than chinks
>lol bro just play in community servers
>Search for servers
>2FORT 24/7
Apparently theres more bots beyond the EU servers that are lagging them up. Good thing there's always deathrun servers
>wanting to play on a reddit mod
>No blog post so far this year
There’s a ton of normal payload, koth and capture point servers. There’s always creators.tf also
How does this shit even work? How can you just have bots that instakill a server?
What the fuck do we do about these Niggerkillers? I'm tired of being booted from good matches all because some cunt gets a kick out of ruining people's fun.
I don't know but exploits are the only fun to be had in tf2 anymore
Its actually more that their a bunch of isolated artsy faggots who only work on stuff that they want to. So you end up with a million go nowhere projects that never see the light of day while their actual established products die off as their work culture actively discourages working on them.
>Try TF2 10 years ago
>Wow this is really fun
>Trying to stomach playing sniper
>Jesus christ this is boring
>Game hands me a huntsman
>Headshot a fucker and staple him to the wall
>pure joy
>Play basically nothing but huntsman-jarate-bushwacka sniper
>Get good enough to the point that I'm click head shotting scouts in the air and I'm sneaking in the arrow stab taunt to people that get too close
>Quit after a while
>Come back 2 years ago
>Community has lost all it's charm, it's gone the way of typical ragey trash talking kids/teens who are in their "I just discovered naughty language and the internet phase"
>Entire team is held down in our spawn by a single sniper with a basic strange that has over 50,000 kills on it
>Dude switches to our team to talk trash over voice
>He doesn't even sound like he enjoys the game anymore
And so I uninstalled and never looked back.
>[VALVE] NiggerKiller has joined the server.
at least there was some fun last year with that whole "crate depression" fiasco
made like $30 from selling crates, plus a free unusual worth an additional $12
basically client sends too many packets to server
server dies
this exploit was fixed ages ago in every other source game but because valve doesn't care about tf2 we're stuck with it
At this point Valve could formally abandon the game and there's a community prepared to step in and offer servers, items, etc. for free.
>There’s a ton of normal
>a ton
>246 ping
I have favourited at least 10 in the last two or three days that are always full
>dude just play skial lol
>the servers are laggy shit
stop fucking memeing me
In a way this guy is based for killing casual
i'm kind of surprised that no one besides valve can do anything about this. i mean it's what, one guy and his bots doing all this shit, you'd think it wouldn't be too hard to track him down somehow. there's probably just not much call for doing that here because muh personal army, but i just want to know if such a thing is even possible.
fake as fuck
>Come back 2 years ago
>Dude switches to our team
>2 years ago
you’re not wrong though, the game and the community has gone down the shitter since Invasion, smart move to jump ship
get gud
It's simple as shit, I've hosted on a shitbox server I have and it was able to have 16 people playing on it smoothly
we sadly share the same fate, fellow jennyfag
that's entirely dependent on the region. mine literally only has 24/7 shit, trade and rp servers.
who told you this?
Lots of lag bots these days.
it's pretty straight forward.
the only issue I'm having is getting the ports forwarded properly. I'm pretty sure I did it right but my server still isn't visible outside of my network and I'm not sure where exactly the issue is.
its not in this thread but other previous tf2 threads anons were recommending skial
>there are no good community servers left!
>I can’t find anything that’s not skialshit or 2fort!
>creators.tf? stop being a reddit shill!
so many retards in these threads who can’t be bothered to find decent servers, feels good being a communityfag
voice spam is half the fun
tfw play one particular map in pubs often enough to recognize people who do the same thing as me
wouldn't it be kind of fucked if creators.tf were the ones doing this so their servers were the only options left
TF2 had a ridiculously long lifespan for a game that was essentially made as an 'extra.' If its era is over, it's over. Games are mortal.
it is when its good
even the edgiest, most low effort piece of shit can be fun
this youtube.com
I left for Overwatch as soon as Valve fucked everything up with their forced matchmaking with "casual" and "competitive" modes.
I still can't believe they were retarded enough to remove quickplay.
you really think im going to mention my favorite server on here? no. you fags can stay far away
>>people actually start to go back to tf2
When? Most of the "Going back to TF2" spam on here was TF2 players that nevver left.
tyler is too busy sniffing Alyx's ass to coordinate an underground strike like that
Nothing. That's the problem.
>Modern TF2
Pick one
Name one game with more soul. Protip: you can't.
Fair enough, but even on partyvan that sort of shit is rare