Coffee Shop/Brewster Art Section of Museum Gyroids Tortimer Island/Minigames Flea Market in Able Sisters Gracie Grace Wet Suit/Swimming Only One Nook Store Upgrade Club LOL Dream Suite Police Station Shampoodle Fortune Shop No Cloud Saves No Save Data Transfer between Switches
>Why are people heralding this shitty game as the savior of boredom during the Corona pandemic?
The ESRB ratings does list "in-game purchase" so we will likely see something on the lines of DLCs.
Nolan Jackson
Shadow AC thread?
James Martin
Why do I have to wait for a game to update to get better in 2020 when it was already delayed for release?
Noah Edwards
You forgot circle grass and square grass, BITCH
Also holidays being tied to internet sucks and kills the longevity of the game. What happens when they turn off the servers? What about players who don't like to play in sync with real time? Normally I set my clock 6 months forward so whats happening in the game is different from real life.
Are you retarded enough to pay for content you should've gotten in the first place?
Cooper Roberts
Good, one less thing for resetniggers to reset over. Nobody liked the other grass types.
Matthew Sullivan
Already first Upgrade in April with lots of new content ..impossible for them to bring back your shitty list! Right ?
Jeremiah Davis
You don't HAVE to do anything, play something else or don't buy AC at all if you don't think the current game has enough to warrant the price.
John Clark
You call a shitty Easter event with 12 recipes and some obnoxious eggs "lots of new content?" Keep sucking on that Nintendo dick fag. I hope a ball of cum satisfies your thirst.
Jaxson Lewis
>Remove all that >Game is still solid 8/10 I get what you're saying and I'm frustrated that it's gone. I also won't say "WELL THEY'RE GOING TO PATCH IT IN" because that hasn't been promised. But I'm enjoying the game too much to care.
Tyler White
I liked square. Circle was shit though. I'm sure some idiot liked it. Anyways it made your town feel ever so slightly more personal.
Xavier Collins
People without autism that just want to play videogames don't care about that specially for a game like that. My girlfriend plays it a lot, do you think she goes around saying "oh no they removed police station oh no how am I gonna enjoy the game now? Reeee" She plays the game and enjoys it, speaks volumes that my casual retard of a girlfriend is better at playing and enjoying videogames than an autistic tranny whose life only revolves about that. Kys asap
Benjamin Anderson
Why do these obsessed faggots always make dick sucking analogies when someone doesn't join them in their autistic tantrums? What the fuck is wrong with you?
You don't have to, don't play it, seems like the fanbase can do without an additional retard
Angel Clark
You forgot the cherry blossom recipes.
Nolan Miller
So when they remove something you enjoy from a series you like, you don't care? At all?
Colton Powell
>But what about autistic people like me? Why are they not designing the game around my autism?? Also the "what if the servers go down xD" made sense like 20 years ago, and not even then
Gavin Miller
which are hard to get because EGGS EGGS EGGS
Henry Jenkins
Sometimes for those people it's not enough for them to not play the game. They can't accept how other people are enjoying things he can't. Like that image with the stickman saying "STOP HAVING FUN!!". He probably never even played an AC game and it's just here to shitpost.
Jonathan Perez
The only thing I'm pissed off about is buying half of an Animal Crossing game. If you and your tranny girlfriend want to be sheeple you can both be first in line for the Summer DLC
Liam Fisher
There's already code that's been datamined that suggests the Museum cafe, Brewster, and Gyroids are coming back I do wish they were in the game to begin with
Liam Miller
Bitch I remember when Nintendo released pokémon black & white 2 and then the DS online servers shut down THE NEXT YEAR. Actually every DS--era game has non-functional features and multiplayer now.
it happens.
Jason Davis
Normal balloons and eggs balloons have been proven to spawn based on different timers, so an egg balloon doesn't come in place of a normal balloon. The only thing you could argue about is that the villagers tends to speak more about the easter event than the cherry blossom, giving you less opportunity to obtain recipes from them
Liam Rogers
>I'll take the bait translating >I'm responding but I know that you're being insincere, so I win already you crafty devil you! I'm stealing this
Logan Powell
What the fuck is the point of having Shampoodle or Club LOL now when the features they provided are streamlined into other parts of the game?
Kayden Brown
No it's that I actually hope he's being insincere. I can't fathom how someone can obsess over something that he doesn't even play.
Elijah Scott
What matters is whether those updates continue to be online-only events, because then when they shut down the service you're left with a whole bunch of useless missing content, just like their previous Splatoon games.
Logan Nelson
Depends, am I still enjoying the game and having a blast playing it? Then I couldn't give any less of a fuck, I play games to enjoy myself, not to fill my lack of personality. Does the removal make the game objectively worse and boring to play? I don't play that game and move on with my life, I don't throw a tantrum, there are more videogames than you'll be able to play in your lifetime. The problem is, you don't really like videogames, you're a loser and the only "culture" where you are accepted is the gaming community because it's full of losers like you, that's why you're always seething and complaining, and never actually playing video, you're like that girl that inherits her hobbies from his boyfriend just to fit in, but doesn't really care about it deep down. Btw if you get invested into a videogame series enough to feel any kind of emotion towards its ruin or success, you should try to get a social life and some near future objectives, visit a therapist, you're mentally Ill
Chase Thompson
Damn that's a whole lot of projecting. Are you sure you're not the one with issues? You seem quite upset.
Jace Russell
OP they are pulling a Splatoon on this. We will eventually get all the stuff and more in the following months. As it is right now I already put 80 hours in it and that's only because Corona, normally that much hours would stack up in 2 months for me in a AC game. So the game still Hase plenty of content. We are on week two of a game that's expected to be played at least 1 year.
Ayden Martin
let me fix this as someone who isn't biased: >Coffee Shop/Brewster >Art Section of Museum / crazy redd >Gyroids >Wet Suit/Swimming police station was basically identical to the dump, and those are now the recycle bin. gyroids will probably be dlc or a free update. hopefully the same for paintings/ crazy redd. having an island with no swimming is kinda surprising
Mason Richardson
I'm having fun with it.
Tyler Jackson
The cope in your post is something to behold. Guess if my girlfriend isn't a tranny that'd be too tough for you to handle, crying yourself to sleep yet another night. The game achieved its purpose for her, to have fun and chill, she's enjoying a lot, guess what she doesn't really give a fuck about? What was in other AC games because this is fun and entertaining enough. You have autism of the highest caliber, specially regarding this game series, it really shows you're just a bitter incel who simply wants to shit on games and be a contrarian in the only place in his life where he's not instantly pointed and laughed at. You don't like videogames
Asher White
Man, me too. Wanna touch cocks?
Kevin Perez
>datamined content means content will be in still waiting on that half life 2 beta content to be patched in by valve
I'm not projecting, it's easy to infer your life style from your post. You don't even understand what projecting means, you fucking retard, you again are parroting something you read a lot on Yas Forums but never actually grasped its meaning. Bet you now think your bully was projecting when he called you a loser, lmao.
David Morris
I just asked if you would be upset if a feature was removed from your favorite game. Most people would
Gavin Morgan
>Only One Nook Store Upgrade WHAT
Dominic Powell
Animal Crossing is not about pure function , half or more is about aesthetic. The police station was cozy and added to the town
Brandon Cook
Only if we make lightsaber noises while we do it.
Juan Brooks
Are you a fuckin' stupid little cocksucker or something you dumb ass? The game offers you a Nintendo Online subscription you fuckin' faggot ass bitch. Shut the fuck up with your little bullshit speculation.
Never listen to dataminecucks and "confirmed"retards, they're the worst, most underage part of Yas Forums right now. It's specially bad in American hours, because between the actual mutts and the retarded spics they just gobble up whatever stupid shit one of their ecelebs say, or earn a fucking gold medal in mental gymnastics building "confirmations" out of vague tweets from devs and shit like that
Noah Gray
this will all get patched in for free over time
Tyler Hernandez
It upgrades from operating out of the tent into a nooks cranny and then it turns into a nicer store that's still called nook's cranny.
David Adams
These recipes are all trash dude
Wyatt Wright
>I asked a vague generalist question that can have a trillion answer since I don't know what context is, also let's ignore the whole thread reply chain I just asked a question xD And that's how I knew you were a seething retard, you just asked that question, but you said much more with your post. Also 99% chance you're American
Austin Lopez
The same ESRB rating was found early in the Smash Bros market page, you fucking idiot. Both of us are speculating two opposite scenarios, stop pretending you know more shit than me without actual proof they are NOT gonna add paid content.
Jaxon Hill
Will you scream I'm your father when you cut off my right testicle with a swish?
Jason Powell
I don't get why you come to this video game discussion forum on Yas Forums and act like you're above caring about video games
Justin Thomas
If you really cared about the game, or actually played it, or just went to any other forum outside Yas Forums, you would have listed that golden tools now breaks, which you didn't list in your OP post. as that other user said you're just here to shit on the series.
Brody Cooper
Yeah I'm totally just here to shit on one of my favorite game series... Nice logic
Jose Ross
Half of that list is garbage though
Carter Perry
Go to the Splatoon 2 nintendo market page. Go on and screenshot me the "in-game purchase" ESRB label. Oh wait, there isn't.
Nicholas Mitchell
I mean I've already found 85 hours worth of shit to do in this game and my momentum hasn't stopped. I'm sure it would be better with all of those things in it but I'm still having a blast
Leo Nguyen
>already shown they are adding in things per patch to combat Time traveler faggots. >DAU NOTHING IN DA GAME
Would you really have been willing to wait another 3 months just to have a few more features in a game that was already delayed? It annoys me how impatient people are over a game that's meant to be played at a slow pace.
Xavier Morris
Oh but I care about videogames, you don't, I care because I play them, I have fun with them, I complete them. You only care about the cultural part because you're excluded of everything else in your life, most likely, but you don't really like the playing part, right? Otherwise you'd be PLAYING the game instead of tortanic posting all fucking day. People who really like to play videogames most times don't even care about devs, studios, publishers, they care about GAMES, not the stupid fake culture built behind them to funnel money from retarded fucks like you. Just think about it, it's common psychologist knowledge that someone who needs to have it's dopamine fix thorough hate, means he cannot get it from anything positive. Tl;Dr your life fucking sucks and this is the only place where people can't instantly tell just by glancing at you
James Sullivan
it's easy user, he never played AC, he just jumped in the bandwagon
Austin Baker
My 3 favorite series are a revolving door of ideas and mechanics so no I don't really care that much
Isaiah Powell
Time traveling is gay but there are ways to combat that without making your game a live service internet-required game
And if you ARE gonna do that, then you should make use of the internet. Maybe sharing a town online? Or sending your friends letters? Or having a multiplayer hub like new leaf's island? Nope, apparently not.