Post your prices, buy/sell price, and dodo code

It's sunday faggots.

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won't people only have buy prices right now?


Here to buy/sell turnips or to bully me for playing AC?

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bought 3100 at 92 bells

666 *67 1818 840 98 222 *~//XSTU\{*....*}SAVURIOR*ENCEN*~~~552

Some people will have buy prices, some time travelers will have sell prices.

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I bought at 108. How fucked am I?

Is she still selling on your island?


Very fucked user

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I wish directional signposts could allow you to edit four directions so you can read them when pressing A, but interactive furniture is too much apparently for the devs.

>Always wake up too late for turnips

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bought 7,692 at 91
sales floor will be 550, no pink fields

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Last week was horrible, had to sell at a loss, I hope this time gets better.

Same, but today I actually managed to buy them 10 minutes before she left. It better have been fucking worth it.

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It's fucking 4:30 on the east coast, unless you're in fucking Hawaii where the fuck is Daisy Mae still active?

Did they really fuck up cloud saves to prevent cheating just for people to be able to time travel anyway?

Don't feel bad, you can always time travel to a better time with better turnip prices..

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>Bought 11000 turnips at 94 bells a pop today
I'm gonna strike it rich this time for sure, anons.

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Some people play out of sync with the date, others time travel to different dates.

>tfw 105

>Buy for 90 at one friends island
>Sell for 472 on another friend's island who time travels
>Have to deal with nintendo's shitty online system as 4-5 people all leave and join these islands at different intervals

How much did you buy them for?

When was this? How many bells did you make?

Idk man, I'm still selling. I bought like 2.5m worth of 90 bell turnips.

We're all still selling.

Where do you even store all of that? I have nowhere near enough room in my house for like 30k turnips.

You can store them on the floor outside.

Oh really? I thought the ants would get at them.

Put them outside right next to the airport beach

Only once they are rotten (as in after one week).

You're basically guaranteed a 150% return on any given week, regardless. The higher the buy price is just means you've got to watch the sell price more carefully

No, only if they are already rotting

He bought?

What are your sell prices, anons? Got some turnips I wanna sell.

>tfw getting an S-rating from the HHA then covering every empty space in my house with turnips

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my island is filled with Peaches.

Is there a pattern for the prices or is it totally random?
Should I just sell first time the current price is higher than the buying price or should I wait more?


Guys I woke up late, can someone open their island so I can buy turnips?

also does time traveling always give you a decreasing pattern

They've must've known players would do that, as they slapped it on sunday morning.

there's a few preset patterns they follow, typically it's shit on monday with a steady climb, then a spike and a crash on friday/saturday

just find other people's islands it's way easier

Millions of peaches?

bought at 93

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>He doesn't just go to another island where they're buying them for 400-500

>bought at 96
>prices literally did nothing but fall all week until 20 on Saturday

No. I don't think I will, little Jew pig.

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I have three full inventories worth of turnips. That doesn't work for me when you have to wait 80 hours to enter and leave someone's town when they're letting in a million people.

>he doesn't just cum then fall to sleep

>Trying to catch a falling knife

>not mashing retry to get in right away while shitposting to be let in

lmao stay slow

>waking up before noon on a weekend
nobody sane does this

>she leaves the island at noon

What the FUCK were they thinking? At least make her stay until nightfall.

do you any of you have prices on lemons I need to get some lemons man.

This. I had to go someone else's island to buy some turnips.

I bought around 45,000 worth of turnips today. They were 92 bells. Today was the first Sunday I've woken up before noon. I hope this pays off

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if someone has turnips over 400 i'll drop you a stack of 99k bells

>bought over 2000 at 96

Gonna get my debt paid off bros

boomers do

Peaches for me

That's actually lowballing
Most people charge ridiculous amounts for entry, like 400k

Someone post dodo code that still has Daisy Mae please

having a job fucked it up, now I just naturally get up at 9-10am and get to see how much worse this board is when the europeans are awake

But that's so little. You need at least 400,000 worth of them to mean anything

they can eat shit
japs only ask for 2 flight tickets

No, but it has peaches and I just sell em or get them from friends and such though I do have some planted if not I will do that cause I am afraid that I'm running out of Peaches cause I am farming them like a retard.

>All this sperging out over Turnips
>Waiting hours for some rando's town to open up
>Not just checking in twice a day and going about your business otherwise

Do you guys even Animal Crossing?

>He doesn't naturally wake up at 7AM
I'm a NEET but I like to keep my sleep schedule neutral in case I ever get a job so I don't have to adjust too much either way.

>800 Turnips at 91 Bells
>Have a decent amount of friends
>Thursday during peak Turnip hours can find out who has the big money
It may not be a lot of turnips but we gotta start somewhere

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I bought 1.5 million bells worth of turnips at 90

Anyone still got her on the island?

>he didn't get in on his first try

Literally only Hawaiians

Turnips at 568
Please excuse my autism

Post them dodo codes hawaii

give me 20 mins and i can time travel back to daisy may hours and host if some lazy anons want to get some some turnips

What is considered high selling? I bought mine at 91 but didn't get too many because I'm poor and planned shittily.

Based user

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Still up? Getting interference.

Bought 700k in turnips at 107
Last week I bought 500k at 102 and sold for 83

Playing the long game, y'all

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yeah sorry. This is my first time doing this. Also I'm staying until 6:30 at the latest

you better not be bamboozling me gooby

the interference is going to be a thing no matter what if people are trying to squeeze in, just stay off your phone or menus/conversations and it's fine

Yeah. Just stay off phone and text and let people in, friend.