Mountain Blade

Why does Yas Forums hate Bannerlord so much?

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it's fun

I can still see the nipple OP

give me porn mods already so when faction inevitably snowballs into a giant blob I can at least jerk off to my character being raped by a futa mommy after being destroyed by a 50 times bigger army

Yas Forums has a hateboner for early access games


because it's unfinished and has horrible designs (skills and perks), despite 8 years in development.

Because after 8 years they released something broken, buggy, and with a bunch of missing features. It's disappointing, underwhelming, and downright bad especially for the asking price. It has the potential to be a great game but it's not yet there. It's basically a Duke Nukem Forever sort of situation. They can pull it off but after this long it should have been finished and polished.

>Why does Yas Forums hate Bannerlord so much?

Even if it's flawed every shitpost thread attempt turns into a Bannerlord thread.
Even flawed it stills better than any AAA game released in the past years.

It's also a zoomer filter.

Yas Forums has played Warband for 2000+ hours, and Bannerlord is so busted that you can control a good chunk of the continent within 10 hours, not even when you abuse the Free Party Army glitch. Without mods or multiplayer, there's not much to praise right now.

Because its popular, hard and not for casual consoomers.

It's a catastrophic blunder with nothing redeeming to it and the fanbase is much more autistic than we realized, i mean look at this fucking shit

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>someone fucks up a line of code on an EA game made by a rag tag autists
>whole game is instantly shit

Eat a dick.

Because you cant marry this smug bitch

How did you fit so much cope into one post? lmao

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after playing it for a few days i can understand why. this game is anti-zoomer as fuck, there is no way the brainless kids from Yas Forums could like this game.

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After nearly a fucking decade, Bannerlord does not get to use the "early access" excuse. I've been waiting for it too user, but don't settle for shit when it should have been gold. Don't be that desperate.

just got rejected by a girl
is there no way to try again? so I really need to savescum? wtf

Also how do I romance the khuzait noblewoman who was married to the khuzait emperor?

or look at it this way
after all this time you actually have something to play that is basically a straight improvement on everything warband did, even if it's a fucking mess sometimes

and it wasn't even $60

>a bad camera angle
wow ive never seen this in a video game ever, tortanic fags are despearte

It's more brutal than real life girls

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Ok, so i've got 2 of the three pieces, but apparently to get the location of the third one from this faggot I have to swear to destroy the empire. Is there no way around this? Does it actually mean anything? Nothing really happened when I pledged my support with the other person.

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>you are supposed to click on the shields in the level menu to pick perks
God i feel so dumb

Because it's one more game that btfod mentally deficient tortanicuck niggers

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Turn up your monitors brightness user, its too low

It doesn't mean anything, you make your choice in the next step of the quest

No you lie to him and take it to the woman. But then he finds out and starts a conspiracy against you.

>tried to pirate
>white screened upon launch
I'm not paying anymore than 20 dollars for this game from fucking 2010

I remember those faggots saying it won't get to 200k and that number will drop to under 100k few days after release lmao

What the fuck is this stop conspiracy quest and how do I do it

because they had 10 years to expand upon one of the coolest concepts ever made in a game and essentially just made an HD version


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But Yas Forums loves it?

There's this thing called lying..

I actually prefer Warband to what they just put out but that's just my opinion. I'm bored to death of Warband and a better looking Warband is not enough for me at $45. I'd rather them have not released anything at all and then just put out a finished product rather than embarrass themselves like this. Those government subsidies really made them lazy, that's the only reason I can come up with for why the game is in the state it is after so long.

Because I have been waiting nearly a decade for this buggy, broken, feature lacking piece of shit.
I paid nearly the amount of a AAA release to fucking QA test it.

they turned a great single player series into a shitty multiplayer meme game that modern PCfags will stop playing in a week.

where's the mating press/prone bone

Holy fucking based


Doom eternal, Bannerlord, Alyx, animal crossing all did good, all faggots are seething


>shitty multiplayer meme game
What? Who gives a shit about the multiplayer? Everyone is playing the singleplayer, thats why literally all of the discussion is about the singleplayer

I set my troops to shield wall and fire at will then charge them. When they die I retreat and do it again, till they are all dead.

warband doesn't have half the systems and management options of bannerlord so other than blatant shitposting I can't see how you can say things like it's lazy and embarrassing
it's a flatly better game in every way even if it has bugs, which warband also has in great quantities

Is there a list of skills that do literally nothing?
Conceptualize the bush. Imagine the smell.

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can you fuck the queen? answer please very important

No, but you can fuck her daughter

I didn't know you could just retreat and come back. I just decided to be a cheater and set the game difficulty lower, and this previously insurmountable task become comically easy, i didnt lose a single man even when it brought shit troops. I cant believe theres people who actually play through the game like this
Not yet, but you can fuck her daughter

No. Just her ugly whore of a daughter.

No but Dickplomacy: Bannerlewd will probably fix that if it ever gets made.

I turned on easy mode on my first campaign when the snowball took all but two of my cities. It was kind of fun fighting against the odds with god powers in a sort of dynasty warriors fuck your doomstack kind of way. Was killing 400 men armies with my army of around 110.

Uncensored version?

It's because Yas Forums is filled with consolefag zoomers. There are real criticisms of the game, but the game is also not actually released yet. It's still in development.

>rag tag autists
>30 member team with government funding

>Mommy Rhagaea will never smother you with her pussy after wiping your your army

Wait for mod tools. There are dozens of /mbg/ autists and loverslab fags just waiting to unleash their degeneracy.

So they're saying you can't form your own faction, but what exactly does that mean? Do they mean its not finished or that you 100% cannot have one? I've heard people talking about splitting off from their kings and keeping their fiefs, isnt that basically forming their own faction? Could I form my own faction and marry into another faction like the southern empire? Also on an unrelated note, will lords age and die and have kids continue their lineage like the player?

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>So they're saying you can't form your own faction

This is the real problem.

Thats what i heard, on release you cant form your own kingdom. Is that innacurate?

You can make your own faction in the game right now. It's the whole managing it side game thing that they are going to be adding later thats not in.

Don’t know about the age thing but you can 100% make your own kingdom through a few quests. You can also steal fiefs but you won’t be considered a king if you haven’t done the quests

>press x
>spin my jav and now its a melee weapon

But can I still marry the empresses daughter and become emperor if i form my own kingdom?

Yes, it's weird. There is kingdom management in the game despite the Steam description saying there isn't. No explanation has been given for this.

It's possible they mean something different but you do manage a kingdom so???

I'm enjoying it but fucking hell the optimisation is so terrible on top of long load screens every time I do fucking anything

>Why does Yas Forums hate Bannerlord so much?
Are you kidding me? It's been nothing but nonstop shilling for the roaches since it was dropped.