Are ya coding, son?

are ya coding, son?

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Oh shit, I shitposted so much back when the meme exploded that I totally forgot about it.

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I'm learning C++ right now, already know sharp and some Java, but i want to broaden my horizons, i like programming

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can you make an Anime themed Hitman rip-off on a budget of several thousand dollars/month in less than a decade?

>twitter opening post
>liked the tweet

No, i'm more of a rts/management sim kind of guy

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wtf thats a lewd thumbnail

Probably, and I don't even code.

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bumping this thread of high culture

how does he have over 2 million subs on youtube

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This model is so fucking disgusting, her face is awful.


Imagine liking a tweet from some tranny-loving lesbian.

the fuck, how does he do it bros

>he doesn't drink cum to get better at making vidya

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He made a game with a concept that was the perfect formula to get big YTers to play it.
That's all.
If Markiplier never touched the thing no one would know who he was.

>how does he have over 2 million subs on youtube

Yandere Sim is like the concept of a game that everyone joins in and fantasizes about what it would be like. He is much more of a Youtube celeb making videos about the game as he is a dev making a game.

Star Citizen and Yandere Sim are like concepts of games not real games.

The game is bare bones but these little sims have voice acting and still art work done for them so they are like little dramas or storylines.

Any news on Star Citizen?

wasn't this game supposed to have been released by 2016 or something?

The same way everybody else does it: pure luck.

he cornered a niche early at the same time let's plays were blowing up.

>Yandere Sim is like the concept of a game that everyone joins in and fantasizes about what it would be like.
I thought people hate anime.

I remember hearing about this game, at that point it was suppose to be finished in 2019. It seemed so far away at that point.

dude even got a partnership with tinyBuild back in 2017 to help move development forward, but the programmer they brought in wasn't able to improve the code while Alex was "adding" to it so they decided to split.

Yeah see when it only exists in your head it can be as anime or non anime as you like

lmao why does he look better when aged?
looks like someone respectable rather than a mentally ill faggot

Fuck off retard

That's just David Lynch

>I'm learning C++ right now
What are you using to learn? I'd like to get started on learning C++ too, seems like the perfect time to do so

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>cleaning out old browser bookmarks
>stumble upon a thread I made 2 years ago asking /g/ for programming advice
>made no progress since then, been trying to get a job and failing, abandoned all hobbies
wow, I wanna kill myself

That image is wrong, for one thing the trees looked different and the path was way thinner

It's a well known fact that you should never ask the board related to your hobby/job for advices. Ask on any other boards instead.

that might be the case, but I don't think it's fair to say that /g/ is responsible for me being a loser.

Make a porn game pandering to a specific degenerate fetish and milk it for patreon money.

Psssh I still have bookmarks from 2012 about learning to program.

I don't know if I have bipolar or some shit but I get on these impulsive highs where I install Unity and get up a load of material to start learning how to make games, then the very next day I feel totally demotivated and like I'll never accomplish anything so I might as well not bother.

I've been like this with everything important in life and managed to reach 27 without ever doing anything of worth.

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That's like exploiting children on youtube by making frozen elsa fucking spiderman content

Unironically watch CppCon talks while making programs
Learn how to use smartpointers, learn what's available in the c++ standard library etc.
Then you can move on to simple graphics stuff like SFML, maybe try a bit of OpenGL in the SFML context and just go from there

Do drugs while making games

We may not like to admit it but we've all been there.


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Friendly reminder he holds a serious grudge against the Cuphead devs and the Skullgirls dude mostly because they're living the life and he's not.

Maybe he should finish the game

When did he say that

my favorite cppcon talks are ones where a game dev veteran from the engine team tells everyone in the room how retarded the c++ standard is and that they write C with a c++ compiler because using all that bloat would make it impossible to make an acceptably performant game.

Sounds about right. These days I just smoke weed and make dumb faggy edits in gimp to make myself laugh.

formerly cyhuck

That's ADHD.
t. ADHD haver

>bought midi keyboard and drawing pad like beginning of this year
>used them like only couple times
>only played around with it once and made some weird demonic alien noises withit somehow
>haven’t used any of them in months

They have a YouTube channel where they post weekly updates

Have old Minecraft mod wiki bookmarks from when mods started being a thing and old windows xp with stuff from like 2005 get on my level fag

Unironically this. The best stuff was made under the influence.

That's a retarded delusion pushed by tourists.


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Well you need to understand what the stuff in the standard does and why it's not optimal in order to know why you shouldn't be using it

That's true, but it's a waste of time to make game engine on your own these days. If you want to make a game, you probably will have to utilize C++ to trigger API functions of exiting engine.

sometimes I wonder if I have ADD, my kid has ADHD but I don't seem to have the "H" component. I'm in my 30s though and idk if meds are the right thing for me at this stage in my life

Yas Forumsacks and blue checkmarks aren't people.

>Yandere Simulator will never come out

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If you're an indie, sure.
If you want to get hired at a mid level AA studio, into the prestigious engine team, you better know your low level stuff.

The H component goes away after puberty. Or rather, it becomes either internalized as disorganized thoughts, or becomes impulsiveness.

You know you're doing something right when you successfully earn the ire of both groups of faggots.

that lamp is a fucking tease

Cum is the most delicious liquid in the world.

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>dbz game #1000”
Wow it’s fucking nothing

Kys larp faggot tranny

I kiss you too, hun.

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He has a nice voice