If you dislike Watchmen of Fate it means you are against all change. There is no in between...

>If you dislike Watchmen of Fate it means you are against all change. There is no in between. You either like watchmen of fate (reasonable position) or you're wrong, because change is not always bad.

This is the line of defense Shills have chosen to employ. A blatant strawman argument.

Are you going to let them get away with it?


Attached: TimeJannies.jpg (1200x731, 90.48K)

I just don't see anything wrong with them. I don't care about your view on them or bother making an argument for it.

i'd rather them not change the story but even if they do it's inconsequential. if i wanted to experience the same story as before i'd go play the original, it doesn't affect me. i am just being told two stories instead of the same one.

>Best case scenario: Original story with possible alternate paths depending on your choices
>Reasonable scenario: Original story
>Less reasonable scenario: Alternate story
>Nomura scenario: Alternate story that tries to keep the original story intact as an alternate timeline adding retcon ghosts and time travel to the plot

At least it's not homo fanfic between Cloud and Sephiroth

>Are you going to let them get away with it?
Nobody outside of Yas Forums is having an anal prolapse over this so yeah they're totally getting away with it.

Normies are waiting for the game on the 10th. As for me, who never played ff7, I was expecting and expanded part 1 of the game so I could experience it and see why everyone loves this game

With the whole time travel stuff, I hope part 2 and 3 don't go offrail

actually the good parts of the OG beginning are still there, so at least you'll get a glimpse of it

That's what you think, Nomura went to far and must be stopped. This is my plan:

>Get myself infected with corona
>Travel to Japan
>Add Nomura on Grindr and catfishing him with Gackt pictures
>Set up a date with him in a japanese gay bar
>When he appears I will cough on him while shouting: "That's what I think of your changebad ghosts!"

changebad barry stop spamming these threads

>watchmen of fate

Are they really called that?
Can't it get anymore cringe?



First off the term is normalfags, you're outing yourselves as tourists. Normalfag tourists.

Secondly lmao no they aren't. The game will get crazy sales and great reviews, you're legitimately insane if you think otherwise and your tears will be hysterical.

They are also referenced as "arbiters of destiny", and "numen"

what hurts is that is unexpected. You play it and you think it's pretty good because is basically the same as the original, the nostalgic music but with better graphics and the new combat. The interaction with the girls is pretty good too and Jess being so thirsty... You sometimes see the ghosts but you ignore them.... Then the closer you get to the end the crazier it gets. By the last chapter you don't know if you're still playing the FF7R or some shitty Kingdom Hearts spin-off. The plot and everything it's basically something completely unrelated to the original game. Now it's all about the time ghosts, changing fate, Zack randomly being alive for some reason now and it just ends like that. Cloud and co say they are going on a journey to change fate. The end. It's like nothing that happened in the game thus far mattered. It was all pointless because you were just following a timeline that has no importance now.

I think their whole concept is retarded, but I still enjoyed the game

>You play it and you think it's pretty good because is basically the same as the original
But you haven't played it user, you watched a stream so you could shitpost about it.

wait for episode two

Because this game is made for people who only know Cloud as "that one guy from smash"

i dont care anymore SE is done for me and so is part 2 or whatever shit.
Its the game of thrones season 8 of videogames, pure golden goose and they still fuck it up to an extend that no one will talk about it anymore in a month and the few that still bring it up will be angry. No one will care for part 2 just as no one cares for some prequel game of thrones show anymore because everyone knows they fucked it up. Good riddence SE you worthless cunts.

That can't be true, since that would mean its made for Yas Forums.

Lmao what is this XV

Good to know. Maybe the whole watchman of fate is just a thing to give part 1 a final boss/more spice then

Also I know shit about ff7, aside from Aerith case and that she needs to die to fend off Sepiroth

I think I'm just gonna play the game next week and make up my mind about how I liked individual aspects of the story afterwards. Judging it by second hand spoilers and out of context 30 second webms on Yas Forums doesn't seem very useful.

Nah XV is a piece of shit

This post can be summarized as: i didnt get the ending, just that everything will be COMPLETELY 100% different

>Judging it by second hand spoilers and out of context 30 second webms on Yas Forums doesn't seem very useful.
You want to think for yourself instead of follow the Yas Forums shitposting flavor of the week? What a sheep!

full game streams are readily available for anyone willing to review the new plot.

While we're at it, where does hollow play in the game? I wanna hear the full theme song

>watching a stream so you can shitpost about a game on Yas Forums
lol "review the new plot" what a joke. You niggers couldn't review your way out of a wet paper bag.

Sector 5 slums, end credits

theres the instrumental version in youtube already, just not with voice/harmonica.

Yeah, I wanna hear the lyrics. Instrumental is good and all, but it would be like hearing sanctuary without the text

Did Nomura not realize how big a deal this is? Like he threw this in just to have something new for the older players but it actually creates huge plot holes and problems?

He definitely did. It's convoluted, but it's been clearly planned thoroughly. There's already plenty of theories, and new details are emerging every day.
It was completely intentional.

But the ghosts want to prevent change, so wouldn't disliking them mean you want to see things change?

Attached: [Doki] New Game! - 03 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [7471C168].mkv_snapshot_08.05_[2016.07.20_05.00.32].jpg (1280x1440, 224.54K)

Did they fuck up the story for real?

They did fuck up becaues they were not clear enough. Everyone has their own theory. Some shitpost about it, others try to come with new theories, and bla bla. Its just a mess in general because you dont know the meaning of everything.
We'll just have to wait.

But if they dislike change why don't they just stop ruining every single scene

>Trying to listen to "The Air Buster" lyrics
>Notice it's actually appearently in German
>Start of Phase 2: "meine Sockeln sind Blitze, mein System macht die größten Schmerzen" (eng.: my slots are lightning bolts, my system does the greatest pains)
>Start of Phase 3: "Blitze sind effektiv" (eng.: lightnings are effective)
WTF. Is this just a case of "misheard lyrics" or what? It's like the lyrics give you the hint (in German) to use lightning against the Air Buster...

>out of context
the entire ending has been leaked, we have all the context

i'm thinking Nomura added these to add some "spice" to the remake but he's like "it's the same basic story line with a few more twists for fun". But like he doesn't realize these totally ruin the storyline and it makes the Time Ghosts the only ones of any consequence and the normal story is like some movie playing in the background. they are completely distracting and stupid.

So then why do you retards keep acting like Sephiroth can travel through time?

not him, but EVIDENTLY some people don't get it right and are spouting non-sense like "Zack gets revived" or "Zack is now alive in the remake timeline" and so on.

It's widely understood that he either came from the future, or he somehow acquired knowledge of future events

I've seen so many people talking about ZACK IS CONFIRMED TO LIVE AND HE'S GONNA FIGHT THE FINAL BOSS WITH YOU, its kind of ridiculous.

>It's widely understood
I don't think Yas Forums widely understands the plot of the game.

Everyone understands that Zack is alive in a different timeline

Attached: stamp1.jpg (1769x743, 820.36K)

Nah bro, that's just shitposters

>Everyone understands that Zack is alive in a different timeline

why even bring this up? this is jsut baffling.

>ruin the storyline
Still haven't seen that one explained by anyone yet. What you mean their motivation to go on a journey? Like "Guys we totally need to follow Sephiroth! I am totally not under some influence of some power that's based on some 2000+ year old alien that calls me to some Reunion, totally not! If we follow him something good will happen, dudes, trust me!" is any better than whatever Nomura will pull here...

I think it was just to prove that things can change now. Same as we see biggs surviving and sector 7 being good. They are probably other timelines too.

Of course he knew. Worse yet they’re not just doing this simply because “LOL Nomura, u so crazy!” like people are thinking. This entire thing is an admission that they aren’t able to do a full FFVII remake. They looked at the amount of work they would need to do to reproduce the overworld as they did Midgar and realized they can’t do it, so lets blow our load early and Kingdom Hearts this bitch. They literally failed and are trying to save face, creating a sequel lets them skip over all the locations and events. The fact people are calling them bold and celebrating them giving us more compilation shit when this is literally them taking the coward’s way out is hilarious to me. The dream is literally dead and you’ll be paying them 3 times for it anyway.

Attached: 7749CF7C-C936-46A7-A466-D58AA05E74A2.gif (616x360, 2M)

It's Nomura. We can't say any interpretation is right or wrong because nothing is set in stone until never. See Kingdom Hearts
Might as well Occam's Razor it for discussion's sake

>Like "Guys we totally need to follow Sephiroth! I am totally not under some influence of some power that's based on some 2000+ year old alien that calls me to some Reunion, totally not! If we follow him something good will happen, dudes, trust me!" is any better than whatever Nomura will pull here...
Thats exactly whats happening in part 2 remake

You might understand yourself, however, evidently, as pointed out, some people are spouting complete nonsense and didn't get it at all.

I'm tired of so much discussion. I'm just not gonna buy the game. Maybe in a few years down the row when I don't have nothing else to play I might pirate it on Pc or maybe not. But I'm glad I was able to cancel my digital pre-order on PS4.

Supposing that were the case: Then it'd the same as the OG. What's the problem then? Or is it a case of "it's OK when the OG does it"?

So this is like the Rebuild of Eva of FF?

>huge plot holes

Final Fantasy 7 wasn't that great. I always thought it was retarded you fucks wanted it remade with fancy graphics so you could play through the exact same thing but with prettier pictures.

I don't think these changes are good at all but they are actually making this whole thing enjoyable so I wholeheartedly support them.

I think I'd rather them do the exact same story and just employ different gameplay like we were all under the impression they were fucking doing and the only autists pissed off were the people that were annoyed it wasn't the same gameplay. We'll never have a current graphics version of FFVII because they decided to make a version in an alternate timeline. At least the people who wanted completely original FFVII still have FFVII

>actually the good parts of the OG beginning are still there
Not even that. They cut out the scene with Avalanche meeting in the secret basement under Tifa's bar. They also cut out Barret's theme entirely.


>creating a sequel lets them skip over all the locations and events
You are delusional

>because change is not always bad.

Change is not always good, either. In fact, change merely for the sake of change is generally detrimental.

>Watchmen of fate are the new antagonists.
>Their leader is the current penultimate boss followed by what appears to be post-AC sephiroth.
>Sephiroth is apparently scared of, or apprehensive of a giant nebula called the "Edge of creation" implying that the world is doomed to be devoured by it.
>Goes so far as to ask cloud for help, and considering how much he hates cloud, this was either a joke or he was dead serious and this nebula thing really does scare sephiroth.

So in this setup we have a potential new central antagonist, a massive upgrade to the old one as he is not only equipped with knowledge of how ffvii's supposed to play out but can now influence the outcome and can still summon meteor, and the possibility that an inexperienced, still-brainwashed cloud is going to be caught between these two titans in the remake.
Given cloud's condition, and the fact that he has a headache seemingly independent of sephiroth's will, this also means that current-day sephiroth is still around and still brainwashing him. meaning future sephiroth really was being sincere.

>the only autists pissed off were the people that were annoyed it wasn't the same gameplay.
It's not that it isn't the same gameplay, it's that they could have taken the time to improve on the original's combat to make it more strategic and interesting, but instead they just slapped on some braindead action combat system to the point where the combat doesn't even know what it wants to be.

The team saw Zack and Cloud, and remember at this point Cloud has no idea who Zack is. This event should be a totally game changing thing. Like this looks like most of the same events will play out but with different outcomes but just the introduciton of fate ghosts and their visions would completely alter the entire storyline.