XVchads celebration thread

>mfw we won

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Your game is just as shit too, Barry.

lmao good one

kys barry

>he's still going

Only thing you won was being born with autism.

>thinking that ff7 being bad means that ff xv isn't hot trash

Ah, when will you learn Berry?

Hey buddy, get ready to cry at the reviews tonight being better than FFXV, fuck you, fuck Noctis, and FUCK TABATA.

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Lmaooo that 7r cope

XV sidequests added to exploration and character backstory and worldbuilding like unlocking chocobo's by doing the deadeye behemoth quest by tracking down a behemoth to its lair to kill it so that it can no longer kill the wild chocobo's so you can then ride them freely, or cindy's car quest giving her backstory and also upgrading the car and resulting in unlocking the offroad monster truck

Here in 7R it's just kill these rats, ok, get me some flowers, ok, find my lost cat, ok. no reason to do that, or anything really. Getting summons is just doing some shitty training room thing, no story relation, no lore, nothing, they're just there for no reason.

Even the frog fetch quest in XV tied into the worldbuilding of the starscourge, the entire reason you're doing it is to gather mutant frogs for sania to research the strange phenomenons to do with the nights growing longer and their mutations, and it results in her research being the reason the player even finds out that the starscourge is a plasmodium spread through the atmosphere and mutated wildlife and humans into daemons, and that killing daemons spreads in a viscous cycle

Even taking photos for hurley from lost added worldbuilding because his photospots all took you to historic locations to do with the astral war, the astrals or Solheim era and there was new world building dialog in each, like finding out the astral war caused the huge canyon area in taelpar crag or that the destroyed ruins around duscae and cleigne are ancient Solheim ruins and glow red at night which is how the player learns the night has some relation to Solheim ruins which in turn ties into getting into costlemark tower which is only open at night and glows red which you learn by doing the sidequest.

Optional dungeons were all sidequests in XV while in 7R it just has the same copy pasted reactors as main story content in multple ch and no real dungeons.

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based and redpilled
cringe, bluepilled and a small penis

stay mad, barry

Keep seething, Barry

You realize you're acting exactly like him but you're more pathetic because you can't even argue your shit taste, right?

Both games are fucking trash but Barry is a much better poster than you faggots, at least he tries!

We won.

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I'm glad that even though Yas Forums hates 7R, they hate barry more
All is well in the world

>IP count didn't go up

7r-kun on suicide watch

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>when all he does is copy and paste posts and spams the same webms every time
Yeah, no. FF7R is shit but FFXV is still an abomination of a game.

15 is possibly even worse than 13.
The combat is also objectively more shit than FF7R.

Also chapter 13 or whatever it was when you run around in hallways with that ring shit is possibly the worst part in any AAA game I have ever played. The game is auto-shit for that part alone, but then you have the rest of the trainwreck.

You literally can't write a paragraph and he just wroteObviously it's not worth reading but he's unironically probably right, because FF7R is almost as bad as FFXV was.

Fucking kill yourself, you're a pathetic loser.

>trying this hard to defend a known shitposter
If there’s anyone here that should kill himself, its faggots like you.

Barry. We can all read your twitter and you seem to actually enjoy FF7R. Why are you doing this to yourself? At this rate, your behavior is downright self-destructive.

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Eh, people at least cared about Tifa tits and Aerith face

imagine being this fucking autistic


in xv you have attack with directional input combo modifiers and manuak finishers with O + lstick unlike 7R which is just square for attack in a single string, no manual finishers or d inputs
7R Literally has auto counter by just holding R1 in punisher andit'll auto counter with no player agency, in XV counters have to actively be blocked and then press attack while countering to parry which is manual
7R starts as complete garbage while even base XV has more combat on Noctis alone than the entire 7R party
7R has no iframes on dodge while XV does and has proper dodge cancels unlike 7R
XV had proper weapon switching which 7R doesn't and using warpstrike in XV for ranged enemies is more versatile than using shitty barret to target ranged enemies
7R has literally ONE attack string on operator and punisher each which is objectively less combos than XV with its over 15 unique combos on noct alone on different weapon types and with d inputs and manual finishers giving things like lunges, sidesteps, backflips to string into aerial, stingers, aoe spin attacks which are all fully manual and part of combos you can create on the fly by switching weapons mid combo too
Holding 1 button only does a 3 hit loop which 7R hold does a shitty attack and no different than tapping, while in tapping in XV you get manual finishers, 7R has none
XV has proper aerial combat not that shitty automated trash 7R has with its clunky auto jump

stop shilling 7r you assblasted fuck, it's a confirmed turd

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I'm trying to get you, another known shitposter, to stop acting WORSE than he is. You're fucking worthless and you're ruining discussions with your paranoid shitposting.

>stop shilling 7r you assblasted fuck, it's a confirmed turd
But you've said yourself on your twitter that you enjoy the gameplay a lot?

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take your meds.

even the most linear part of XV is a fucking maze compared to FF13 and 7r and area maps in other FFs second halves, XV is the only FF with actual exploration since it's a dynamic open world filled with sidequest, hunts, on tour quests, dungeons, optional bosses, rare weapons and royal arms. XVs world is seamless as you travel, with countless environments, monsters, and history to it.

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This is the difference between average linear areas in FF13/FF7R and the most linear area in FFXV

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>no watermark on ff15
comparing the heavily upgraded PC vs PS4 shit version of FF7 is unfair user

>another known shitposter
You flatter me user but there’s more than one person that hates Barry, you know.

Your boogeyman doesn't exist.

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get help remake-kun

If so, you're all the same worthless type of paranoid shitposter that are worse than him.

Sure, but how about the empty as fuck world of XV where there is barely a location or any sense of exploration, hell, civilization? You will keep harping about XV I know, but yeah, no matter what you say and even if 7R turns out to be bad, it will still outsell and outperform XV.

7 by default has a massive fanbase to begin with. There is no offsetting that despite the flaws of 7R. So just stop.

That's a bug. Happens in UE4 games all the time.

I thought FFXV was ok but this guy makes me want to hate it. I have to wonder if he's an anti-FF false flagger at this point.

That's literally a ps4 pro screenshot of XV which I posted here 3 years ago compared to a ps4 Pro screenshot of 7R
you're retarded

>worse than he is
And your source is?

Shut up Barry

you can be damn sure i ain't reading that.
nothing personnel

You are shitposting constantly. You're not even talking about video games.

>if he's an anti-FF false flagger at this point.
He is. He's the same guy doing the same song & dance for FFVIIR now, calling everyone "barry" to make them hate the game.

>shitpost constantly
Yeah, no. And quit talking like you know anything about me, you paranoid fuck.

Dungeon sidequests, on tour sidequests, optional bosses, Behemoth, Melusine, Adamantoise, etc
You have multiple outposts, settlements and populated places: Leide is the only desert location you go to, Duscae is grasslands with forests, caves and wetlands, Cleigne is Warner climate with jungle forest, creeks and ravines, volcano, marshlands, etc, Altissia is a massive city on the sea, Niflheim has snowy mountain lands between mech facilities, Floating grassy city, Overgrown area by a giant tree with malboros, and then insomnia ruins are a large modern city overrun with daemons, mechs, soldiers and bunch of bosses.
Altissia is more explorable than midgar is which is just a bunch of tiny corridors:

You can literally drive the boat from Lucis to Altissia without a single loading screen, seamless as fuck world while having fully real time dynamic lighting with dynamic weather and and real time day/night with more characters on screen than any other open world game as well as more environment variety, combat variety, enemy variety, giant enemies roaming the map seamlessly etc.

Lucis with leide, duscae, cleigne and all the dungeons in them from crestholm to greyshire to balouve to fociaugh to daurell to ravatogh to steyliff to costlemark to myrlwood to vesperpool to keykatritch to lestallum etc , plus altissia, insomnia, fodina caestino alone btfos the shitty 7r corridors

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Barry will never ever play FFXV at 60 fps.

It's just that bad and it's more than just bad textures.

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The IP count literally did go up because it was my first post in the thread you absolute fucking retard
Stop pretending you're tracking the IP count nignog

>items, magic, and summoning are all pants on the head retarded
>combat is made for open environments but game forces you into many corridors
>game railroads you once you get to the Leviathan boss
>that entire part where you're forced to use the ring
>all characters are boring except for Arydn
>bad hdr
>shameless shills it's b team DLC and movie in the middle of the game
No it's shit. KH3 is even worse

What if I like VII and XV?


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XV and 7R are both trash. Both got horrible mismanaged and both got rushed out the door. Hell, both got delayed. XV was delayed after they held a fucking event to reveal the release date. The only thing 7R has going for it is being related to 7's universe at the very least. bEverything about XV is completely uninteresting. It's no wonder the only person who likes it is a severely autistic Australian.

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You might as well, they're basically identically awful.

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What's happening? Im super lost, is it something related to FF7? Is it shit or this is just shitpost

I think XV would've been more sufferable if the party members were at all likable. Generic personalities, very little story relevance aside from Noctus, and in terms of appearance all four are just the faggiest dudes you could find in video games.


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in xv even having to use items is because you're always at 0hp and you played like shit and got wrecked that you even needed to use items, the consequence is costing time just to use items at all in XV which completely detracts from real time action game flow
Items can be spammed in 7R because ATB is free and fills automatically and you can increase ATB speed so there is never any real cost, meanwhile items in XV can only be get by grinding sidequests for gil or by finding a few here or there, while in 7R they are frequently free drops and every fight gives gil so you can stock up way more on items in 7R
You can heal any party member before the entire party is wiped while it's game over in XV only when party leader is dead making it harder

7R magic does fuckall while XV magic is fire line, blizzard line, thunder line, combine with bio, instant death, stop, multi/duo/tri/quad/quint cast, expericast, curecast, healcast, any of the party can use these, plus the elemental weapons, holy, death and alterna on noct ring, graviga on machine which Noct and prompto can use, ignis has his own unique fire, thunder and Blizzard magic with overclocks to mix fire with thunder etc.
XV literally has magic barrier, AOE magic, graviga threw machine weapons which is literally gravity magic, holy counters, shooting magic forward, around, multiple times at once, target one enemy, target multiple, target a place on the field etc
See In XV you have a pool of all the summons at any given time and it's based on meeting certain conditions in combat and location
Summons are literally RNG in 7R where you can only equip the "pool" of summons with a max of 3 for what summon the RNG will choose to summon and can only use the big summons against bosses if the RNG happens then have to fill up a bar to even be able to summon
There is no bad hdr, hell even digital foundry said XV is the best looking game ever made

Cope 7r-kun

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what's with the awful filter in this game

>another wall of autism absolutely nobody is going to bother reading

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What "b team dlc"? Each XV DLC literally has more gameplay and production value than FF7R does and doesn't rely on prerendered cutscenes

7R is the worst FF ever made while XV is the best.

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I like how he flat out ignored you what was posted and just called you crazy

why does his name rhyme with spastic

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