System Shock

I never gave these games a shot, do they still hold up today, as someone who doesn't have a problem with other relatively old first person games like Thief or Deus Ex?
And people always single out the second one, is the first still worth playing though?
General SS discussion and tips welcome too.

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I'd highly, HIGHLY recommend reposting this on /vr/. These faggots only care about muh graphics

And to answer your question, yes.

always play chronological order

>I'd highly, HIGHLY recommend reposting this on /vr/
He's asking a legit question tho, he's not looking for a circlejerk of incel loser.

Personal opinions ahead:
If you're a fan of Thief and Deus Ex you're going to find both System Shocks inferior to those two so you shouldn't bother playing them.

If you insist on playing System Shock.
SS2 is overall the most praised one but both games are fantastic. Again, I consider the first to be superior to the second, but the second is still a terrific game.
If you're going to play System Shock 1, get the enhanced edition; the EE has native mouselook (in the original game to look around you have to click on certain buttons located on the HUD, making the game unnecessarily harder to play).
Play in release order (1->2). I did the mistake of playing 2 before 1.

/vr/ is as much of a circlejerk as Yas Forums just replace graphics with high profile console games so I don't see them replying to this thread either.

Both games are very good, but second one is much more modern in terms of gameplay. I'd say start with the first one, but if you can't get over how it plays, try the second one as well.

im playing enhanced SS1 for better control scheme

i have been digesting for a week the amount of fun i had in just level fucking 1. it took me like 2 hours to beat just that level (I play slowly)

highly highly recommend. consider reading the manual

Just play Doom Eternal, it literally does everything better.

Attached: DoomSlayerEternal.jpg (772x789, 339.11K)


They do not:

They're both great. People never bothered with the first one because muh graphics and also the first one used the older ASDX control standard.
Enhanced Edition allows for both ASDX and WASD, though the original DOS portraits are turned off by default and relegated as a mod for some reason.

If you liked Thief and Deus Ex, you'll like System Shock. Play System Shock 1 and then check out semi-related game Terra Nova.

I honestly prefer SS1 to SS2, I can't believe 2 gets so much more acclaim, I found it quite limiting and boring in comparison to the first. Sure it looks better but it didn't feel much better to me.


Or you can google it when you arrive at that point because it's a fixed code.

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It's a fixed code on the new Steam version because somebody on Nightdive is a cuck.
The code was totally random on the original release.

fuck, is that in the manual? I only glanced through it to get some hud info and lore

Fun fact -- SS1's ASDX controls and interactive HUD widgets make the game fully playable on a touch screen.

>I can't believe 2 gets so much more acclaim, I found it quite limiting and boring in comparison to the first.

I think it's mostly because it's so much easier to pick up the second one and start playing, than it is to get used to the first game controls for people who have discovered them recently. SS1 is really overwhelming at first.

>game unexpectedly gets funky

Attached: 1350787104831.gif (490x353, 976.33K)

watch the ending cinematic of SS2 and judge for yourself

I think that's true, it wasn't until my second try that the game really clicked for me. The only reason I still haven't beaten it is because I honestly cannot figure out how to launch all the groves.

Honestly it would be very annoying to hunt down those terminals if you're playing blind the first time becaise pmce you get the floor security to 0% there is no reason to remember them. Backtracking to the surgical beds when you needed healing was enough.

No idea; I only played the Enhanced Edition, not the original.

Also, there's a basketball in the very first location of the game, just after the first elevator. If you find it, keep it. You'll know when to use it.


Both are good, SS2 just gets more love because the first has weird controls you have to get used to so a lot of people don't play it.
Get Enhanced Edition version of the original, its great and comes with mouse look. Keep in mind that 1 and 2 are different games
The first is more of a shooter, the second survival horror with RPG elements. Don't be afraid to use your guns in the original.

Tips for 1st:
>Levels are labyrinthian (think dungeon crawler in space), take notes of where stuff is that you think will be important later on your automap. Often things that you find early on will be reused later (power station, maintenance terminal, reactor room, etc)
>Node rooms when destroyed display numbers on a screen. Make note of these, there is one number per floor. You will need these later, write them down on a piece of paper if you have to.
>Get the laser rapier, its fantastic against invisible mutants on the floor its located on

Tips for 2
>Grenade launcher is broken with first upgrade when you use Gersh device (its OPed compared to upgrading other weapons)
>Crystal shard > Laser rapier in this one
>be sure to use cybernetic modules correctly, you can make a build that cant finish the game (you need certain hacking, repair, and research skills at points)
>Get the assault rifle and wreck the game even harder
>Guns do wear out over time and you will need to either fix them or get new ones (melee weapons don't break though)
>there is another number section in this one, in the mall area of a ship with numbers on screens, you need to make note of these as they come in handy later
That's pretty much it. Theyre both fun, I prefer them to thief and deus ex

Attached: ss2.jpg (1100x682, 232.99K)

The ending of 2 really pissed me off.

I didn't mind it. Left it open for a sequel (which once again we wont be getting since 3 is cancelled)
Oh well, at least theres prey

>you can make a build that cant finish the game (you need certain hacking, repair, and research skills at points)

Are you sure? I think the only requirement is research (for the poison), which you can do with the chip. Of course you can make your game much harder with a wrong build.

Both are nice, but they are very different games. System Shock 1 is like a real-time dungeon crawler without the RPG elements.
System Shock 2 brings back Ultima Underworld's RPG elements and makes the environments look like actual places, but in result the levels are a little bit less open.


SS2 is still good, though the fucking weapon degradation is such a fucking trash mechanic.

And the latter portion of the game falls off -- due to budget reasons, iirc. Still, it has some really good atmosphere worth checking out.

SS1 is hard to go back to but SS2 holds up even if it takes a while to adjust to its setup

>SS1 rerelease making it easy to run in new computers and adding countless quality of life improvements
>Ultima Underworld never got one, only a shitty kickscammer sequel.

Maybe he's referring to the part where you have to hack a replicator, but you can just buy an ICE Pick if you ignored hacking

I thought with that you just go into each grove, find the button, hit it, leave and it ejects. cant remember for sure though

Yes they do
Anyone who tells you that System Shock 1 is difficult to control is a retard because the updated source port edition of the Enhanced Edition exists (mouselook) and you can setup the bindings to replicate System Shock 2

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Ah didn't consider that, fair enough. Theres work arounds for some stuff.
Yeah wrong build can make things bad

You can't buy ICE picks, there are only like 4 in the entire game

That's for System Shock 2

No you have to do a whole bunch of running around on different floors as far as I can tell

SS1 is a bit archaic and hard to get into. SS2 aged much better since its basically just sci-fi thief.

Maybe you do. Its been a couple years since I played it.

I somehow confused your description with the art terminals you use to get the code for the satellite dish in 2.

You have to press a switch on the Exec level after you activate the self destruct in all of the groves or whatever
It took me a few hours to figure out what to do, namely because one grove is heavily irradiated and I thought that you don't go there yet because you don't have a radiation suit yet, but it turns out you do
Good luck making it through there without anti-toxin patches though lol

There should be somewhere to get a radiation suit. Reactor level or maintence or something

You can't go there until you jettison all of the groves, hence the issue
The elevator to that level is inaccessible until you do so

Ah ok. Now I remember. I don't think I even had the radiation suit at the end of the game cause I never bothered to get it and I had a ton of anti tox patches

I think you fucked up because I can't remember the issue you're describing.

Yeah that's exactly it, I assumed i needed the rad suit BEFORE going in but now you say I don't? Fuck I don't know how many anti toxin shits I have

SS1 and SS2 both very enjoyable.
I played 1 without the mouselook but I'd always recommend using it.

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Yeah, but then he also made an effort to clean up the mess he made in the first one and thought he had finished SHODAN so I don't hold it against him. He tried

I think the reason it pisses people off isn't the fact that it leaves it open for a sequel, it's that it's corny and a drastic shift in tone

They cancelled 3? What for?

I might have, but I read up on this issue online and I couldn't see how I screwed up if I did
Some other players had the same issue

The publisher they had a deal with went under iirc. Then they couldn't get a new publisher and they ran outta money and had to lay everyone off.

The remake of the original is still being worked on currently so we might get that. But 3 is once again dead (due in part to how bad underworld ascendant did I think)

Big spoilers for both games:
It's fucked up how the hacker is also indirectly responsible for all the deaths aboard the Von Braun and Rickenbacker

Also how the training missions at the beginning of 2 make clear that the System Shock universe is a pretty fucked up cyberpunk universe where bad things happen all the time.

It's shocking how truly revolutionary SS1 was on many fronts for its time and yet it went under everyone's radar so hard.

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There is supposedly a rad suit on Storage (level 4) but I never found it
Might be behind a security door and I didn't get security all the way down to 0% (had it at maybe 1%)

responded to your original post here yeah the world is messed up but then I kinda like it. It gives the soldier in 2 that motivation of
>I wanna get out of here
a feeling I think most have at some point in their life.

SS1 aged horribly, you might as well wait for the remake for a better experience.

It wasn't his idea but he followed through with what led to it, yeah.

It's perfectly playable with mouselook, what are you on?

You should be able to access Level 4 which has the tier 1 EnviroSuit.

Reading about it, there were two big factors working against System Shock:
1. It was a very demanding game at the time so very few computers at the time could could run it.
2. Everyone was busy playing Doom

I tried SS1 after having a lot of fun with 2. It aged really poorly, but there's a remake coming soon so I'll play it then.