How do we stop Sonic fans from fighting each other?

How do we stop Sonic fans from fighting each other?

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Kill the franchise.
There's seriously no other way, all you can hope is that they eventually move on.

Make them fuck each other

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More porn

We don't.

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Remember Chris-chan.

Go. Go watch his cross dressing phase.

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>Remove tranny discord dramafag furcucks
>Remove archiefags, remove SATamfags
>make it canon that sonic is just set on a magical earth, no two worlds shit
>sonic and classic are the same character but modern is just older, remove the shit “different dimensions” crap
>2D sonic games with all new stages release along with 3D adventure style games, no 2.5D shit, we have genesis style gameplay and adventure gameplay in their own games

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>Kill the franchise
Then, it'll just be a finger-pointing blame game over who was responsible for killing the series.

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stop them?

Have you tried turning them off?

Hence why I said is that you'd have to hope they eventually move on.

Accept sonic as the sex symbol that he is

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Make a genuinely good Sonic game.
Even the best 3D Sonic games discussion start with:
>it's flawed but...

Itll never happen. You Sonicshitters will fight endlessly for our amusement.

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They did, multiple times. Even if there was a genuinely good Sonic game by your standards, it wouldn't make a difference.

Cure autism on a global scale. So in other words, you can't stop it.


Remove everyone that i don't like! Make only the specific niche of games that I like!!!!

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>2D sonic games with all new stages release along with 3D adventure style games, no 2.5D shit, we have genesis style gameplay and adventure gameplay in their own games
I'd like this too but Sonic Team still hasn't figured out how to do full 3D with out some kind of side gimmick. They need to come up with something that allows them to make Sonic levels that don't cost so much dev time.

You literally can't.

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Kill all furfags
Kill all SA fags

This but just kill off Modern Sonic and make Classic inspired 3D Sonic games by fans who know what they're doing. Modernfags had their two decades of shit already. Let Sonic be good again.

>They did, multiple times.
3D Sonic games? Nah, whenever you talk about how good the "good" 3D Sonics are, there's always a "but." Always. And not just from uptight autists, either. Every single 3D Sonic has some sort of significant flaw that keeps it from being truly great.

That's a hopeless endeavor. The Sonic fanbase is completely fractured in regards to what it wants out of the games, in terms of both the actual gameplay and even just window dressing shit like the tone/writing, as any thread here or on /vg/ or even Yas Forums will showcase. Generally people aren't so particular that they only like one type of game, but those who enjoy the majority of the series are few and far between. A lot of faggots have some bizarre notion that if they bitch loud enough, the devs will see them as the face of the fanbase, and then take their input and factor it into the next title instead of doing what they normally do, i.e. completely disregarding fan input and spiraling off onto some bullshit tangent that literally nobody asked for. This whole shouting match is exacerbated by Sega/Sonic Team not having the budget to churn Sonic games out like Nintendo can with Mario, so it becomes an argument over who "deserves" their game the most.

And then you remember that Sonic is a multi-media franchise, with tons of people whose primary involvement comes from shit like TV shows and comics rather than vidya, and they want their shit to be relevant, too. There are four American cartoons, and there's Sonic X. There's the OVA, and there's the new film. There are like three or four separate comic series, and Archie is divided in half by a continuity reboot. Even the people who are fairly tolerant of all these disparate interpretations are going to have their own arbitrary opinions. "Oh, I would love if we got more of X, but they should NEVER revisit Y. Character A should be brought into the games, Character B can rot in hell." It's like Armstrong's speech at the end of MGR. Every individual Sonicfag has his own war to fight, his own personal hill to die on.

This but unironically since literally everyone that isn't a brain damaged Modernfag loves Classic Sonic.

this this this!!

Kill yourself classicnigger

Find a way to end these stigmas and we'll be a step closer

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But to make that all happen, Sonic Team has to be good again and SOJ has to stop meddling with Sonic Teams development

No other kart game matters

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You can make Classic inspired 3D Sonic games by fans who know what they're doing without killing off Modern Sonic, Sonic Adventure introduced him and that game is very much Classic inspired. Killing off Modern Sonic would not magically "let Sonic be good again", and just create more of a divide because people will still look back to Modern Sonic with fondness and be pissed they killed him off.

Instead, you should go with what said, you're not going to get rid of the fanbase divide suddenly just because the type of Sonic you don't like is removed. By the way, just because there's a "but" when people talk about good 3D Sonic games, doesn't mean they're not good, just means they're not great. Even the best games still have flaws.

What the fuck? I like boost. This is bullshit you era autist.

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In some people’s eyes, Classic Sonic is the only Sonic there is. They don’t see Adventure as a continuation of the character and even think that Sonic should always be silent.
Nick Robinson I know you’re here


>Sega/Sonic Team not having the budget to churn Sonic games out like Nintendo can with Mario
I've always wondered what the Sonic games would be like if Nintendo bought the IP. It feels like a monkey paw wish though, kinda like Disney with Star Wars.

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They would release a single game, and then can the entire franchise like they have been doing lately.

What do you like about boost games that couldn’t be improved by just putting a lighter boost in Adventure style games?

>Remove tranny discord dramafag furcucks
Please, you're embarrassing others with your boogeyman.

>Remove archiefags, remove SATamfags
Or start having respect and tolerance. Who are you to say we should remove a certain set of people just because they like what you dislike?

Lmao seething diaperfur detected
You embarrass yourself alone

Coping furfag

>remove archiefags
I wouldn’t say that. After THE RIDE, I’ve grown to like what the comic became.
I think more fan games should use Archie post genesis wave as a setting. It’s a consistent world.

Hi, /sthg/.

>respect and tolerance
You could learn a thing or two from Fleetwaychads, comic finished way earlier and you don't see anyone crying about it

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This is the issue though. I don’t mind the comics, but their representation of the characters is terribly off key and a consistent world doesn’t fit sonic.

I don't get why some people think Classic Sonic is mute. He can talk in CD

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Practically nothing. I see the boost and adventure style as practically the same thing. I just like the boost games more than the adventure ones.

/sthg/ is filled with discord furry drama crap
This is what the post was talking about
I don’t care what people get off to, they just for some reason tend to be obnoxious attention seekers which ruin discussion

In the Japanese manuals they reference sonic talking. I think in the sonic 3 one he says to tails that he remembers a legend about angel Island. He could always talk

>You could learn a thing or two from Fleetwaychads
Oh, yeah, sure. I surely would learn one or another from people who are narrow-minded and biased instead of theses who are more open, diverse and tolerant in liking Sonic and its interpretations.

>comic finished way earlier and you don't see anyone crying about it
Because it was less popular and recognizable than Archie Sonic. You also don't see anyone "crying' about the french and japanese Sonic comics.

Ich glaube, ich habe eine Idee

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>be more open minded!!
>unless you don’t like Archie

He also talks in the arcade games and even had a manga from 1992 to 1994, where Amy made her first appearance.

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Wait there's a french Sonic comic?

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>with discord furry drama crap
*with jap purists and fujos obsessed with Shadow.

you can't, and they won't
this. the fanbase is too far gone just let it fucking die

Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.

I'm pretty sure it's just one fujo that's obsessed with Shadow, at least in /sthg/

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>Please, you're embarrassing others with your boogeyman.
I bet it's some autistic Sonic discord coordinating the threads for the last couple weeks.
I've noticed a recent trend, where the OP of Sonic threads always alludes to faction among the fanbase. It seems rather divisive. I don't know. Something is odd.

>open, diverse and tolerant in liking Sonic and its interpretations
I'm sorry your "official" fanfic ended, but come on now, archiefags are the original Sonic autists and want the OCs from their Sonic to be everywhere. There are exceptions as always, but archiefags by and large are the least tolerant Sonicfags.

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We must all unite under the true canon (Tamers)

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