Unpopular opinions thread

Fallout 3 is just as good as New Vegas, and in some ways even better, such as the tone and atmosphere. One of the biggest criticisms of Fo3, that being a supposed lack of choices and roleplaying opportunities, is just straight up incorrect.

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Agreed OP.
Fallout 3 is much bleaker looking than NV and more closely matches the tone of the original fallout.
NV is fun, but its cowboy themes detract from it

I can enjoy both, but there's one thing that pisses me off everytime, and that's Raven Rock getting destroyed offscreen. The Enclave was the coolest shit, and they set you up like you'll be able to join them once Autumn is dealt with, only for that to be snatched away.

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just play oblivion and shut the fuck up

i certainty enjoyed the side quests

Fallout 3 is the definition of soulless

While I disagree that FO3 is just as good as New Vegas, NV fans who say they absolutely detest FO3 are being irrational. They core gameplay loops are the same. While New Vegas presents a much more coherent and believable world, the majority of time in both games is going to be spent exploring abandoned buildings and tunnels, gathering loot and shooting at bad guys.

I don't really care that much about the 3D Fallouts. 3, NV, and 4 are all about the same to me.

Can we agree that Fallout 4 and 76 are shit?

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76 of course, but I honestly thought that Fallout 4 was fine.

>Fallout 3 is much bleaker looking than NV and more closely matches the tone of the original fallout.
That's the problem retard. There's over a century of time between 3 and 1 yet it looks like it's been less than a decade.

I played 76, and, admittedly, I didn't get very far in the story, since I was mostly focused on the joinable Enclave, but based on my experience, it very well could've been a fun experience if it wasn't an MMO and didn't have the Atom shop bullshit

they're the same shit game retard

You have bad taste

Fallout 4 was better than Fallout 3, by miles if you include Far Harbor.

How is that a problem?

>Being bleak and matching the tone of the original is the problem

76 takes the cake though , 4 is surely enjoyable and there are a lot of new cool stuff ,quests and story are its main weak point

NV gameplay is way better though
>real iron sights
>better gunplay
>tons of guns
>more customization
>more crafting
>ammo types
>more interesting perks and more of them
>more enemy variety
>DT/DR armor system
>more consumables and healing options
>better method of handling heavy guns by distributing them through the other skills
>tons of work done to make melee and unarmed better

I liked that if you were in the Brotherhood or Institute you could go tell them about Acadia and storm the place.

>civilization is in an even worse spot than it was 116 years ago
It's retarded.

Fallout 3 is not just as good as New Vegas, FO3 is considerably better.

Fallout 4 wasn't that bad. The moral choices in the main quest were actually pretty cool.
You have to define not only what you consider human but if you think humanity should be free to do what it wants or, at the benefit of recovering quicker, let a few selected people control society.
Shooting was much improved too. I really don't see people's problems with it other than the goofy legendary weapon system

It also takes place is an entirely different part of the country, moron. Of fucking course Washington D.C, the capital of the United States, would be in a worse position than fucking Southern California in the event of a nuclear war.

Washington D.C. wasn't shown to be anymore inhospitable than the wasteland of 1.

I just thought of this: Oil is scarce, and the Oil Rig was destroyed. How did the Enclave have enough fuel to fly across the US?

You yourself said that its hundreds of years later, dumbass.

>civilization is in a worse spot
I mean the place got nuked and is on the other side of the country, things aren't going to be the exact same on the East coast as they are out west.

Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas.

Nuclear powered aircraft. Same excuse used to explain why literally any and all technology somehow still works in every Fallout game.

Fallout 4 was a great game but a shit Fallout game.

It's not implied to have been any worse for awhile before the game takes place either.

NV is fine if you like being herded to designated fun points.
Mostly older types like this style. Less thinking required.

I got some more
>throwing weapons like tomahawks and spears
>poisoning weapons like elder scrolls
>skill magazines
>grenade launchers and rifles to round out explosives
And I have strictly limited myself only to things related to combat. I should make my own 3 hour video going over how 3 actually is as bad as people think and the contrarians defending this barebones piece of shit have never touched New Vegas in their lives

It's not so much about "SHOW ME THAT YOU CAN NEVER MAKE CHOICES" but that
>It's all very black and white
>Main story has (if i recall) no large choices that alter where you go or who you talk to afterwards

The highlight that comes to mind is Tenpenny Tower, where there's not really an obvious satan&saint answers, and things backfire if you try to go for the middle of the road, speech check scumsaving "cant we all get along" option. But even this is a side mission.

>Far Harbor
If they made the rest of Fallout 4 like Far Harbour it would have been Kino.

>shitty backwater town in the middle of nowhere is able to establish a stable trading town and then a state wide republic
>populated washington dc area is destroyed to shit with only 2 large population centers and nobody has managed to fix anything after a century

Playing through Tale of Two Wastelands made me appreciate Fallout 3 more because even though New Vegas is undoubtedly better in almost every way, it wouldn't be the same without the base Fallout 3 game. Despite that fuck Bethesda for starting Obsidian with 3 years of dev time and then continiuosly reducing it till it was only 18 months and the 85 on Metacritic thing, they saw how much better the game would be if it kept it's 3 year window and fucked them over.

Because basic reasoning and logic skills would tell you that anyway, the game doesn't need to imply that, its common sense.

76 was a turd to be sure. Falling that hard for the survival meme is worthy of all the derision it gets.
4 was fine outside of the voiced protag.

DCs problem was the hillbillies in WV wouldn't stop launching nukes at each other.

Yes, that makes sense. Of course a place that was relatively unscathed compared to the literal carpet-nuking D.C got would be able to recover faster.

>But even this is a side mission.
It's also still treated as morally black and white by the game's writing despite very clearly not being it.

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So nothing in the game and you're just filling in the blanks with your fan-fiction? What was the magical thing that made the wasteland safer when the game actually starts? The brotherhood falling apart?

but the population on the east coast is more densely packed, don't you think some people from maryland would go to the D.C area and rebuild? establish settlements that aren't a massive unrealistic engineering feat or something completely absurd like a hotel? people from all around california came to what was left of san francisco which was no doubt bombed hard, and made it completely livable

Fucking New Vegas conspiracy theorists. Obsidian was never offered 3 years, they were offered a negotiable contract that started at 18 months, but signed it as-is anyway because they were overconfident in their ability to make a game that fast. Also, the fucking CEO of Obsidian literally said that they never cared about the Metacritic bonus.

I'm sorry that you're too retard to think for yourself and need every single bit of backstory spoon-fed to you like a fucking baby with no basic deduction and reasoning skills.

Seriously, fuck Three Dog

What reason would they have to go to D.C?

>come out of vault right next to DC
there you go

because it has the united states treasury and a lot of other important and or symbolic things?


Yes, let me just walk a cross a massive fucking distance full of radiation and mutants for useless currency that no traders accept anymore, or for some stupid "symbolic" shit that isn't gonna help me survive in this extremely cutthroat world.

do you not realize that people also live *around* the d.c. area and not necessarily inside the city? or in vaults? and alternative currency does exist as seen new vegas with roman coins and old world money with the ncr

>they were offered a negotiable contract that started at 18 months, but signed it as-is anyway
> Also, the fucking CEO of Obsidian literally said that they never cared about the Metacritic bonus
Could you post any sources for those claims? Would be something good to know.

I know who you are, faggot. You and your fag agenda.

how about the empty wasteland
about a halfway thorough fo3 in a TTW playthough
and it's all "save or kill the child slaves????" or "mercy kill the man with a tree in his head?"
both of these are detractors. Bioshock morality system.

Wasn't 3 originally meant to be set 20 years after the nukes went off, but then they realised this wouldn't work for the Enclave/BoS shit they had going on?

Do you understand how nukes work? Because living outside of the city limits isn't gonna save you. Also, the NCR uses their own brand new NCR branded paper currency, it doesn't use pre-war money.

Do we really need another thread defending Fallout 3 made by some faggot who was 8 years old when the game came out and now they're an adult need to shitpost and vomit their retard nostalgia all over everybody else?

Except in the fucking canon, as stated by Fallout 2, LA GOT HIT WORSE THAN DC

Stop talking out of your ass.

To be fair, you could easily just chalk that up to Three Dog being a moron.

Holy crap an unpopular and bad opinion?! On Yas Forums?! Who would have thought!

>Of course a place that was relatively unscathed compared to the literal carpet-nuking D.C got would be able to recover faster.
>relatively unscathed
>the same region where LA and the Glow exist, where the desert is literally black coloured

Are you seriously implying that FO3 doesn't do the same shit? Christ.

>"It was a timeline we agreed to—I think we bit off a little more than we could chew, and then it was a little hard to recover... We learned some lessons about trying to make too big a game. We also learned some lessons about managing QA."
>"We didn't even ask for the bonus, in the contract..." "We generally ignore all of them (talking about bonuses in contracts)..."

Both outshine each other in different departments. I ultimately like F3 more for tone and atmosphere but there's no doubt that F:NW is stronger and smarter pound for pound. What I detest however is Obsidrones throwing hissy fits the moment somebody mentions something positive about F3. We can all agree that F4 and F76 are shitshows though and that Bethesda shouldn't have the license.

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It doesn't.

nignog don't give kotaku clicks. archive that shit.

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I think its fine to give them clicks when its a legitimately good article that you're linking to.

No it isn't. And even if that journo here is actually good, he won't see a dime from the clicks. The only one you are helping is Kotaku.

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The entirety of settlements on the map don't have rhyme or reason to exist. They have no relation nor any connection to eachother, and don't connect to the overall story. They are designated theme park ride towns.


in hindsight Fallout should've died with interplay.

Thanks for these, user. I defend New Vegas a lot because of my obvious love for the game but it's good to have my views challenged and recognize that it wasn't all black and white as i'd like to think it was.

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>Fallout 3 is much bleaker looking than NV
And NV has a much bleaker storyline.