Let's have semi-serious discussion about the state of this franchise...

Let's have semi-serious discussion about the state of this franchise. Insomniac let go their head writer/director for the series after 12 years, not to mention the lead artist for Ratchet passed away a few months ago. I can't imagine how this will affect the next game.

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The series has been shit since Deadlocked.

>the next game
lmao at you delusional furry

The movie game sold well.
It's going to happen.

Last game was a remake movie tie-in released 4 years ago.
The franchise is either dead or going nowhere good.

>Dropped the anti-corporate angle
>Dropped David Bergeaud from composing
>Dropped the semi-silly tone of the previous games to have a 'serious' generic chosen one story

Deadlocked was the last truly good Ratchet and Clank game

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>next game
uh, never gonna happen. They are spider-man factory now.

Nah, the PS3 games were alright.
But I do agree that Deadlocked was shit.

>deadlocked was shit
Shit taste.

>the PS3 games were alright.
>Deadlocked was shit.

Get out

It was alright as a spin-off, but bad as a Ratchet and Clank game.

>it's a good game just not a good X game
God you're a faggot.

And that was bad as an opinion
Suck cock, get rocked

The series should've ended with A Crack In Time

Gladiator was the last great game. I like the PS3 titles but they don't compare to the PS2 ones. Some things are only meant to last for so long and I think R&C just ran out of steam. What else is there to do with the series?
Also, what the fuck happened to the story in those games? It went from a slightly rebellious and cynical feel to some wholesome Disney type shit.

what do we think about this one?

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Roll in more female lombaxes

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I thought it was pretty boring and the minigames were neat ideawise but poor in execution. Controls don't help

I know I played it as a kid but I have no memory of the actual game.

Psp cashin, not good

R&C have always sold well and it's the single IP that's saved the developer on a number of occasions, especially that time Insomniac got sweet talked into making Fuse with EA and EA ended up taking what money the game made and leaving them Jack shit.

third game, best game

>PS2 version
Sorry the PSP version is the only way to play. The game itself isn't remarkable, but it had some ideas, albeit half-baked ones like the armor system. The dream sections are trippy, and I can't believe this is the LAST game to ever feature the suck cannon.

whats there to discuss

you'll never get another game

What's wrong with the PS2 version?

Yeah the platforming was bad but it had great gunplay and top banter from Juanita and Dallas.
Tools of Destruction was the last good one, Crack in Time being decent. Rest of the Future saga was forgettable and the reboot I haven't tried because I prefer Ratchet's original backstory over the new bitchboy one.

Better than Gladiator

Its a port of the PSP version. Need I go on?


Imagine hating on Deadlocked

I will never understand the hate base with this series.

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I don't remember much but I hated the level design and lack of colors

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Bergeaud did a hack job with ToD, he won't be missed

Was Deadlocked the one with a giant flail weapon on an electric chain? That kicked ass.

>it's the single IP that's saved the developer on a number of occasions
When they were barely AA.

They're AAA first-party now. R&C doesn't pull the numbers. Not even close.

I blame whoever directly him to make a more 'orchestral' score which is obviously not his strong suit. Also that shit doesn't fit Ratchet and Clank anyways

For those who want to cut their teeth on the franchise

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This game is fun

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Not hate. Disappointed with the direction of the series.
I would rather prefer letting the series die than having the reboot series kick off more sequels that suck out the soul of the franchise.
Insomniac's work on Spiderman proves they still got the talent to pursue other IPs.

>R&C1 has a great final boss that was built up to the entire game
>R&C3 has a great final boss that was built up to the entire game
>R&C2's final boss is a "wait that's it, the game's over?"
What happened here?

>5:26:36 video
and I thought it was going be gamingbrit video

It's just a damn shame that they took out the dry humor and overall satirical tone
Because otherwise this looks absolutely stunning and plays well.

2 was rushed as fuck. 3 was even more rushed but they realized bosses sucked in 2 and made sure to fix them


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Yup, PS3 trilogy when compared to original is objectively bad. And rest are trash.

Better than everything after deadlocked.

Imsoniac is swimming in that Spider-Man money, and probably making a sequel for PS5 right now. Our best hope is that Sony handles the IP to a secondary dev team.

lol no, Nexus is way better than this crap, even ToD is

Nexus runs like shit and was short and unsatisfying.
ToD is a tech demo and aged like milk, unlike original trilogy.

SM is a tech demo too but it has shit gameplay, controls and level design unlike the others
stop defending a crap game for the PSP because you had nothing else to play at the time

>"Why yes, my favorite R&C game is Deadlocked, how could you tell?"

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the psp games were fucking garbage

2 > 3 > 1 > Crack in Time > Deadlocked > Tools of Destruction > Quest for Booty > Nexus > The PSP games.

The rest I haven't played

I just want a hd collection of the ps2 + ps3 games on ps4/5

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What should Insomniac do with the extended universe cast?

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Ratchet's an alien

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Who's the best waifu?

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I hated 2's final boss. Giant pet piece of shit thing did high damage and was a bullet sponge because hurdur gotta be toughest its the final boss. I rage bought a RYNO to deal with it. Haven't touched 2 since because I don't want to deal with that stupid shit again.

>Implying Going Commando doesn't have the best soundtrack


And the best of the best

Damn man, looking at the awful level design of the crap you are trying to defend, I think you should just go play it. It's ok.

He got supplanted by the new guy with the orchestral bullshit hired for Resistance, didn't he? He was all but already fired.

I liked the movie characters. Sue me. They would be great in the next game.

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He also was the composer of Resistance, at least the first game.

I feel like Ratchet games don't have the same focus on storytelling like the OG games. The story that's there is unfortunately muddled and haphazardly slapped together just to stack on lore.