Fuck you Yas Forums this is great. I cant believe I almost fell for you bullshit memes...

Fuck you Yas Forums this is great. I cant believe I almost fell for you bullshit memes. Its already better in every way to warband.

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Like I am loving it so much, and it's getting daily patches. It's just going to keep getting better and better

The sieges are so much more fun, the campaign mode is more fun, and the politics have way more depth

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skyrim is a better game

plus no more chasing down tiny lords at at the end of the game to finally win. WE'RE JUST GONNA KILL EM

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How do I make steel? Recipe ain't showing.

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I'm gonna kill literally anyone I'm given the chance to.

I'm loving it but it took me forever to grind enough exp in order to get the disciplinarian perk just to find out that it doesn't even work. Shit is infuriating.

I think you need to level up your smithing? idk how to get fine steel, but you can get steel by smelting down other weapons you find

Not gonna lie, this is a well shilled post.

It lacks depth, the game turns into a boring cycle once you meet mid to end game.
Can't wait for mods.

>can't even play properly due to injury, so no direct combat for me
>just roleplaying as a disfigured, frail lord and treating it entirely as a strategy/management game
>Still having a fucking blast

Total War can eat a dick, this is exactly the sort of game they should have been making a decade ago. Can't wait for the Gekokujo mod for Butterlord.

Horse hair looks like absolute shit, but everything else is great.

true, right now it lacks endgame
early-mid game is good though

Fuck me, I didn't know you had to assign a companion to lead the caravan.
I'm not losing my niggas.

Alternatively, where do I find a fucking jew to run this?

you capture a lord and then a few days later you meet them again because your shitty empress released them in the peace deal. Its better to just cut their heads off and be done with it

Wait another 8 years and it'll be even better

They're worth it in the long run, though. They make a bunch of money after 20 days or so. However, you'll be deep in the hole until then.

I feel like a problem with Bannerlord for me is the political map.

The map is 'too small' and the factions 'too large'. I imagine Bannerlord's systems on top of a Sengoku map with +30 factions would actually do a lot of good to reducing snowball, since one faction losing wouldn't be as impactful.
That, and revolts really need to be implemented.
Dynamic AI faction creation and splinter revolts would be stellar.

>The map is 'too small' and the factions 'too large'. I imagine Bannerlord's systems on top of a Sengoku map with +30 factions would actually do a lot of good to reducing snowball, since one faction losing wouldn't be as impactful.
This. They should just go full total war and add like 50 factions.

>Because early access can't manually declare war on nations.
>Have to raid villages instead
>End up losing 250 influence for raiding a village, so you can't even form a army.

I got 60k but I just don't want to lose my companions, they have good gear, two are good fighters, the other retards has tatctics and there's the medic.
I guess I can hire another one just for this and have him not run like a complete hobo.

which is what will happen if they add internal politics, clans having their own goals, schemes and so on

i unlocked the ultimate unit

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But only one person fell for the bait.

>I feel like a problem with Bannerlord for me is the political map.
The problem so far is the lack of actual political A.I., not the size of the map or factions. That is what also causes the snowball,, though just tweaking the damn economical A.I. did do a LOT to help too.
But so far, A) clans themselves have little to no agency, and B) there is no proper political A.I. - no aliances, no global threat awareness, no reason to force peace other than war reaching a stalemate. That is the biggest issue, and the main reason for the eventual snowball.

It's good, and it's nice to see it finally starting to work as intended. But it desperately needs more STUFF. More quests, more politics, more social ladders and hierarchies, more options, more dialogues, more companions, basically: more everything. The foundations are really solid (poor performance and stability not withstanding) but after a while, it starts to shine how barebones the core gameplayloop gets.

>250 days in
>25 hours play time
>still 7/10 lords spoken to for the quest

heh, just me? is there any point in doing it?

faggots pls help

what determines if a settlement has special units available? Fians for example

what the fuck do I spend money on? I have 450k from butchering arabs and selling their shit, but nothing to spend it on

what factors into who'll be eligible for a newly conquered castle/town's ownership?

I keep conquering but I'm never one of the 3 candidates to own it

Better than Warband.
That is a fairly low hurdle to clear user.

The unit order UX is still frustrating and cumbersome. Wish there was a better way.

what's the swadian knight of bannerlord?


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I have -47 relation with Caladog and I’ve been serving the dude since the start of the game. Never got a notification of the decrease and never even did anything bad to him.

Why doesn’t assisting others in battle increase relation like in warband this shit is retarded.

Depends on the weapon you're melting. Some give you only woods, some steel or fine steel

I does, at times.
The game has a big problem either registering, or notifying the player about some major events in general. Hell, I never got notifications about half of the wars we had declared.
Helping a lord in battle should net you at least +1 relationship, but either there is a bug preventing it, or at least a bug preventing you getting notification of it, I'm not sure which. Same goes for gifts.

Companions are better for caravans and new parties than keeping them in your party. Just keep a wife with high steward and it's fine. Eventually your kids will grow up and they'll lead the war parties and your companions will lead your economy

I am so glad there's no feasts. It was a real fucking pain on so many levels.
>Kingdoms forgetting about war to go feast
>Kingdoms leaving sieges to go feast
>Kingdoms letting their territory be conquered while they feast
>Having to fucking chase down lords in some backwater shit castle because they're feasting
>Only tournaments during feasts
>Need tournaments to even talk to a lady

Though I feel like maybe tournaments are a bit too common now. Even though you don't get much out of them unless you're lucky with a particular helmet, so maybe it's okay.

But can I actually make steel with iron and something else?

sounds like someone doesn't like butter

Attached: butterlord.png (960x540, 326.04K)

Loving these new eldritch horror units they've added.
Eldritch horror invasion mod when, I wanna cleave through hordes of tentacled spooks with my bros

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Yeah I constantly have to check the kingdoms tab to see if we are at war it never tells me.

Fair enough, I take I should keep the medic at least?
The others are more warrior like, not sure if I need someone proficient in trade to run the caravan.

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They are too common, unless you mod it they give no XP and besides the two top tier helmets the rest of the prices are shit.

Is there any way to counter horse archers?

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Horse archers are actually pretty shit at killing stuff. Just get some shielded infantry and some foot archers and they'll beat the horsefags pretty easily most of the time.

Relations are weird and tied entirely to the clan itself, for Monchug's clan (in my game at least) they'll really hate you if you lose a fief but will be happy if you ever bid on a fief. You can raise it using influence but it's a lot cheaper and easier to just donate money/items to one of the clan members. Not sure if it really even does anything right now other than prevent you from joining as a mercenary or vassal.

Having more horse archers.

Also, I found that lancers can turn smaller groups of horse archers into mincemeat, and those imperial heavily armored horsebowmen deal with them pretty well too.
Alternatively, I've seen my 50+ heavy horse archers getting torn to shread by a solid mass of imperial crossbowmen and foot archers.

I really really enjoy multiplayer. I can't wait for custom servers but it's so nice to just play plain ass, regular siege.

Any news on windows servers?

I enjoy both Captain mode with few of my buddies and Siege for casual fun, reminds me of Battlefield 2 days in simplicity, which is amazing.


captain/skirmish are only good if you're playing with friends, it's so inefficient trying to do it with randoms, I lost every match until I had just one other person with me. We'd team up and since the enemy team was full of people who didn't group up it was just a total joke, picking off lone wolves.

Not really, not unless further supported. Shields do fuck all because the horsefags just cycle around them, and heavy horse archers have solid armor on top of that, so footarchers of lower tiers will do negligible damage.
Unless you have a pretty overwhelming advantage in numbers, or something that actually prevents them from circling around your army, foot-based armies are usually fairly helpless to them. I've been defeating foot-based armies three times the size of my lot with 40+ heavy horse archers and just a handful of lancers to fend off enemy cavalery or crack down on straglers, often without any loses on my side.
Only a critical mass of crossbowmen and generally an overwhelming number advantages managed to crack the army down, and even then, we still had 3to1 K/D ratio.

That said, heavy horse archers are just quite a pain to raise, you can easily raise 5 regular infantry units for the price.

Kara boga mounted archers

I hate how you don't get the warhorse back when a high tier cavalry troop dies. Those things aren't cheap though you get them as loot occasionally.

>get my first castle
>its right nextdoor to warring country
>gets taken immediately
>repeat for the next 2
>get castle decently far inland
>immediate army of 450 comes as soon as I arrive there, no reinforcements in sight

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Most units that require warhorses are insanely powerful, so it seems fairly balanced. Except for Battarian horse riders. Those might be the worst unit in the game, cost-to-effect ratio-wise.

do all 3 imperial factions have the exact same units?

>Horse archers are actually pretty shit at killing stuff
ok buddy

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>It's better in every way to Warband
No shit. It's just Warband with better graphics and better siege mechanics. Considering how many hours I got out of the original, I can easily see myself getting more than my money's worth from this one.

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Yes, in vanilla, unit pool is dictated by culture, and all three imperial factions share the same culture.
There are already several mods that add unique unit trees to them out though.


anyone have a bug where clan roles don't always save?

It's because you're cycling through the roles, click on it and assign it that way.

>tfw my game is currently embroiled in an Empire-Battanian Hyperwar
Also the Fief awarding systems is fucking horseshit I've crushed at least 5 Battanian armies that have outnumbered me and taken out 2 castles and 1 city yet I have been given jack squat - not even given the option to vote for myself as the owners of them. Yet when I first joined the empire at some point they randomly gave me 2 castles that I had no part in taking over and I was able to influence myself to own a town that I only had a small part in conquering. I don't get it.

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