Steam Profile Thread

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suck a dick

>open up discord
>see someone in my past discussion history with a tranny heart as a status symbol
>look who it is out of curiosity
>it's one of the people in my class when I was at college
>check his twitter
>pictures of a pasty rick moranis in a dress and lipstick
>acne and arm hair and all
I was so flabbergasted. Last we spoke he wanted to become a cop. What the fuck happened??????

>What the fuck happened??????
Shouldn't have killed that fucking gorilla in 2016. The world went downhill from there on, fast.

M-maybe he's just fucking with someone, user. Maybe he's not ACTUALLY gone...

>playing ff14
Yep, it checks out

>1381 games
>Final Fantasy XIV

Oh boy, time to post my collection

I'm assuming he was a scrawny beta type who would be easily corrupted by twitter porn and sissy shit. This is how it is now sadly, why be a worthless male when you can become a meme tranny and have legions of admirers online.

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Why the fuck is it always ff14, literally all of them play it

game so shit that only watching you're toon and erping are left


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wtf americans, I thought Texas was based?!

what makes PC players such attention whores?

Probably that you can't even do something as simple as changing your username or profile picture free at will on a console.

>yet puts up all that shit about them
my ass

there is a huge difference between being shy IRL or being confronted in real time and setting up an autistic profile

>I'm a tranny
>I'm a demisexual

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All right, Yuru Yuri is kind of based tho

>anime girls cuz ur a soft qt uwu

>A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It's more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships. Nevertheless, this term does not mean that demisexuals have an incomplete or half-sexuality, nor does it mean that sexual attraction without emotional connection is required for a complete sexuality. In general, demisexuals are not sexually attracted to anyone of any gender; however, when a demisexual is emotionally connected to someone else (whether the feelings are romantic love or deep friendship), the demisexual experiences sexual attraction and desire, but only towards the specific partner or partners.
What the fuck am I reading?

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>demisexual means that you want to fuck people you like
uhhh okay ? how is this new form of sexuality

very very cute

Not a tranny, homo, or any of that stuff btw

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>5k hours in Dota
You're worse.

>a Dota drone

All people see on my profile is my swastika avatar. My vac bans from aim botting in about every game I can. And my 200+ hours in hatred.
>inb4 buh buh you c-cannot aim-b-b-b-bot thats bad!
Eat shit and die, faggot.

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I know it's bait, but why do "people" (they're subhumans lol) cheat on multiplayer games? Like, how is that fun? You're not actually doing anything.

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its all fucking trannie profiles

Austin is just San Francisco.

I aimbot because it pisses off three types of people.
1. It pisses off the devs, because they realized they fucked up enough to leave a hole in their game for me to exploit.
2. It pisses off the underages who scream and squeal for help when I spawn kill them after teleporting to where they spawn.
3. It pisses off the sweaty tryhards who jack off to their numbers. Which I plan to ruin.
But most importantly, I do it all because it makes me laugh. Griefing is fun when you're the griefer. More games should have griefing as a gameplay mechanic.

Take it to >>/soc/ and neck yoirself on the way out

That's really pathetic user, but you do you. It's not like I feel sorry for plebs who play multiplayer video games anyway.

This sucks man

This thread is why I say PC is for virgin weirdo losers

Dangerously baste

I'd post mine but I don't want to deal with the autistic faggotry you cunts bring.

>loves moeshit
>Yas Forums
Like clockwork.

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.t got aimbotted by a t-posing alyx in cs

gachi is based as fuck but the rainbow flag is unironically too homosexual

thats so fucking gay

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I don't play multiplayer video games, so no, can't say it ever happened


This profile ticks off ALL the red flags

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>favorite genre: MMO
every fucking time. WoW and FFXIV prove this.

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>Steam in Recent Activity

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>steam counting your hours

My avatar is from an hmanga about a girl draining the balls of her friends while in a karaoke booth and then chugging all the semen they produced from a pint glass and then asking them for more.

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Only one thing is missing:
>last online 513 days ago

what happened on november 9th 2 years ago?

He also belonged into 100 anime groups and a Yas Forums group idk why I left those out in the pic

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>lets you play a loli
Mystery fucken solved

mmos in general are tranny magnets, don't act like there aren't tons in wow.

>potato humans
this is a joke right?

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Steam Profile Autism Levels:

Low Danger
>Anime profile picture
>Several recent names
>A single ban several years ago

Mid Danger
>Cropped porn profile picture
>Several bans or 1 recent ban
>Anything in the artwork showcase
>Anything longer than a single sentence of description
>Showcasing TF2 unusuals or CSGO Knives

High Danger
>Profile picture is meme anime characters (e.g. Astolfo, Felix)
>PC Specs in description
>Multiple paragraphs of description
>1000+ Games

Breaking Point
>Has pronouns in their description
>Lists their mental illnesses
>Artwork showcase images make up a single image and is connected to the background
>Several hundred screenshots or reviews
>1,000+ hours in a game that does not have 1,000+ hours of content
>Has several "rare" items from games nobody has played displayed

Its missing "ironic" weebshit and pronouns to have all red flags imaginable.

>Life can be a challenge
>It's never easy when there is so much on the line
>But you and I can make a difference
>Just look inside and you will find
>The Pokémon

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you're missing a crucial breaking point
furry pfp

>Yas Forums steam group
>Yas Forums steam group
>description full of stuff nobody cares
>anime artwork
>meme groups
>anime or cropped hentai avatar
>steam level above 50

Attached: clint.gif (240x228, 771.28K)

Surely that's included in cropped porn? All furry artwork is pornography, lewd or not.

>tfw steam level above 50 because of that one sale glitch
Fuck I was so close

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>current year
>not being a furfag

>have a furry friend
>he erps with me weekly
furries are only good for being cum dumps desu

Daily reminder that we share Yas Forums with this kind of faggot. Absolutely disgusting.

if you do furry erp then you're no better than a cumdump yourself

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nothing wrong with dominating a tail hole and maw