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I tried this beer because he constantly brought it up and it's pretty ok. I'll drink anything though, I don't really know what makes a beer "good" apart from it not making me gag.

No idea what's going on pic related but rolling rock sucks.

One of his finest moments, believe it or not. Everyone liked AVGN.

Rolling rock isn't as good as it was, now it's the king of cheap beers. Better than fucking high Life and Pabst that's for sure.

he's drinking rolling rock...


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Man that stuff was alright, a friend of mine showed it to me long before the hipsters got into it. For some reason it was mostly punks, and psychobillies that were into that stuff.

Rolling rock is usually more expensive than PBR though. I'd rather get coors banquet instead.

I seriously doubt he actually still drinks it. When AVGN began, Rolling Rock had a distinctive flavor and cost slightly more than say a bud light or Miller lite. A couple years into AVGN, Anheuser-Busch bought it and brewed it differently and it just tasted like their other light beer and people stopped drinking it. I have even seen it in years except when I was in Pittsburgh for a family reunion but I think it’s from Pennsylvania originally. Anyways the craft beer explosion is what made it disappear around by me I think. It didn’t sell well enough to warrant the shelf space.

He only drinks it because it’s part of the character

>wife asks for sex without the bull

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Rolling rock was never a cheap beer though and it doesn’t taste anything like it used to 20 years ago. Pabst still tastes the same and it costs significantly less. It gives me the shits

It’s a quote that permeates my consciousness every single day

When I hear the phrase "rolling rock" I immediately think about "watch for rolling rocks 0.5x A presses"

We'll see this quote in history books one day, lads.

he doesnt drink on camera, its always water or juice in the bottles

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You can do better than that. Come on

not worth my time

what do American beers and having sex in a canoe have in common?
They're both fucking close to water.

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Neither are your posts

I've never seen a channel get colonized as badly as Cinemassacre has by the Screenwave fat fucks.

Mike Matei, however, is based.

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Mike has a 10 inch dick

sweating intensifies

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>sneed poster is unfunny
imagine my shock

I will give Mike this. He actually loves video games. It’s clear James has almost no passion for gaming.

>this game had my city in it
>it's the shittiest looking level in the entire game

It's Shit Rock. Stick to the Local Brew.

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mike matei is the actual inspiration for the avgn. james just wanted to make the video stuff and act.


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James have not time for it since wife is ruining him.

>local brew
user this is a national brand

I think he just is the type of guy who only enjoys the games he played as a kid. You can see his absolute disinterest whenever Mike has tried to get him to play something new.

Right. So James really has no interest in video games.

How about how she cucked him into putting her name above his on HIS feature film.

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James was only casually into it in his childhood. Most of the games from early AVGN are Mike's. Mike brought the actual knowledge whereas James brought teh film knowledge. Early AVGN is head and shoulders above everything else on the web druing 2006.

not really, he likes horror and monster movies.
James is inept at vidya.

I thought it was funny.
Also American beer does suck.

A is before J, user.

James is actually a pretty handsome guy. Sad that he's balding, but what can you do?

He needs to grow a beard and just shave everything off the top.

I mean is that any different from Yas Forums posters unironically going OLD GOOD NEW BAD? Except James is from a generation older than most people saying that so people don't understand they're exactly the same, they just all grew up in different eras.

Can somebody tell why he unlisted the ROB episode?

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I think he's weird looking but he has insane charisma. I'm saying this as a butt ugly fuck myself

because new games are genuinely press forward to walkie-talkie shite aimed at the biggest common denominator.
4th to 6th gen was the golden age of vidya, zoomers are experiencing the dark age now.

How big is mikes dick really?

10 inches long and about as wide as a coke bottle.
It's still up, maybe some sort of issue with an advertiser or copyright claim on the main channel version.

That's my point. To James, your generation of games is far too much busy work and shit that detracts from the core gaming experience he played growing up. I'm sure a lot of people his age feel the same way.

Has there been a male e-celeb with a wife or significant-other that this board hasn't claimed is a cuck or some bullshit?

So he will look like soi?

Not big at all. The only photos of it are some prosthetic. His ex confirmed he has a fake he likes to wear.

It was found to be 6 inches or something a while ago, he used perspective to make it look bigger, shocker.


his best episode is nintendo power imo

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I'm a PS1 millenial babby, and I loved playing my Gen X cousin's Megadrive when he moved out.
I quit video games when the PS2 gen died, I only play the odd gem here and there like Kenshi.
PS3 era was dogshit, and I went to PC instead, with which my interest in gaming as a whole slowly petered out because most games were cinematic console ports at the time.

this game was cool

More like Pissing Rock.

Stay thirsty fag

Fuck no, only certain people can pull that off without looking like faggots