I think a lot of people don't like this game because early game is very hard and unforgiving and they don't give it a...

I think a lot of people don't like this game because early game is very hard and unforgiving and they don't give it a chance.

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The combat is somehow worse than Warband, which had terrible combat in its own right. Already refunded it.

How is the combat worse though? Animations are better and shield direction encourages you think while you block.

Combat is way better, what are you talking about, git gud.

That isn't why people aren't giving it a chance, I'd say 80% of the people who played more than a couple hours encountered enough bugs or just broken mechanics that aren't working right yet and just refunded. Its an early access game, come back in 900 years when Taleworlds makes it as intended.

To be honest, you can't even fault the turks for releasing it like this. There was a literal civil war going in on their country and /mbg/ were still harassing them about a beta. This was released for autists to jerk themselves off over the potential they see, not for Johnny gamer who probably hardly even played Warband and doesn't know anything about butterlord but jumped on the hype train because they saw autists screeching that an EA build was out.

I don't know if it's still considered early game, but once I got to clan tier 2, get my 50ish guys, and get about 4k, I have no idea what to do.

I have clan tier 3, 100 soldiers, 200k denars and I'll tell you what you have to do. Focus on getting a steady foundation first e.g get the 3 workshops, and when you're stable enough, get a caravan because they give you 1000 denars a day. Once you're stable there, get a fief and start taxing people. You got to get the ball rolling and then the game is a easy as fuck.

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Can you roleplay as homosexual in this game ?


>get the 3 workshops
I guess that's my first problem. They cost, what, 14k? Even when I'm city hopping checking the markets, I've rarely made more than 500ish profit. It's possible I'm just bad at this whole thing though.

Does the game feature the best medieval weapon ever created?

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I think you're right, but that only applies to the people who played it. For the people who haven't, who are doubtlessly the majority of vocal shitposters on Yas Forums, I think it's mostly because it's a $60 early access title and the knee-jerk reaction to that is to denounce it altogether.

One more to add to the successful anti-sjw games
Cope faggots

The way I did it was to do the company of trouble quest. They're common and give you a decent amount of denars, tournments betting on yourself and selling the reward, do the army of poachers and sell the leather for insane profit. There's loads of ways to get your first 15k

I've got 200K, tier 3 and 100 cavalry. Have not purchased a single enterprise or caravan. Just keep raiding our enemy lords and caravans. Eventually Moonchug just fucking gave me 2 castles for no reason and now a bunch of people dislike me cause they wanted them while I'm forced to babysit two castles I didn't want...

its dark ages so no.

Never heard of that first quest. The poachers one destroyed me the one time I tried it. And I get destroyed in tournaments. Man i think I'm just bad at this game.

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>shield direction
That's a thing in bannerlord?
Are shields just pointless to have in melee, then?

Yeah this happened to me. The queen of the SE gave me a castle right next to the faction she was at war with, so I couldnt' even hold it. I did get 600 denars from it though a day

I don't like it because it's a downgrade from Warband in every way, besides graphics and combat.
>perk system is awful
>skill leveling is mathematically impossible past a certain point
>no quest variety
>shitty equipment variety
>no real companion system

I get that it's early access, but some of the balance decisions make 0 sense.

Nah not really, if you block in the right direction it doesnt damage your shield.
Company of trouble is the quest you get off lords, you have to sell their mercenaries for them. dont hold onto them for long tho they steal your shit

I mean I do defend them, called the banners to siege the fuck outta a town right next to one of them cause it got raided. And wouldn't you know it we go to peace right when my army is assembled. Didn't even want the town, just the constant sieges to stop

>shitty equipment variety
im sorry but you can get fucking camels and companions can be assigned to caravans and towns

Not necessarily. With weapon blocking you have to match direction amd catch the enemy swing with your weapon. With shields you just need to catch the swing. If you block to the left and an attack is coming from the right, if you move your camera so aa to catch the hit with your shield you'll block it
Also shields are good against archers and archers are ded killy in butterlord

No its a filter for shield-shitters

>calling lords into an army with influence
>much better simulated economy so trading is actually meaningful
>much better performance in big battles 1000 man battles run nicely
>more equipment variety than warband
>better faction managment
>fief management is vastly improved
perks and skill gain are shit, i'll give you that but the rest is nonsense. noone gives a shit about quests because you stop doing them after you get an army.

The horsefuckers are taking over the map in my game.

the khuzit are fucking op

dude, the first game had 1980s Glasgow modded in with police cars and shit, someone will add halberds sooner or later

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I feel like the influence thing is a bit op. Being able to call in 1000 soldier armies with just a handful of influence makes it so you can steamroll the whole map

Not really, it just means that randomly you won't be blocking a hit because instead of doing the sensible thing putting your shield in front of your face, you'll put it sideway.
Did I mentioned that there's no reason to do directional shield?

it kind of is but since everyone else does it you have to deal with enemy doomstacks too.

name 1 (ONE) new feature in bannerlord compared to warband. from what i can tell from watching gameplay, its literally the exact same game with better graphics and more dudes per battle, which i guess is a feature in its own right but is that really it? a decade of waiting for a tech demo?

Lads I am nearly 50 hours in and I am struggling to get renown so I can get clan tier 3 and start my own kingdom. I only get 3 renown from tourneys and not even two from bandits, I know they say if you fight bigger armies you get more renown but I am not enemies with anyone and don't want to be until I start my kingdom, what is the best way to get renown. Currently have 270 and need 350.

early game is the easiest lol

>from what i can tell from watching gameplay
>influence system
>NPCs trade in real time
>NPCs can be seen taking recruit from villages
>you can execute nobles
>you can have a wife and child
>you can build at sieges

i kind of want it but it's pretty expensive and i'm not sure if my pc could even run it.

just pirate it then nigga

Honestly it's fucking terrible, duel mostly end up you cheesing your opponent because they'll recover immediately, block immediately, combo perfectly, deal maximum damage from their strike regardless of speed or position, don't get staggered, etc... Meanwhile, you don't block anything while your character hasn't finished his animation, combo work once in a lifetime, chamber block decide to not work because ???, your damage is purely dependant on exactly WHEN you hit your opponent (basically you have to hit at the end of a strike to deal any decent damage, which give your opponent plenty of time to parry), you get staggered from any source of damage regardless of your armor, ...
It's fucking broken but people would swallow shit nowaday.

is there even a good link at this point? last time i checked cs.rin.ru only had a torrent that ran at 20kb/s or ddl links from a chinese site

if you know what you're doing yea, but people starting with bannerlord and keep getting their armies destroyed by looters no

>I have clan tier 3, 100 soldiers, 200k denars
I`m at this point and the game is starting to become incredible boring for me

Jesus fucking christ that's a big case of git gud.

Bannerlord is set in the 10th and 11th century, so no.

Not me me, I love fucking up the sand people and humilating them by selling them mercenaries and then 2 seconds after charging at them and murdering them and the mercs i sold them

No, but there are glaives and bardiches

I like it. Think of it as a casual filter.

So, has anybody figured out what each country specializes in?

I still can't figure out what the Empire is good at.

Yeah, that's exactly the response I expected.
Please go put your balls in a blender and then come back to tell me about how unskilled I am for not doing.

I don't like it because it's still barely finished after 8 years and half-broken. A better looking warband is not enough to sell me on it because I'm bored to death of warband at this point. I don't care how long I've been waiting for it or looking forward to it. It does get the early access excuse free pass after 8 years of dev time. What the fuck were they doing for the last decade? I've seen and played unity engine shovelware better than what Taleworlds just put out.

Everytime I start a Caravan they just become a drain for me.

Is there a trick? Do I need workshops first? I keep getting companions with no Trade skill, is Trade Skill what makes this work?

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bannerlord swords have no weight to them at all

Here's a cool fact buddy:
Your character and NPCs work the same way.

they've already ironed out shit load of bugs like faction steam rolling and crashes. looking good so far

It's not even hard though. Just don't play the game like Dynasty Warriors and expect to be a one man army. You have to actually have a decent army and put them to use.

They have 900 man army at my city right in the middle of our kingdom

>I have no idea what to do.
do this

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Caravans don't start making profit straight awya, this is why you need to be able to cover for the losses you're going to make. Then after a week or so you'll start seeing profits.

Make nothing but archers?

No, they don't. Your character have limitation that clearly reeks from Multiplayer that NPCs don't have.

I have got company of trouble the most from ladies sitting in castles.


How the hell I do level up leadership?

Good progress, but not good enough, especially not for their current asking price.

Then how come I win tournments every single time?

Directional shield raises the skill ceiling of the game though. It allows you to do things like run perpendicular to a group of archers and still shield yourself from arrows. The only time you're ever gonna be having issues with it is if you're garbage at the combat

You have to keep your parties morale up high. What I do is get a big army from influence and your leadership skill goes up very fast

I see you're the type to enjoy eating shit but excuse for having standard and saying that the combat is a broken mess.
Because you cheese the AI like everyone else? They can't fucking turn for shit. That doesn't mean the combat isn't broken.

I see you're the type that makes shitty excuses for being bad.

Wasn't diplomacy mod better?

What's considered high? I usually have 60-70 morale for my 70 men party.

pic related is later when I've grinded out 50 war horses for the buccellarii. I basically oneshot anything up to 150 size without any casualties whatsoever, and yes, everything is on realistic

yes, to make the most OP one i.e horse archer you need a war horse per unit. The grind alone is at least 20 hours of content but it's well worth it in the end because you get 50 of them to follow you behind their lines and wipe them out doing circles around them while the stationary ones kill them off

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>Directional shield raises the skill ceiling of the game though.
Not really, you can still just go up and have the same result as Warband.
>It allows you to do things like run perpendicular to a group of archers and still shield yourself from arrows.
I would say fair enough if you could attack while doing this but it's about the same as just lifting your shield and looking in their direction.
>The only time you're ever gonna be having issues with it is if you're garbage at the combat
And because the game don't register mouse motion while an animation is happening so your shield is gonna move sideway instead of what you wanted.

>early game is very hard
I'm still in that part, stuck with my full party of 20 guys because I just cant get renown.
I've found someone daughter and got like 1600 gold but no renown, and when I try to do escort caravan missions they sometimes get stuck in a city after the first stop and dont come out, cant complete quest.
I can barely pursue small bands of looters, and when I'm successful I get like 0.7 renown.
I try going to castles, talking to random lords there and on the world map, but to no avail.
I've just been able to ask a lord about nezerwhatever folly's but then I cant ask anymore about it to others, they either bring up the battle of Pendraic or that fucking Lucon every fucking time.
I just dont know what to do honestly, its fun to upgrade my troops for now but otherwise the game is very barebone since I cant seem to continue the main quest.

You move faster while running straight than backwards/sideways. A lot faster. And no, it's not the same result as Warband. Warband would catch the most ridiculous hits as long as your shield was up, even if the hit connected with you. Bannerlord is more realistic in that you have to actually direct your shield toawrds the hit

its just warband but the graphics were upgraded from 2003 to 2008

I do get fucking wiped in Warband, correct. How to git gud?

There a way to see who is at war with who? If I'm going to start picking on caravans I want to make sure it's the right ones.

Not really. Diplomacy was alot of minor tweaks that were nice but since warband's diplomatic and economic systems were so shallow there isn't much to be built on with mods. Bannerlord is a broken mess at the moment but will be objectively better featurewise when/if shit is fixed

>And no, it's not the same result as Warband. Warband would catch the most ridiculous hits as long as your shield was up, even if the hit connected with you. Bannerlord is more realistic in that you have to actually direct your shield toawrds the hit
Of course, my mistake for not being more clear, I mean same as Warband in the sense that your shield would be up to your face, shielding you from what's coming from in front of you. They didn't invented the forcefield back in Bannerlord era.

>didn't like Warband but bought Bannerlord in Early Access.

Regardless of whether the game is good or bad, you're a fucking idiot and wasted your own time.

well its a mount and blade sequel. what do you expect, a racing game or a platformer? its mount and blade warband but improved significantly in basically every way

Out of all the complaints I see about Bannerlord this one is actually just full of shit.

>early game is very hard and unforgiving
>hire a bunch of peasants
>grind looters using auto resolve

wow so hard

something that feels like a significant improvement and doesnt make me want to just play warband with mods instead

I bought the game expecting a Survival Crafting FPS Zombie Horror Racing Platformer Lewd VN game!