Michael Does Life was literally right about it all from the very beginning. APOLOGIZE

>no graveyard
>no park
>no clock tower
>no giant worm
>no brain suckers
>no crows
>no spiders
>no multiple endings
>no Barry
>no actual extra costumes (Regina, etc)
>game is barely ~5 hours during very first play through at Hardcore difficulty and 3~4 hours tops with a second play at Nightmare and NO speed run
>no ink ribbons, even at the hardest difficulties
>several "new" characters in the story which literally get killed off almost immediately with no development whatsoever
>Dario's inclusion literally goes nowhere
>Kendo's scene is even shittier and even shorter than in B2R
>the extremely straight-as-a-stick plot is constructed in such a way that Nicolai doesn't escape no matter what, which is an absolute-fucking-contradiction to the entire franchise's canon
>Nemesis is a fucking joke of a pushover and his second form is literally a copypasta off of Birkin's third form in original BIOHAZARD 2, which makes no goddamn fucking sense because Nemesis is a T-virus creature, not G-virus based (which allows such forms of mutations)
>powder mixing and bullet making mechanics were neutered heavily to the point of being laughably useless as you get infinite knife from the very start of the game and you get dodge mechanics with a lot of invulnerability frames, as well as Nemesis constantly dropping a lot of ammo and even on hardest difficulties ammo lying literally everywhere, so there's never a shortage unless you're an absolutely lame loser of a retard like Patrick Boivin or Woolie
>severe lack of weapons and modifications, you literally basically only have a couple pistols, ONE shotgun, and a grenade launcher, by the end of the game. No mine thrower, no homing missiles, no sawed off shotgun, no rocket launcher (fucking LOL), no ice grenades (but now you can shoot "mines" from grenade launcher instead...yaaaaay...), no enhanced bullets
>Hospital is retconned to all shit and Brad's death is absolutely nonsensical blasphemy
>ugly animations and lighting


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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't need to apologize, as he was indeed right from the get-go.
The amount of cope and mental gymnastics the DE-make homos come up with is absolutely ridiculous.


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oh mackel

So you are telling me that just like remake 2 remake 3 is utter dogshit just like everyone who has a brain knew all along back when it was announced.

None of these are bad things, you're just implying they are with no explanation.

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>lack of things isn't bad


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What mental gymnastics? Saying you like it?

You don't base game quality on what isn't there, you base it on what is there. I can name a million things that aren't in a game but that has nothing to do with what the game actually is

do you understand the concept of a re-master and what happens to it when you ship a re-master with half the game missing?

>this is your IQ on anime

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>no brain suckers
This is wrong. Brainsuckers are not the bugs, literally have a copy of the same sound effects.
>giant worm
gravedigger sucked, first boss fight is 10s long, second is one of the worst fights in RE history.

game is trash but people complaining about shit like that havent played re3

>ignoring all the review across the planet saying it sucks
>dismissing all the criticism saying that over 50% of the OG game's content is missing now
>ignoring the criticism of downgrading the tech even from the DEm2, like the gore system
>claiming that "b-but RE3 was never good!!" and that this clusterfuck RE6 wannabe would be "better"
etc and so on.

good thing this is a remake and not a remaster right?

>this or that sucked anyway, so whatever!
Literally the stock reply to any and all criticism these days.

>you are telling me that just like remake 2 remake 3 is utter dogshit
B2R, despite several shortcomings, is actually a HONESTLY decent half-REmake half-REimagination. The so-called self-proclaimed "REmak3" is ABSOLUTELY nonsensical FANFIC, however. At the very least B2R sincerely TRIES to be faithful to both the source material, to the fans, and to the overall coherency of the franchise's plot and timeline. REmak3 is NOTHING like that, it's an absolutely blashphemous retcon of a retarded fanfic right from the very beginning and all the way through to the very end credits. It's not canonical in any way, shape, or form, and should never be treated by anyone as anything more than just a mere "alternate take, alternate universe variant" that has nothing to do with the canonically established BIOHAZARD story. REmak3 is on the same level as Gaiden or ORC.

What did you expect? She looks like a dyke.
Cant beat claire

>have a full game as a reference
>"you don't base a remake on the game that it's supposed to emulate"

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Half the game isn't missing, re3make is a separate entity from the original, for all intents and purposes it's a completely different game and saying things like "NO BLUE HERBS" or "NO PARK" does not detract from the experience of this game because it was designed without those things in mind.

this is just desperate (you)beggaring at this point
not even surprised it's done by some animevirgin

>>ignoring all the review across the planet saying it sucks

Next you'll say those reviews don't count.

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the original game wasn't that good either

>all this cope
1) see 2) it's missing half of the iconic play areas (Clock Tower, Park, Factory...), half of the enemy types (birds, spiders, 'suckers...), even some weapons. Also no more Mercenaries.
Ergo : ½ of the experience is missing.

>i-it's OK because it was designed to suck!!
Wow, a living Aristoteles ??

great, now show the half a dozen sub-par professional reviews.

>This is wrong. Brainsuckers are not the bugs, literally have a copy of the same sound effects
These are Drain Deimos, you uneducated retard. They're not same as Brain Suckers. Original Last Escape had BOTH the Drain Deimos AND Brain Suckers, which differed in behavior, looks, and resiliency/types of attacks. This garbage remake has only Drain Deimos now and they act largely nothing like what enemies in the original were, basically being relegated to substituting the role of missing spiders and also being basically first game's Chimeras in that they spawn infinitely.

Is there any game Michael does like?

>B2R sincerely TRIES to be faithful
It most certainly does not and i don't know how you got that idea.
The reason 3 is even worse is exactly because they saw that people like you were fine with 2 so they turned the shit up a notch.

>over 50% of the OG game's content is missing
It's actually roughly 80%. There's barely any locations in this neutered POS.

>Half the game isn't missing
True. It's not half of the game. It's actually more. Entirety of this so-called self-proclaimed "remake" is basically only 20 (~28% TOPS) off of what the original had to offer playing experience-wise.

But i don't have to care about any of that stuff if i like it. otherwise here: REmake 2 is one of the greatest video games ever made. Thanks for making it "mental gymnastics" if you say you didn't like it.

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Micheal enjoys using gamepass on his oneX

RE3 remake is not the original RE3, it's meant to be a completely different game and it doesn't suffer from a lack of anything because it wasn't designed to have them to start with. If anyone's coping it would be you, I don't have any problems with either game and I can play either one interchangably depending on my mood. Sorry you can't enjoy things as they are.

>only the mediocre ones count, not the overwhelming positive ones

Darn and not a single negative one.

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Guitar hero.

What the fuck happened? RE2 was incredible. How did they fuck this up? I was looking forward to Nemesis the most and they ruined it.

He liked BIOHA7ARD quite a lot and he fucking WORSHIPS the REmake of the very first game.

The game was fun as fuck and im gonna replay it next weekend. More fun than the OG desu.

>it's meant to be a completely different game a
Then do not call it "Resident Evil 3", you shitposting shill tranny.
Just because you like to eat feces does not mean rest of this planet should as well. Do die out of Corona.

>RE2 was incredible
Yes, the 1998 one was.
These de-makes are both exactly the same shit. Zoomies praising one of them yet crying about the other one are just being pathetic hypocrites.

God, you fuckin' INCELS are so fuckin' DESPERATE for attention, IT'S REALLY FUCKIN' SAD.

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>RE3 remake is not the original RE3, it's meant to be a completely different game and it doesn't suffer from a lack of anything because it wasn't designed to have them to start with
Look at the very first REmake and try to say that retarded shit to anyone ever again after that.

RE3 was a complete reboot made by some literally who nip third party and not capcom

This is what you're reduced to, huh? It's called Resident Evil 3 Remake, I don't think anyone would mistake it for the original.

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>hospital was just a side location in the original
>it's the literally the major location and the final level in the remake

This is how I can tell the the guys who made this remake didn't give a single fuck about the original.

I miss those weird one off monster bosses you fight. Original RE had a few of them and it was pretty cool.

>he misses the giant awful worm that added nothing to the game.

RE1 remake is not RE3 remake. I don't see how comparing 2 entirely different design philosophies from 2 different teams implies any sort of hypocrisy.

Capcom made all the assets and gave it all to some third party dev M-Two to put all together. The retard in charge obvious planned RE3 as a full game DLC but fucked up on the scope, they just wrapped it up as a quickly as possible.

There was no way they could have made a real RE3 remake without more budget

What has that got to do with anything i just said? And ME-2 is not Neobards user. You are mistaking RE3 for REsistance.

No you retard M-two worked on RE3 remake

Holy fuck this guy's channel is insane. Imagine walking around in public for 2 hours with a phone filming you ranting about how much you hate a video game, then adding that to literal dozens of hours of identical rants that you've already uploaded.
Re3Make is still shit though, but christ this man needs some meds.

>mostly positive
>mixed by tomorrow
we got too cocky crapcom bros...

>This is how I can tell the the guys who made this remake didn't give a single fuck about the original.
You're misinformed.
They wanted a re-imagination of RE3, not a 1:1 remake. Shit on it all you want, it deserves it but the devs said themselves months before this was release that they wanted to go in an entirely new direction because REmake2 was too close to the original in their eyes.

>added nothing
Apparently some of the most iconic and central things of the WHOLE SERIES now mean nothing to zoomies.
Go eat napalm and stop raping our games.


Does is a name? SInce fucking when?


>guys we re-imagined re3 by cutting all of the content

mentally ill shill

It actually did add nothing. Did you even play the game?
The first encounter is literally 10s long because you press a few buttons and climb a ladder, the second encounter is over in less than a minute because he has pathetically low health, he also has 2 attack patterns.
He added nothing to the game. The only relevant thing to ever happen to gravedigger was the fact he was cut from a game.

They don't

>ESLjeet trying to be funny

>Hey buddy can you re imagine this game for $10K


It’s always a beautiful thing when capcummies get btfo. playing through re3 on gamecube right now, soaking up all this soul

zoom zooms gotta justify their daddy’s credit card purchase thoufh.

>says the game deserves to be shat on in same sentence
mentally ill ESL

Who are literally employed by Capcom

>I like eating shit off the floor and getting fucked in the ass by game-devs
>gibe me (you)s!!!!!
it's all so tiring

Stop shilling your shitty fucking channel Michael you fucking scitzo

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>What the fuck happened?
>How did they fuck this up?
B2R was made by core Capcom RE dev team, most of which included hardcore veteran devs from way back from original BIOHAZARD 1.5 and 2's development days, as well as inclusion of constant QA from beta testers and one of the guys on the core dev team is the dude that made that famous fan-made Resi 2 remake for Youtube several years ago, and the game was in development since 2016.

Now in contrast: REmake of Nemesis/Last Escape was not made by core dev team, but was roughly outsourced to a much smaller and largely inexperienced sub-team of B tier inside Capcom, people who previously made Outbreaks and Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles titles, and first Revelations. And to add to that - game was in development for less than 2 years and devs didn't listen for jack shit to feedback from QA and beta testers, ignoring everyone while continuing pushing their retarded fanfic shit. Right from the very start and to the very end. And here is the result.

In comparison to all of this:
REmake of the very first game was made directly by Shinji Mikami, most of the team was core original devs, and game was in development ever since N64 version of Zero was cancelled (so at least 3~4 years straight), and Mikami & other members of the dev team were very closely and thoroughly listening to all of the feedback from QA, beta testers, and fans.

You literally reap what you sow, I guess.

have snoys recovered from when mackel put down death stranding yet?
sony's 500 000 000 dollar mistake

>With assistance from K2 Inc, M-Two, and Redworks.

This is more of a fuck up than code vein LMAO, so now its even more obvious they crapcum just gave them the art assets and threw peanuts at these retarded monkeys to cobble a game together.

>one off monster bosses you fight
You clearly forgot, but in original Last Escape you fight giant worm more than once.

>B2R was made by core Capcom RE dev team, most of which included hardcore veteran devs from way back from original BIOHAZARD 1.5 and 2's development days
This is pure bullshit.
Majority of the DEmake2's dev team were literal newbie zoomies, who had no idea how to model or design anything.

Death Stranding was one of the greatest games of the past decade. Eat shit.

What was wrong with code vein?

Kys right this very instant. You're beyond any REdemption.

>and first Revelations
That explains a lot.

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>one of the guys on the core dev team is the dude that made that famous fan-made Resi 2 remake for Youtube several years ago

This is a myth.

RE2 remake was made by the Revelations 2 deirector.

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Log in and gas yourself, Pat.

I was a poor boy growing up. I only played RE1 on DS. I have since played 4,5,6,7, RE2 remake, RE1 remake. I've liked all them, except for 6 which was average.

Am I going to regret buying this?

>Demake poster is a Kojumbo fanboy
Death Stranding sucked so much balls that nobody even remembers that it's coming to PC

another low effort shit game completely made from outsourcing every single facet of the games development.

This is going to be the new way nip jews make games, why spend millions on the core dev team when you just drop pennies on literally whos.

>playing through re3 on Dolphin right now, soaking up all this soul with AI enhanced HD textures at max FPS and res

Fixed your mistake/

op didn't say it would flop shill.

The new engine handles walls so badly. There is no tessellation. Just one flat texture.

>implying I'm going to read this garbage

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the game can't even handle zombies on screen and you want them to add tessellation

handle my balls you fucking incel
the game looks great

They targeted 60 fps for consoles, that's why environmental textures are somewhat crappy or hidden with heavy specular mapping.

Stop shilling your channel retard, it was funny when you weren't trying this hard

>the game can't even handle zombies
>what are the Ghost Survivor DLCs

>zombies need to run 15fps in the distance
>3 zombies max on screen before it shits itself

Are we seriously allowing Michael to grow as a channel and have him making a living off it instead of letting the worst kind of youtuber that he is fade into irrelevancy?
I fucking hate this board

You need to find a new hobby.

sup reddit

RE3 has no DLCs retard

>This is pure bullshit
You clearly know nothing, kid. Don't embarrass yourself any further than you already did just now.

This has been the trend for every company the past 10 years.

>no he actually represents us pretty well

sup michael, enjoying all the free marketing from actual retards?

RE2 and RE3 use the same engine you fucking moron.

holy fucking shit this redditor just goes and outs himself almost immediately