Have the issues with drifting been resolved on this?

Have the issues with drifting been resolved on this?
I'm considering getting one and want the Lite since i don't care about being able to hook it up to a TV - and the Lite is more in line with Vita's proportions, which i liked a lot.



>I dont care about TV mode.

I've seen so many people say that and regret it 3 months later.

If anything the drifting issue has gotten worse with the Lite. I'd avoid it at all costs.

The lite should have been half the price of the regular switch desu.

Yes it’s been resolved you are good to go

Drifting will always be there. Either you get a defect one or you will get dust and shit under the stick.

I would recomend you buying the TV switch version. You will get more functions and battery time for you money.

get a switch lite. They are superior to the base switch in every way and more aesthetic making the whole experience more immersive and atmospheric

I regret it since I can't get the comfy big ass Daemon X Machina controller to slide on the sides. Hands cramp up a bit when playing games utilizing both sticks - got a plastic shell that helps a bit, but it really is not as ergonomic as the Vita, especially if you don't have tiny lady hands.

dont buy lite cause you can as well throw it in the trash bin when it starts drifting

You can send it to Nintendo for free now and they will fix it for free too

Not at the moment you can't. Nintendo repairs are shut down.

well yeah but they do it outside of warranty at least so after all this and you all die you can get it fixed

I won't because I own a ps4
But what should my first switch game be?A new game I've never played before like Smash Bros, Breath of the Wild and Link's awakening or a port that I already own but want to play handheld like sonic mania, dark souls and skyrim?

the teardown of the switch lite is what nightmares are made of. it will drift on you. one hundred fucking percent it will drift on you, and you are going to need to go in there to fix it, and you do not want to go in there, goddamn.

Drifitng is literally a fake news conspiracy theory.

are you being paid by Sony or do you just reverse-shill for free?

joycons drift and that's undeniable. At least on regular Switch this can be mitigated by another pair of controllers/repairs, but in Lite's case you're screwed.

get the traditional Switch, the drifting issue can be fixed with some DYI elbow grease.

>owned a lite since day one
>no drift
So you nogs know how to not treat your consoles like shit?

>Have the issues with drifting been resolved on this?
Why would Nintendo fix planned obsolescence which they engineered for their financial benefit in the first place?

>joycons drift and that's undeniable
no, it's incredibly deniable. 99% of people who talk about it online like it's come inevitable fact have never experienced it first hand. And if it does happen you can easily clean them yourself.
and it's more easily fixed on the LITE than a Joycon.

1 Nintendo® Platinum Point has been deposited in your account

>buying a switch that cannot perform the action that it is named after

Attached: Really boi.gif (630x478, 46.97K)

not in europe

It's not a guarantee thing, but I can say that the Lite is a ticking time bomb. At least with the regular switch if it does happen you just replace the joycon. On the lite you have to replace the whole system for spend the time trying to fix it yourself and avoiding fucking your switch up.

yeah but if you ring them up and flirt a lil with the salesperson they will send you one

They should have called it the Swap. Because you're going to have to constantly be swapping it out for another one.

Attached: carlos.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

Sometimes you need relive stress from playing on the tv all the time

Nintendo switch is the way to go.

Nintendo switch is not the final form and so is animal crossing


>The lite should have been half the price of the regular switch desu
Is it not?

post a video. I really don't believe it's a widespread phenomenon
I sold my regular switch for a lite and I'm happy.

Step 1:
>Buy pic related. You can get the non lethal syringes at any arts and crafts store. You can also use a very narrow straw (such as those found on a compressed air can) instead of a syringe for this. Cleaning alcohol is practically in every home, your mom probably has at least one bottle, but if not they sell it just about anywhere.

Step 2:
>Insert the empty syringe into the bottle of alcohol and pull up the lever just a little bit, like a pinky finger's thickness. The syringe should have a very, very small amount of alcohol in it. Only a very tiny amount is required. You do not need a lot, I cannot emphasize this enough.

Step 3:
>Power off your joycon and disconnect it from the Switch if it hasn't already been disconnected. Focus your attention on the analog stick. Lift the thin black rubber "sleeve" which covers the analog stick's internal"ball". This is where you will insert the alcohol from the syringe.

Step 4:
>Take the syringe, use the metal tip to lift the analog stick's "sleeve" on the joycon and press down on the syringe to apply the alcohol directly onto the "ball". If you're too stupid to understand this, search on youtube "how to use a syringe". The alcohol should now be covering the "ball" portion of the analog stick and also reach the internals of the device.

Step 5:
>Rotate the analog stick in a circle. Press down and then rotate it for a good 5-10 seconds. Clean any excess alcohol that drips away. Wait 10 minutes for the alcohol to dry internally.

This works every, single time without fail. You may have to do this once a month if the drift comes back, like on mine, but it really is a minor inconvenience for Nintendo's massive fuckup.

Attached: howtofixdriftonswitch.png (1548x1124, 1.81M)

And to all the sony niggers laughing at Switch owners, at least we don't have 2 hour updates we're bombarded with every time we want to play our shitty interactive movie game. Doing this only takes less than 5 minutes, while your updates take much, much longer and are completely unnecessary.

Attached: a85Kjxe_700b.jpg (700x700, 123.65K)

Instead of a lite just get a regular switch and get the Daemon X Machina pro grips. They're fucking great except my L button is a bit hard to work.

can you pirate on this thing yet? im considering buying it as its cheap af but wont be able to afford the games.

> don't care about tv mode
Portable mode is good but the comfiest setting is playing on your tv with a pro controller.
That cheap horii controller is also surprisingly good.

you realise you can just start games without updating, right?
if you do that the updates still get downloaded in the background

The fact that you can still buy the lite in some stores while the regular version is sold out everywhere should tell you no one wants that shit.

This. Improved battery life isn't even a big deal considering how easy it is to find places to recharge your stuff and also portable batteries and shit.
Regular switch is simply the superior product

Because I bought the Switch to play video games, not to take advantage of the gimmick that happens to be in the name.

Switch- $300
Lite- $200
Only a $100 difference. Much better to get the regular switch price wise.

After owning a switch since launch and recently getting a ps4 holy fuck. The updates on ps4 take for fucking ever. I'm on redneck country internet and it took an entire day of waiting just to play one game that I purchased physically.

Even my PC and switch can download games and updates within less than an hour. This shit is ridiculous.

Is this thing even available anywhere right now?


I ordered one yesterday in case I cant get a base switch when they restock. I took one of the last ones and when I get my switch I am going to sell it on Ebay for more than half the price :)

How deep should I put the syringe into the sleeve? Do I just stick it in and squirt then close sleeve?

>regret it 3 months later
but why? Every time in my life that I've had a choice to play on handheld VS a tv, I've always picked handheld.
The only argument against a lite I'd consider is non detachable joycons and stick drift.
What does hooking up to a tv add?

Some games are strictly better on TV. For example Splatoon 2 is a gyro control game so playable attached joycons mobile is a big big disadvantage and just inferior (gyro is close to mouse in terms of aim versus sticks) that's just one reason.

>No TV out
>No Multiplayer out of the Box
>No proper Local CoOp
>No LAN adapter
>No Wireless adapter to connect controllers from other companies
>No HD Rumble
>Can't use controllers on your PC/phone because you get no controllers
>No way to change the controllers without tearing down the whole console
>superior to the base switch in every way

All I want is a tv mode switch. I just want a fucking Nintendo system that isnt a thousand flimsy parts to go with it, holy fucking shit.

Attached: 1585609922168.gif (300x300, 1.96M)

yeah, pretty much. it's just over the sleeve is all, not at all deep.

It's almost like the controllers were not made for frequent use. I even got drift in a pro controller. And since the Lite doesn't have to option of just buying new Joy Cons you are taking even more of a risk.

The controllers are surprisingly sturdy, it's the joystick design that is retarded, whoever thought that placing the contacts on the bottom where dust gathers was a good idea is a fucking retard.

Local multiplayer and sometimes Nintendo releases games that can't really be played in handheld because they use motion controls (Ring Fit Adventure is the best of these)

>tfw want a switch and cant buy one without it costing nearly $500

shit is suffering bros

no switch costs $500 unless you live in a third world country

My left joycon drifts faggot. Its a real problem.

Theyre all from 3rd party sellers because theyre out of stock everywhere you dumb fuck. People are jacking up the prices.

I regret it a bit but its still fine

but the lite is lighter and has a sharper screen, so it's superior for handheld play.

it's a problem for like 5% of people

Why hasn't nintendo released a better joycon? They could charge more for better sticks if that's their logic. And why has no one made a stick sleeve to protect the contacts?

maybe in your shithole lmao

putting that in real numbers means over 2,5 million consoles are faulty.
if that isn't a real problem to you i don't know what is

Because the dust comes from the joystick arms(?), axis or whatever they are called.