Enjoying the game?
Enjoying the game?
You're gay
t. faggoid
I dated a muscle girl and I regret I wasn't good enough for her. I only got to wash her abs a few times before she broke up with me.
i need a muscle girl to break my fucking bones and literally beat me to death
I want to lick the sweat off her abs.
ah a stealth Yas Forums girl thread, excellent work user
Why are muscle girls hotter when they have dark skin?
user its 2020, you can admit your not into women
black queens
spices improve a meal
You're gayer.
almost the opposite is true
or since we're on Yas Forums
that sounds pathetic yet i'm still jealous
>rule 63
This user is, unironically, gay.
it's literally a female so it isn't gay
Doesn't matter had sex dude
>"paul vaulting"
How the fuck does someone misspell a 4 letter word?
>reverse kabedon
>faggot tranny tumblrina yardape art
Hang yourself
>Paul vaulting
no tumblrite sculpts abs like that user
I am salivating
>not appreciating a fine set of cum gutters
no user, you are the gay
Dammit I love being black.
This thread keeps getting better and better
>it's literally me pretending a male is a female so me wanting to fuck Doomguy is totally straight, honest!
R63niggers are almost as in denial as futajuden
>He can't appreciate a body sculpted by dedication, hard work and passion.
You're the faggot here
>26 years old
Cute! CUTE!
You're being awfully defensive and judgemental, friend. Sounds like you're projecting.
>it's literally me pretending some pixels are some other pixels
said literally no one ever
>You're being awfully defensive
The literal definition of projecting. Enjoy your stay in the closet, friend.
but it's not doomguy
>no u
I've got bad news for you
>paul vaulting
who cares, there's nothing wrong with being gay
Gay shit is only weird when it's a straight guy doing it.
I'm straight so whatever makes my dick hard is straight faggot
>what is Crash
>just make her into an anime girl, bro!
Can you fucking weebs ever stick to the theme for once?
>Want muscle GF
>No girl wants me
So what do you keep telling yourself to keep you in this state of one that is unwanted?
Did life deal you a bad hand?
Do you lack the conviction or knowledge to use what life has dealt you in your favor?
I try to meet ladies, I go out and they ignore me and my Tinder inbox is empty. I don't know what else to think, everybody I ask says I'm attractive but my absent love life says otherwise.
Do you approach these girls?
Have you tried working out? If I was single, I'd pretty much only be looking for a fit girl and I notice the single fit girls I see seem to have the same mentality. It also looks like a cool relationship dynamic where you both push eachother to be better.
When I feel like cooming I'll make whatever I want into an anime girl, who gives a fuck about theming.
I work out, but my strong family genes make every male in my family look fat. Nobody in my family is slim and fit, even the ones that work out regularly.
Problem with that is if you're looking for someone that is also exclusively looking for someone with the same traits and habits as them then if they are unfortunately shallow, they would leave you once the next more fit person came along. Obviously this isnt the case
Women don't want to be "approached" nowadays, they need something right then and there to get their attention on you which is why Tinder has fucked up everything for dating. My girlfriend thought I played Guitar because my -BROTHER- leaves his guitar at my place and it was in a pic of mine. I'd say just try to get laid first then focus on dating once your confidence is up.
These sound like excuses you keep telling yourself to keep yourself down
I don't even know where I got my fetish for tall musclegirls
Hell I can remember a time when I wanted to fuck Katia from prequel and protect her and tell her everythings going to be ok and shit but somewhere through the years that got flipped on it's head
I'm 6'0 so it's almost impossible to find a girl thats taller than me
Lol fag.
Where do you find Yas Forumsgirls?
all the ones at my gym are a head shorter than me and only care about cardio and ass exercises, shit is a virus
I have the same problem, but simply avoid carbs and sugars and put swimming/calisthenics as a usual part of your routine. You need to do it a lot more than your average Yas Forumsizen because of shit genes but anything for musclegirls
You must be deaf
if only muscle girls actually had tits like those
Indian Summer for me, i wish Moga Sweetheart was my gf
Girls with abs are hot because it implies she has even a modicum of self-restraint and willpower, which inherently makes her more attractive
Is there like a ramen or udon bowl item? I’m trying to make a market stall and I need it.