>Okay babe so listen, here’s the plot to our new game
>After Advent Children, Sephiroth comes back to life for some reason and goes back in time to stop us from defeating him in the original timeline, which is the original FFVII, which creates an alternate timeline where anything can happen
>So, the reason Sephiroth is now in Midgar is that it’s Future Sephiroth, not Present Sephiroth, get it? The game doesn’t explain what happens with Present Sephiroth, so don’t ask
>Anyway, there are spooky time ghosts that look like Dementors from Harry Potter, and their job is to stop the timeline from being corrupted
>They do this by killing Wedge and Jessie when they survive longer than they're supposed to, stopping me from killing Reno because he's not supposed to die yet, kidnapping Hojo when I meet him earlier than I’m supposed to and he tries to spoil the entire plot by telling me things I’m supposed to learn in Disk 2 of the original game, and punching us and Barret out of the sewers when we stumble on a place from Dirge of Cerberus
>Sephiroth tricks us into killing the ghosts so he can do anything he wants, which causes us to have visions of the original timeline, which include Red XIII seeing his future family and me seeing Aeris’ death
>At the end of the game, Sephiroth sends us back in time to rescue Zack, which somehow causes Biggs to survive, and now there’s an alternate timeline Zack in our timeline (our Zack still died like normal)
Okay babe so listen, here’s the plot to our new game
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i still don't get why that image became a meem
because it depicts the typical dude trying to get some pussy by talking nonstop about dumb shit that women like to mock while falling for it every single time because way too many are equally dumb
it hurts
Prettty sure they were at that ball game together. Going out places with women is probably something you aren't familiar with though.
I think it isn't a matter of her being dumb necessarily. Women can be horny too and sometimes they put out when they are really starving for dick.
That was a pretty good cutscene you were having there, mind if we join in?
>Dirge of Cerberus is canon
What if sephiroth went back in time far enough and impregnated Cloud's mother
im not familiar with the context of the photo, only the meme, stop projecting so hard user you dont have to prove how cool you are on the internet
What if they were all black?
He's not trying to get pussy, he's trying to convey something he's passionate about and the woman is too much of a vapid cunt to pay attention
Niggaroth looks pretty baller ngl
>splitting your fanbase
God Claudia is cute
niggeroth looks cool and I'd fuck the black out of tiffataqueesh
>casually flashing your armpits
wtf cloud
>Cloud doesn't wanna wear the dress?
>Well hold him down and make him put it on.
>Yes, the panties too. And do his hair and makeup while you're at it.
Sephy looks better
That Sephiroth is awesome.
Best Cloud dress coming through.
I didn't get that one, what did you do different?
SE don't care, they only care how much money this will make and you morons keep buying this crap
Oh, is this one the one that's the closest to the OG dress?
I don't know why people keep using this image to shitpost, the designs are cool as fuck
I need to rewatch Advent Children to refresh my memory, that movie was really forgettable
you have to be shitting me, tell me this is a meme
I think it depends on the advice you give to two NPCs during the questline and the level of your materia, and the score you get during the dance off minigame.
I think lowest tier is black/white grey, mid tier is the one I got and top tier is a blue/light purple one with a tiara and loose hair instead of braids.
>I need to rewatch Advent Children
I do not recommend it
Let me guess, SE "caring" would just so happen to be whatever you yourself wanted personally...
Zack is really alive which is fucking hilarious
Some people grew up with Final Fantasy. For some it was the original, for some it was 4, and for some it was 7 or even 8.
I personally didn’t grow up with any of them. I grew up with Kingdom Hearts.
A cute and innovative little action RPG staring an original cast meeting and fighting both Disney and Final Fantasy characters. It was pretty fun, if a bit dated now a days. It was also one of the last projects the creator Final Fantasy, Sakaguchi, worked on. It was ALSO the FIRST project Nomura ever directed.
Sakaguchi reportedly informed Nomura during development that fans don’t want a simple story. They want something that always gives the fans something to talk about. This parting advice, while well intended, has completely ruined every story Nomura has ever told.
The writers at Square used to be able to put out some nice material. However almost all of it was standalone material.
Nomura interpreted Sakaguchi’s advice, somehow, as to mean make a stupid story that never ends. Every spin off, every previous entry, all must be canon. An excuse to add whatever random BS he thought of that week.
That wouldn’t even be that big of a deal if the man knew how to follow through. However after Lh3, it seems that man has lost all ability to. The actual ending to the Xeahnort saga standing 10 games was a rushed disappointment. It was more concerned with creating more stakes so the series can continue, rather than giving a satisfying conclusion to anything. To the point some already satisfying endings were ruined.
Nomura is the George Lucas of games. His projects only ever work when he has thousands of people around him to completely edit and rework his stupid bullshit. It’s why the OT were good, and it’s why KH1 has the only good story he’s ever written. It was produced and edited by a guy who worked on Akira and directed the cowboy bebop movie.
I already had my Nomura fill for a life time with KH. I’m in no mood to go on another ride with this game.
>Rinoa doesn't want to shoot her dog at a monster
>Timeghosts chuck him at one
But he is alive in another timeline, not the current one.
alternate universes being canon means this could be canon too
Who thought this is a good idea?
But I'm looking forward to play the remake when it's at 20$ just to see how this shitshow unfolds
Soon bros.
>end of the last game
>all timelines collapse you fight sephiroth in a trippy multicoloured enviroment
>cloud is going 1v1 against sephiroth but about to lose
>''are you gonna give up partner?''
>zack joins the fight and they double omnislash sephiroth
>they say goodbye to each other before going back to their timelines
tell me its not gonna be KINO
The last episode will end with Aeris together with Zack and Cloud together with Tifa.
Nomura just needed to copy plotline of the original game which is the most easiest job in the universe, how hard was it for him to comprehend?
>Cloud just want to play games
>Thot satus
And that would have been an "OK" game at best. Kitase would NEVER EVER have that. Kitase won't start a remake if it has no chance to surpass the OG.
It's going to be DLC episodes/chapters at 19,99 a piece, not a trilogy of full price games.
There's a reason it's not called "part one". The level cap is 50. The weapon and materia progression systems are clearly built to be expanded upon and to carry over between installments.
you think we won't see him in future sequels or something? If that wasn't the case they wouldn't have wasted time bringing him back to life.
here's your new jenova track bro
Aeris is overrated, I was disappointed that the wouldn't let me get Tifa in the original and forced some overrated virgin on me
Does it really makes a difference? This means any shit can go down, Nomura can make the other timeline canon if he wants to
>here's your new jenova track bro
So the timeghost forces you to g into honey bee despite being optional in the original?
I want a Shinra chapter where you can play as Rufus and the Turks or Scarlet
She fucking dies, though. What else could you want?
>And that would have been an "OK" game at best.
RE2 Remake was GOTY material
simply awful
Why does the entire soundtrack refuse to use any synthesizers? It totally ruins the atmosphere of the game.
Is there gonna be a traitor in the party this time?
Time ghost D was the only one around at the time, and he fucking loves cross-dressing Cloud. By the time the rest of the team made it back, it was already too late.
Did White Barret ask for this?
And yet for 3 discs Cloud can't get over her even with Tifa's big tits in your face
Is Cat Sith really gonna be in the game? They're really going for a grimdark approach
gud design bros
The ingame version of this is far better, what the fuck
what is this meme
he shows up during the plate collapse and punches the ground
it's hilarious tbqh
Fuck this shit, I want a game where we play as the time ghosts. It'd have to be fully voice acted though, even the menus
Not bad but the rendition of the boss theme used for Airbuster is my favorite so far.
Sephiroth and Tifa honestly both look fantastic.
I'm not a fan of Barret at all and Cloud's hair looks sorta dumb but I can't really think of a better way to translate it to a black dude that that so I can't critique it too much.
Since original Cloud did it, is not optional anymore.
Timeghost called, he wants his past events back
Isn't it an album cover?
Damn son look at this faggot, so dick drunk he always rushes to the aid of his fellow man
Yeah, don't rewatch AC. Watch AC Complete.
Well yeah, because she was someone close to him. What else did you expect? Don’t let waifufaggotry override your intelligence, user.
>...ring ring
>Bill, we got a code 036669 over at Shinra Mansion, Vincent is starting to feel hope again
>Al, it's 2 in the morning
>I'm gonna need you to head over and play some more My Chemical Romance
>I have 40 hours of overtime this week alone, Al
>I trust you still have the cd with you. Now get going, the original timeline depends on you!
>...I fucking hate this job.
He better be in the next game holy shit
I was sad that secret DoC ending teased some shit but never went througuh with it
this is the actual track used ingame
Sephiroth looks cool as fuck and Tifa looks kinda like my GF with longer hair so i can't complain.
Cloud looks like trash same with barret
Did original Cloud go to Wutai or not? It was optional? What do the ghosts decree?!
He's already shows up for no fucking reason when the pillar blows up.
>Never wanted a FF7 remake, was happy with the modded pc version
>Was convinced the remake would fuck it up with Compilation shit I hate such as CC and DoC and AC anyway
>Turns out the remake nails the personalities of the characters and their chemistry
>And it goes entirely off the rails with a ridiculous fanfiction tier fixfic plot that will probably lead to a Golden end where Aerith and Zack both survive
I'm honestly more interested now I know the compilation isn't canon to it outside timetraveling Sephiroth's past. I'm down for getting a high budget fanfic where all my favorite characters might get a happy ending (Jessie doesn't matter) and that goes totally into weird and dumb FFXIII-2 style shenanigans.
If the next one holds up and isn't total shit I might actually start playing these.