I cannot get over how fucking bad the combat is

I cannot get over how fucking bad the combat is

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At least its WAY better than the combat from 1 + 2


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What is bad about it?

the combat

Go play vanilla Morrowind then


Referring to the subject of what you typed

That would be the combat.

the op is saying the combat part of the combat system is bad

>No, I'm not out of touch. Everyone else is wrong.

OP said the combat was bad.

I asked what was bad about it.

He responds by saying the same thing about the combat.

I can't believe how much Dragon's Dogma shits all over this whole series in general. It's like DD is what Witcher and every elder scrolls wanted to be but they failed miserably.

uga ugh when sword hit targets no feel good ooga booga

There is not even one redeeming quality about the combat. How does that work, you fucking nonce?

japanese game good western game bad

Why do discord trannies hate this game?


if you haven't played DD you wouldn't know what I'm taking about.

Opinions, opinions everywhere.

i have, it's even more boring than any of these games

Funny, in the midst of this quarantine shit ive been working through my backlog. DD was the first game on my list and going from that to Witcher has been such a jarring shift in gameplay quality.

Dragon's dogma is pure garbage. Shit world design, shit quests, shit story, shit characters. You get bored after the first 30 minutes because there's no motivation to keep playing.

>japanese jank
>shitting on anything

play souls-likes for open world if you want better combat.

>he doesn't know
Witcher already directly copied souls combat, cdpr just sucks


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How? It doesn't have the garbage animation locking in souls, and it doesn't have stamina either. You could call it an ass creed or batman ripoff, but not souls.

I don't care what they did or didn't do. The Witcher 3 isn't considered a souls-like, and souls-likes have better combat.

>argumentum ad populum

Because they're mad that ebin japanese roll simulator lost goty not only to this, but to fucking fallout 4.

>The Witcher 3 isn't considered a souls-like
So if some soi from kotaku called it a souls like you'd change your opinion?
Hello newfag

Discord trannies have been getting BTFO'd since 2010. Read dead redemption and Mass Effect 2 destroyed demons souls, skyrim destroyed dark souls, witcher 3 destroyed bloodborne.

DD has slightly better combat with one of the most generic and uninspired stories I've ever seen, it's dragon quest in real time, I have no idea why you faggots worship at it's feet.

>Hello newfag
Not an argument, souls tranny. Shit souls is irrelevant in the industry and no amount of screeching is gonna change that,.

>doesn't know what he's talkign about
>calls me a tranny
What are you doing here?


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>thinks shit souls is relevant enough to be copied
Yup, you're definitely a discord tranny. Try stepping out of your echo-chamber safespace for once, tranny.

That's what happened when you focus on >muh story instead of gameplay.

Do you have an argument or are you just going to keep getting mad at nothing?

Liked and upboated

Have some gold good sir, epic post. XD

I played a difficulty mod which actually forced you to learn how to use the quirks of the combat system that you could just mash through by pressing lbutton.
>igni nerfed to only last a second because of how ignite directly melted the health bar WHILE stunlocking a foe, was OP as hell
>parrying became a good idea
>proper counters becoae effective
>power attacks actually appropriate to use on heavily-armored shit because the armor class/damage formula tweaks made light attacks far less effective
until you got to the stage where Gorrot was OP anyway because the system snowballs up to him just becoming a complete badass.

You're the one who had no counter argument, fag. Anyone retarded enough to claim that ass creed/batman combat is a shit souls copy is definitely deluded. Just because you like this shitty chink game series doesn't mean it invented third person action games, tranny.

Get the fuck out of here with this faggot shit.

>Say something factually incorrect
>get mad
>no u
Do you do this all day, or?

Me neither, it's no wonder Cyberpunk is turning out to be shit too

>souls tranny still pretending that a chink game invented third person action

Did you start playing video games after 2010?

because you don't play it for the story dipshit.

>Say something factually incorrect
>get mad
>no u

What's next in your bag of tricks nigger?

Then don't play the game. Problem solved user, you're welcome.

u mad

It's much closer to the combat in the Batman games.
Everyone copied that for while.

Yeah, the actual combat isn't that bad, though in vanilla it suffers from extreme FOO syndrome.
Stack %damage, hold X/LMB to whirl, you win.

CDPR is no rockstar, but souls shit is still far beneath them. It would very shameful for any real developer to copy a shitty chink series that can't even sell 10M copies and loses GOTY every time.

No stamina system, no shitty animation locks = not a souls copy. Get it through your thick skull, tranny.

Yes yes yes, technicalities and all that. Newfags don't realize that CDPR admitted to copying souls combat back in like 2011. It's kind of sad how many here don't know that

Just turn off the mini map, retard

I liked the game and this is too harsh, e.g. world building is pretty good. Nonetheless, it is all true.

It'a good game, but people hail it as the second coming of Christ and they overlook all this obvious flaws

Very telling responses.

Witcher 3 combat is different from witcher 2, retard. You can cancel animations and you don't roll to dodge in tw3.

Why did my thread where I ask what game let's me have this hair get deleted?
Meanwhile there is race mixing shit with various replies still up?

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DD has only the combat for it, the rest is dull at best and stupid in most cases.
I think the Witcher is overall a better game, albeit being a good but not great game overall

I can smell the nigger that typed this

>You could call it an ass creed or batman ripoff, but not souls.
You'd be right, but combat in those two titles was much more (think of fighting crowds). The RPG elements in the Witcher does not redeem it either

lmao you have no argument, retard

that's all it needed to be a way more enjoyable experience. Go read a book or something faggot.

It's just not satisfying at all and feels automated. Really not worth going into detail on at all.

I'm currently playing this game for the first time. I just avenged Priscilla and murdered the serial killer.

P.S. OP is a faggot

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