What was the peak of cod multiplayer and why was it black ops 1?

what was the peak of cod multiplayer and why was it black ops 1?

>cod was never good
go back to fortnite zoomer

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United Offensive is the only one to never make it to consoles so it's the best by default

>FAMAS ops
Fuck off, every good thing in that multiplayer was balanced by useless shit and shit servers



Only the first 3 CoD games had good MP, everything past was trash that needed mods to be playable

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I don’t care about anything just give me back One in the Chamber and I’m good

because you were a mentally ill, cancerous teenager incel back then. funny how nothing has changed, right, you genetic mistake?

>cod was never good

I wont go as far to say that but I've never really been grabbed by realistic fps' I always wished that fantastical fps like timesplitters and pc arena shooters remained popular.

That being said, yes I have the new modern warfare and it's pretty good, but the last cod I bought before that was the first black ops and its probably the best realistic fps for entertainment purposes.

I hate how activision is swimming in cash but cant be assed to have made dedicated servers.


cod 3

pick one

You're a retard, none of them were ever close to being realistic
Bet you think Battlefield is "realistic" too, don't you?

Black Ops 1 had the best balance and more importantly it had the best maps. The gameplay is essentially unchanged throughout the series until later when they added super powers and wall running, so all that really differentiates the games are the maps and weapon/perk balance. BO gave great killstreaks that weren't overpowered, the weapons were almost all viable and fun, the perks gave you bonuses but none were overwhelmingly better than others in their respective slot, and you had a high degree of customization (first one that let you make your own avatar I believe).

God I miss that game

It was like Battlefield-lite desu
Wish it came to PC

BO1 had shit maps, shit hitreg, constant RCXD spam, and only one explosion sound which played constantly during games
World at War and MW2 had better online multiplayer

cod was never good you zoomer retard

*blocks your path*

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COD4 and MW2 were the best multiplayer games. BO1 was the best whole package game (campaign, zombies, etc).

this, CoD 1, and United Offensive are the only ones that are any good

BO2 MP is miles better than BO1's.

ok camper. fuck off you fucking camper. god i hate yo uso fuckig much youfucikkingautsittpieceofshitjustplay the default miultiplayer im typing so fucking hard and so fucking fast my keyboardcant even register the spacebarcorrecltyfuckyouuuu

Which has the best campaign?

>t. camper

>FAMAS steam rolls everything else despite already being nerfed
BO1 had a great campaign but its multiplayer really doesn't hold up

This was the peak and best COD game imo. After this I completely lost interest in COD and haven't went back since. You can also tell they put forth a great effort with this one to with all the hidden secrets and even that unlockable mini game.

I put a lot of time into the mini games. Shit was fun.

I always played these games for the campaigns because I had shitternet and no friends. I never played anything after Black Ops 1. Any good single player after that one?

>Old game gud, new game bad

>>Old game gud, new game bad

That's literally the whole thread, including OP

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You're such a gigantic faggot. Yes cod is realistic. You probably think gran turismo isnt a realistic racing game too you fag, there is a massive difference between realistic and sim. Arma is a sim game, cod and battlefield are realistic. Timesplitters is fantasy. Now fuck off

Oh yes, MP40 spam and OMA were so much better! Retarded take.


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I first played CoD 1 last year though

This is literally the game that killed halo and allowed Cod to take the mantle of most popular fps but zoomers here weren't around to see it.

I have the most fond memories of MW2 even though it was retarded. Fun times.
>nukebusting in free for all matches
Felt like the fucking Punisher.

BO2 was solid and Infinite warfare was ok, none of the others post 2010 are worth talking about

>Killstreaks are realistic
>Perks are realistic
Nah, something like Insurgency is realistic without going into sim territory
Also yes Gran Turismo is simcade, just like Forza

>give you limited health in a game where the only enemies are RNG hitscanners
>no health kits or any sort of healing system
>several sections force you to expose yourself in turrets or cars and pray to RNGeus you dont fail too many rolls and die
What the FUCK where they thinking?

>1 2 and 3 dont exist

>insursgancy not sim

Yeah your retarded. Take a second to learn how games get classified and then come back.

Only on Veteran there are no health packs (which is how I played it)
Also yes, I hated the vehicle sections, they were awful and they clearly learned their lesson with the following games

The is literally this greentext

>admitting to being a console player

>CoDbabby calling people "zoomers"

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This. Blops 2 was peak Cod. Best zombies mode, best campaign and best mp too. Blops 3 had great potential to continue the story but holy shit did they fuck up and decide to go for the future setting for some dumb reason.

COD is fun, I don't understand the hate, aside from the godawful microtransactions they are putting in it.

You are a retard, New World has never called Insurgency a sim (and it isn't anyways)
It's a realistic tactical shooter
Kill yourself

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Not an argument, retardo.

>whywas it the prepubescent, single digit aged, crying when stabbed black ops 1

Because you're underaged

I can't say anything on the campaign cause I usually don't go through them in CoD, but BO2 was the absolute pinnacle for the series MP. It was always a steady rise in quality until BO2, everything after just was worse and worse. Even the zombies mode is to this day my favorite, all of the maps being greats in my eyes.

It's pure gameplay, this scares the average nu-male


>what was the peak of cod multiplayer
Modern Warfare 2. Also the peak of campaign. Everything since has been a down grade. Even Zombies peaked with Der Reise


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Black Ops 2 was the best

>belot, france fighting over control of the big house that's not by the barn
>jumping onto roof and running around to get behind enemies
>fighting over house with machine gun in Burgandy
>Capture the flag in front of German building you blow up in Russian portion of campaign
I take back what I said, this was peak COD multiplayer

just downloaded it on steam, thought it would be dead completely but there are still a quite few active servers, I'm gonna play it for at least a few days now, shit is pretty fun

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>28k players online
This is an old screenshot, right?

nope but I think it shows console users too, there's no way there are 28k players now or the counter is broken

Its definitely broken since less than 1k are in game right now

cod sucks fuck off nigger