Should it be illegal to sell a 3 hour game for 60 bucks?

Should it be illegal to sell a 3 hour game for 60 bucks?

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Depends on what you call a 3 hour game. 3 hour campaign you mean? Because the game is designed to be completed several times, so there's at least 20-30 hs of gameplay there to reach a satisfactory level of achievement.

why are his teeth so fucking long

>3 hour game? well if you keep playing it over and over again, its technically a 100000000000000000+ hour game

In 1997, my parents bought this game for $90. I am still playing it to this day on original hardware, so no, I would say it shouldn't be illegal to sell games with high replayability for 60 bucks.

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do you know how to read? the game is designed to be played like that.

Teeth are supposed to trigger a sense of primal fear in humans. We're all subconsciously scared of being eaten.

Better question is how did he keep those pearly whites so perfectly clean?

well when your teeth are exposed like that, you can't get away without brushing

Guys I heard Resdient Evil 3 is only TWO hours long!

It's not like he's munching on skittles and mars bars is it/

I beat it in 25 minutes, 20 of which were cutscenes.

I knew it! This game fucking sucks I'll tell everyone on Yas Forums about it.

Contentcucks are a plague. I only buy short games to spite you retards.

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the absurdly short demo was a red flag.

You paid $60 for two games actually.

>3 hours game
Tomorrow they'll say it's a 2 hours game
In two weeks you'll see shit like : "RE3 ? The 20 minutes game ?"

game doesnt cost that, its at least half its price

Cmon man, give the game some credit

It's 4 hours

>people actually bought this at full price

>Capcom really sold a 30 second TV spot for 60$?

It should be illegal to remake games

do faggots really only play their games once and then throw them away in a closet or something?


Modern gamers actually do this, that's why games are 50 hours long. You "consume" them.

Except for the closet part that is, owning anything is "clutter", and for backwards boomers only.

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Fucking BASED shoot em up player

Why the fuck would I want to replay the same fucking shit when I have a backlog of 50+ games?

Yes. I have a big backlog and want to play all kinds of different games. I only replay if its a game that actually has different branching paths or with a shit ton of mods.

Should it be illegal to shitpost on Yas Forums with a sub-60 IQ?

>buys game he doesn't like
>finishes campaign
>buys another game he doesn't like
>finishes campaign
>buys another game he doesn't like
>finishes campaign
>repeat x50
lol, you're an idiot

That's literally what my friend does and he doesn't even work in the industry so he can't even say it's for R&D. Consumers gonna consume.

Yes, it is just something to play when you're bored with *insert latest multiplayer shit here*.

Nah, its your fault if you buy it

dangerously based

As a true patrician I prefer 50 hours of backtracking and fetch quests over a 3 hour rollercoaster.

Liking the game doesn't mean I have to play it 50 times, retard. It already showed me all it had to offer, so I move on to the next game.

>the game is designed to be completed several times
And yet they took out things that would have improved replayability and added in a ton of repetitive scripted encounters that amount to you just running forward.

>Because the game is designed to be completed several times
Nah. Linear scripted sequences are not conducive to being played over and over.

by tomorrow the length will be 2 hours.

>judging a game by it's length instead of quality
Why do autists do this?

>It already showed me all it had to offer
This is where you're wrong
also, that mentality of disposing a fucking game being natural is why you're an idiot. Resident Evil is made to be played on several runs. It has different paths and unlockables. If you're not interested on how the game works, then why the fuck did you purchase it? maybe it's because you're an idiot, as I said.

My first playthrough was on hardcore, game took 7 and a half hours.

Was worth the £40 I paid--if I compare that to what I'd spend on a day out it's a steal.

Of course, not everybody earns a reasonable wage so it isn't a good price point for every one -- to those people I'd tell them to buy it on sale in a few months.

It is a good and enjoyable game.

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>1 week later
wow I can't believe RE3 was just a 5 min cutscene of Jill masturbating

Would unironically be an improvement.

>It has different paths and unlockables.
I unlock everything on my first sitting. I make sure to go to every fucking corner in order to get everything in the area before I leave.


it should be $70

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RE3 Remake was awesome! Got to watch Jill getting mounted and fucked by her big dog and moaning and drooling as its thick knot was forced inside her.

RE2 demo was a forced 30 minutes and this one isn't. Took me over an hour.

>areas missing
>barely any puzzles
>Nemesis sucks ass in this
>changed iconic scenes for no fucking reason
People need to be fired over this shit.

I have almost 30 hours into the game and I'm not even done yet.


forgot picture

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I finished it in 18 minutes first try and I didn't even try hard it, it was short as fuck user.

RE3 Nemesis is god tier compared to the remake

Read a walkthrough or something, bud. You literally unlock new items, game modes and full "campaigns" by replaying it.

>Times Vomited
C-Can you tell me more about this mechanic?

I don't think so. Some people sell 40 minutes for 100 money.

By this logic its an infinite hour game wow thanks Capcom

RE3 is out already shouldn't you fags move onto FF7 since its the next game?

>Unlock everything.

I wasn't going to say anything user, but I call bullshit. user is referring to the shop/concept art/different difficulties. Which you can't unlock in one single run.

Imagine zoomers playing arcade games. I bet they think Tetris is a waste of money because matches are short.

>reach a satisfactory level of achievement
you fucking suck at logic

I am playing through nightmare mode now this enemy placement is how the base game should have been

They shat this game out so fast and idiots still bought it oh I'm laughing.

>favorite PS1 title becomes my least favorite remake

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there's an enemy that impregnates face-hugger style, so you need to vomit it out before it burst out your chest

Some of the best games ever made are short as shit, but RE3 is a B-team corporate cash in

speedrun times are not indicative of how long a game will take an average player to finish.

That's hot

>1hr27 on hardcore.

Well fuck...I just started hardcore and I'm already gonna be behind a little bit.