>Cross gen
>First Person
>Snowy setting
>Occultism and insanity themes

Hello, based department?

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frictional games basically

Occultism is cool. Insanity and hallucinations are gay.

>start 7
>5 minutes in and its already a chore to even play the game



Nu-RE trannies will cry that it's not more zombies and another rehash of RE2make but that sounds extremely based.

I guarantee that it wont actually be supernatural but some new virus that explains away everything as usual.

>Wanting RE to turn into Outlast 3

This is more like Outlast 10 imo, or Super Silent Hill.

>Hello, based department?
No, this is the zoomzoom department. How can I help you?

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I actually liked Ethan. Horror protags should always be everymen and I think he was the first in the RE games. Problem is he's going to be made into a Chris Redfield clone.


Time to let the old characters rest. We've had enough of them.

Why would nu RE fans complain about something being like RE2make? And if it was like RE2make why wouldn't there be zombies? Jesus dude get your brain checked what you said makes 0 sense, literally getting angry at your own dumb "logic"

>make sequel to franchise
>remove everything from the franchise
then dont fucking call it resident evil you shit shill

>Giant spiders.
>Giant snake.
>Genetically engineered super sharks.
>Wolf men.
Noooooo, where is Leon and Umbrella noooo, I need my Sonic the Hedgehog story daddyyyyyyyy!1!!

please be real

still hasn't see any of those on the demakes

It's not the fact there are werewolves, it's the fact that werewolves are trash.


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Of course, just like 7. That’s what I like about some RE’s, they feel like Scooby Doo adventures unmasking the local baddie

Do we really need another game with one of the old cast?


You had me at snowy setting & werewolves

Because now you nu-RE shills think every game in the franchise should play like RE2make and RE3make. You're also the same retards who bash 7 even though that game is way more original and fun than your garbage demakes.

No no, you're right. The only good thing left of the franchise should be left behind so we can see more of the Amazingly Bland Faggot's cuck adventures.

Hey that's my wallpaper

7 was such a boring fucking game, tailormade for brainlet zoomers and 3deep5me faggots who think that its boring ass storyline was interesting. Fucking Goblina the game..

>Snowy setting
>Occultism and insanity themes

Sounds great, like that they're forging the series in a new direction.
My only problem with post RE6 games is wishing they'd balance the gameplay so it was more RE1 style "burn x resources for y purpose" instead of "sit there and headshot this cunt for a minute or just run idk" but I'm pretty on board.

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It unironically sounds cool and reminds me of the ghost prototype for RE4.
I expect Ethan and Chris working together.

nah, it was great, only brainlets think its boring.

What's wrong with Ethan? I thought he was pretty good for being a faceless self insert.

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Amazing how people shit on 7 even though it is the closest to the originals since CV.

Because autists just want to play as the same characters from the last 20 years.

I hope they characterize him more.
He's been through a tremendous amount of shit by this point so "abject terror with spikes of vengeful glee" can't be the go-to reaction for everything.

How are people still interested in these games? They ran out of gas years ago.

Knowing Resident Evil they won't even be conventional "werewolves" at all.

They keep changing them.
>Okay it's a resource dependent survival horror
>Okay now it's fixed-camera action horror
>Slow, tanky third-person action horror
>Co-op action
>Co-op action with a billion dodge directions
>Alright, we went back to the first couple and made them slower, but not tanky third-person horror
>Mainline is first-person horror now though
That's without getting into spinoffs.
Gets a little tired seeing the same cast wheeled out but otherwise they use this IP to try whatever the fuck they want, that's half the appeal.


Steadily got worse and worse. 5 was a joke and it never recovered, time to let it die.

Yes, because no matter what they do autists throw autistic tantrums and complain about it not being X, Y or Z.

Sorry wrong number

Based capcom shitting on their autistic fanbase

>Occultism and insanity themes
after outlast 2, i had enough of this. just give me some good old regular horror stuff, no more cult shit

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>Cross gen

This kinda shit is going to hold back games for years.


Ethan was based, autists just can't cope with first person.

that's why I sort of hope they get a new "everyman" character to replace him if they're gonna continue with 7's schtick. Ethan worked more because he in over his head. I'll still be fine with playing as him again though.

Probably canine DNA mixed with a manufactured virus or some shit, experiments done in the Alps

wonder if it'll take some ideas from the RE4 beta

If they can maintain the quality of the house part in 7 throughout the entire game it could be pretty good

VR on PC this time pls. I'm still buttblasted that Capcom never patched it into the PC version.

How about no?

I'm not convinced its gonna be werewolves but if it is that's awesome.

What can they even do now. Umbrella is dead. Weskers dead. Family storyline went nowhere.

>Occultism and insanity themes
I'd be okay with this if I wasn't worried it'd turn out like Outlast or some shit.
If they give him some character, sure, I'll play as him again. This bland, self-insert archetype is so fucking boring.

>for being a faceless self insert.
you answered you own question, retard

>first person
It's shit thanks for saving me money crapcom.

what's wrong with faceless self inserts? they work pretty well in first person games.

I think playing as Ethsn would be pretty cool especially if they go with him being an ex umbrella employee like is hinted at. Seeing his point of view on things could be neat

Leon and Christ are 40+ years old, let those guys fucking rest nerd

Give it some time. I had the same feeling than you. The game picks up after you kill the bee lady.

Fuck you

I keep hoping they start setting up a new younger cast to take over for their stupid ass real world timeline progression. Jake, Sherry and Ethan are giving me hope for that, maybe even Zoe and Moira too. Piers was as well till he died.

Hell even setting up Alex as a replacement villain was neat I just hope they do something with it

Not saying I still don't want the old cast to do stuff but C'mon let's get some new faces in there.

>Ethan again
Nope keeping MC's ruins it

Ethan is going to become RE's Ash Williams.

Will probably be 2 characters this time. Male and Female.

It was the best RE since REmake, you zoomer faggot.

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>caring about this when an actual good RE game came out yesterday

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>no argument
spoken like a true boomer