Am I an asshole for being an e-bushido...

Am I an asshole for being an e-bushido? A lot of my friends think I'm a prick because of the respect I put into the game. When I fight I want it to be two people pitting their skills against each other. If all you do is spam a move or play a busted character I refuse to engage, I'd leave if it didn't throw me in jail. There's just no point, I'm not learning anything. Congrats you know three moves as donkey Kong, way to go you know how to spam me with nu-13. I gain nothing from these fights so I put in the relative effort.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>twitter filename
>smash bros
>attention-whoring image
three strikes faggor

Pick one.

Some people should just stick to making porn.

Attached: 1579402770204.jpg (1200x1200, 260.91K)

If you actually had respect for the game you'd dunk the scrubs and the design choices of the game creators

>female LTG using a fight stick

Lmao this faggot trying his hardest to disguise the fact he throws a fucking tantrum anytime one of his "friends" picks a character he doesn't like.

You're beyond pathetic.

>Blaming anything or anyone but yourself

You aren't good enough to be an elitist. Back to the bottom of the barrel you go

>claims to be good.
>loses to donkey Kong spam

Maybe you should learn to not be a bumbling idiot.

Wait, what the hell happened?

In response to ops image
"I refuse to play this match"
Then the match is forfeit, Mr incel is the champ

So does he fuck her tits or what

I don't throw a tantrum, I just refuse to play against it.
It was an example retard.
You're right, it is my fault that I lost. If I put in the effort I'd win but again I wouldn't learn anything from fighting them.
Not losing, refusing to play against it.

Remember I'm not some 7 year old that only has fun when he wins. I love to lose when I'm fighting someone stronger than me, it gives me a goal to surpass.

if someone is using cheap tactics you lay their ass out and make them learn how to play, faggot

>I refuse to play

Yeah you throw a tantrum

"I'm not gonna play with you becuz you picked a character I don't like"

Cry some more you fuckn baby

>neurotic faggot
Kill yourself my man

Why does this character get no good fanart? It seems like nobody except NW knows how to draw her.

Learn to punish.

>I just refuse to play against it.
that's throwing a tantrum, dipshit

You want to sound like you're good, but you don't know what it takes to be good.
If you even believe in "spam", you're awful.

I want someone to draw someone getting sick of her shit, pinning her down and fucking the shit out of her tits.

If you're losing to the same moves that means you can't adapt and need to git gud.

yes, you're a bitch nigga who either knows they aren't good enough, or lacks the confidence to beat the cheese

Both of which mean you're shit and not nearly as good as you like to think you are

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NuclearWasabi doesn't know how to draw her either

This post stinks

Have girlfriends >>>>>> Smash Bro player

>Opponent uses the same moves over and over
>Complains instead figuring out how to counter it
Are you one those people who keeps running into fireballs instead of slowly inching forward or jumping over them? There's a reason people say to keep using a move if it keeps working on your opponent. There's much to gain from fighting people who do that. With that attitude this will be your dumbass getting scrubbed out in tournament.

you sounds obnoxious as fuck and are the peak display of scrub mentality.
git gud.

>I want someone to draw someone getting sick of her shit, pinning her down and fucking the shit out of
Ooh. Now that sounds se-
>her tits.
gay. Shoot her womb full of semen! Vaginal or nothing!

>smash player throws a tantrum when things don't go exactly his way and don't follow his arbitrarily created rules or morals
breaking news

Attached: tyrone laughing for almost 20 years.jpg (500x540, 40.49K)

It was just an example, I play other fighting games too.
Oh well
You're missing the point. It's not that I lose to it, it's that I gain nothing from it. Yeah anyone can punish someone using the same two moves but there's no fun in that. It's a net loss to engage with them so why bother?

Attached: ERbkA6CXkAEHoHj.jpg (1984x1812, 325.67K)

>artist draws porn for like 10 years
>suddenly decides they need a shitty OC with a fucking retarded gimmick and name
>they refuse to understand no one likes this OC beyond the coomers that like her tits because tits.


Its a kids game, faggot. Stop being autistic about it

such an ugly art style

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>I just refuse to play against it
>If I put in the effort I'd win but again I wouldn't learn anything
>Not losing, refusing to play against it
you have a massively unwarranted ego. ironically, you actually would learn something by playing against these people, but you probably wouldn't like what you'd discover.

cheap tactics don't work on good players. if you were actually were as good as you claim, you'd be able to wipe the floor with them if they're noob enough to try and rely on those tactics to win.

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So you ERP with little boys online?

Then you don't respect the game enough to encourage people to play the game correctly. If you rage like an autist because someone is spamming, you are admitting you can't beat that person and refuse to play them. Someone who wouldn't rage like an autist would kick that faggot to the curb and the game who played against you learns that he should put more effort in his style of play if he wants to beat you. That's how a community grows.

Attached: 1537465807741.png (347x319, 218.75K)

>disgusting hair
>ugly face
Why are coombrains so exploitable?


I like it because that's a prime attitude for rape.
Anyway, citation?

??? Idk man play a different game with them, honestly this /soc/ /adv/ tier thread is retarded and this newfag posted it to Yas Forums cuz videogames xdddd do you think a pro or skilled player would lose to some characters spam? If so pick a different game because yours is shit and if not then git gud in every fighting game there are ways to deal with the one or two button mashers bevause they have existed since fighting genre came to be even google or youtube tips against button mashers

Learning to beat unga-bunga strats and overly noob friendly characters is the major plateau to getting good at any kind of competitive game, especially when online play is involved. Unfortunately that's just the way it is. Every game is going to have this problem to some extent, although some games are worse about it than others. If a game has characters that are so braindead that you're forced to spend months practicing just to barely win against retards (and the developers don't do anything about it) then your only option is to just pick another game - although half the time this isn't what's actually happening and you're just bad.

>Why are coombrains so exploitable?
Instead of complaining about it, use it to your advantage

So if you don't like playing with casuals then go play at locals or tourneys.

Why did not not reply to me?
Read this and shut the fuck up, please.
Stop posting.

porque tenía una remera argentina?
donde ves una minita así acá?
esta lleno de turras

No user, you're missing the point, if they're giving you so much trouble that you don't want to engage with them, YOU are the problem

I like it, IMO.

paizuri is a way of life

if dk uses the same 3 moves over and over again then punish him for it you idiot, you need to adapt to his play style. git gud

You think juggling people with nu-13 is easy faggot? Why aren't you doing it then.

The artist is a literally cuck, that makes sense now

Is fighting games your passion or some shit? Start grinding ranked or competitive in them then you can't expect a lot from IRL friends who probably don't play as much as you. I don't play league or CSGO that much with my friends for the reason I am way higher rank than them and its not fun. I don't get why you're here you always have a refute to a post yet you seem like your waiting for someone to pat you on the back and cool down your autism, why come posing a question when it really seem like you already have the answers you want in your mind.

Is OP baiting for (you)s or do people really think like this?

Cringe, give me titpussy or death

Either you want to git gud or you don't. if you don't and chose to ignore whoever in the cast you don't like, it's fine, not point in trying to put a bow on it.

If you refuse to play against a character that isn't already agreed upon by the community to be basically banned from the game (Meta Knight in Melee, Petshop in HFTF) you are a colossal faggot

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If you struggle against players that spam 1 move you probably suck and should get good

Paizuri is just foreplay.

Just care about who you play not others

The point of a match is to win. Learning is secondary. Dodging matches just means you're failing to do both, so congratulations on mastering the art of being a whiny cunt.

>Meta Knight in Melee

Attached: Hmmm.png (439x228, 46.52K)

>tfw no phat tiddy Argentinan WHITE girl to cuddle with

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There are people who think like this, lot of them. They refuse to play against zoners, or grapplers, or top tiers or "knowledge check" characters, whatever. Happen all the time, in every game, from tekken to blazblue.

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Source is nuclear wasabi.
Sometimes gats (Pizza thot) draws her too.

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>he doesn't know

So it's for zoomercoomers

Meta knight actually ended up not being banned (in Brawl), though.

in short: yes. No one cares about your "bushido/honor code" online, people care about winning and will do what it takes to win. You could learn from these fights you just don't want to. But if you're willing to alt F4 on every person to play a character you don't like instead of just learning how to beat them, go for it and accept whatever consequences come of it. pic related is you

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The point of most matches is to have fun while learning, not every match is a tournament one.

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t. provinciano

If you're getting bodied by "busted characters" or spammers it's all the more reason to put in the effort in those matches. Once you get good you won't have to deal with spammers anymore and you'll have the skills to deal with higher tiers

you act like a fucking child, grow up.

>basically banned from the game (Meta Knight in Melee
I mean you're not wrong but meta Knight isn't in melee

Fuck lads, I just want an Argentian Latina gf with big tiddies and big Latina butt to mash my face in.

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