Why do some of you retards keep suggesting Doom is a gritty and serious series...

Why do some of you retards keep suggesting Doom is a gritty and serious series? Do people think this outside of Yas Forums?

Attached: Romero.png (340x255, 108.65K)

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its bait that you have successfully fallen for

It's gritty but not serious.

zoomers only know how to parrot online opinions. they need something to complain about, and they think pretending to have played doom 1/2 gives them some kind of clout

How can anyone -pretend- to play Doom? It's so old and it runs on anything, if you wanted to play it today there's nothing stopping you.

At least we're finally out of the "doom war always survival horror" phase

are you implying doom should be an APM quick time event ability cooldown fest with low ammo counts and long exposition? Cock sucker I'm in my thirties.

Somehow, the image of the series perpetuates by Doom 3 became the popular interpretation despite it being the hipster choice

>"Wanting" to play video games

Stop don't be a fag

who ever said doom was serious?
look at the /vr/ doom general a lot of mods are comical shit

Attached: piratedoom.png (1024x768, 543.56K)

This is more of an Easter egg (a very well known one) than an actual story element. That's like trying to claim that Halo wasn't ever serious because it has a few silly hidden stuff in the games.

The problem people have with Eternal is more so in comparison to the tone of 2016, which had atmosphere and an overall style that bordered on horror at points. That's completely destroyed when you have things like floating guns, 1-ups, and question marks everywhere, not to mention the silly sound effects that happen on certain glory kills. I personally don't mind it that much, but it doesn't take that much effort to understand why it could potentially be jarring going from the tone of 2016 to the tone of Eternal.

>which had atmosphere and an overall style that bordered on horror at points

Attached: 1413177844663.gif (800x800, 921.08K)

>of 2016, which had atmosphere and an overall style that bordered on horror at points.
Atmosphere and an overall style of a boring shitty early 2010's FPS.
Doom 3 is the only doom that had atmosphere and style of a horror, and it's shit too.

Newbad boomers desperately need a way to shittalk ANY modern entry on any franchise.

Dunno where you heard that but eternal is more gritty than classics

Its faggots who's first doom game was doom 2016.
Anyone who shits on the tone or art style of Eternal are shitters who've never touched the first couple of games, and think that 3/2016 are what doom "looks" like.

What you're showing is something that can only be seen by using cheats or a strategy not even possible to do by a human.
In other words, it wasn't part of the game for 99% of the players. It's a very well hidden easter egg that is by no means representative of the games tone.
Zoomer retard.

I like eternal and oldoom
as autistic as oldoomfags are nudoomfags disregard the old games which is haram

>doom is serious

Attached: Daisy_doom.jpg (480x360, 15.38K)

DOOM was never serious, but the gameplay was always supposed to be more sophisticated than just "run around and shoot demon". Advanced lighting/shadow effects, maze-like map design with complex architecture and a refined audio system were all key components of DOOM's original design. This is why DOOM 3 is a better DOOM game than both 2016 and Eternal. I mean this earnestly...

Doom Eternal is still an excellent game, though.

Attached: Modded DOOM 2 Enemies.png (1440x818, 1.54M)

Is that a photograph of the actual toy shotgun? You can still see the orange cap on the end of the barrel, if I'm not mistaken.

>caco with a pirate hat

play hideous destructor

What about Daisy's entire experience?
What about the gun that's literally called the Big fucking gun?
Shit on Doom Eternal all you want and I don't care what "zoomer boomer" buzzwords you use but you're being disingenuous in suggesting OG Doom is serious when both the game and its devs say otherwise.

90% of original doom 1 and doom 2 map design were fucking trash.
Only Plutonia and Sigil had actually good map design.
Everything made by Sandy Petersen and American Mcgee sucked massive fucking balls, Thy Flesh consumed was utter cringeworthy garbage and TNT Evilution is barely above mediocre, carried by a couple of good levels while the rest goes from boring to infuriatingly bad.

>doom is so fucking serious

Attached: yjcw8cznvc141.jpg (420x420, 19.06K)


Attached: doomshotgun.jpg (460x307, 27.3K)

>the only thing Doomguy is some rabbit he bought at costco and the demons go out and kill it
This isn’t MLP-armor tier.
Also Doom 2 manual kind of retcons this.
>DOOM was never serious
The story wasn’t treated so seriously, but this is a world invaded by demons; it is a ‘serious’ setting with occasional chirpy tunes.
Unless you started with PSX Doom into Doom 64, then the atmosphere is much more grim.

Your perceived quality of the levels doesn't matter. DOOM's maps accomplished things that were unprecedented. Even "simple" things such as having altering altitudes was a big deal.


I can't talk about those holes...

>Everything made by Sandy Petersen and American Mcgee
you're right about petersen he can't do shit without tom hall but you couldn't be more wrong about mcgee

Attached: thecrusher.jpg (979x657, 114.27K)

Crusher is eh, the only thing memorable is the actual crusher.
I'd say the only actual decent Mcgee map is Dead Simple, and only Dead Simple.

It has more to do with a brilliant "3D" engine than with an actual map design. Novelty of altering altitudes, shadows, moving walls, teleporters etc was great, but it doesn't cancel the dull boring corridors of doom 1 and batshit insane design of levels in doom 2 which reminds more of a first fan attempt at making maps than anything.

The first ever attempt to do something new is almost always primitive and overdesigned. This is to be expected.

I agree with that.
I'm not saying that doom as a game should be trashed because of a mediocre to bad level design, every other part of it is literally perfect, so it's more of a slight inconvinience, fixed by the fanbase with infinite amount of great WAD's.
I just don't like the map design.

>gory head on a pike
>not gritty or serious
I know it’s Romero NOW but I sure didn’t or couldn’t know when I noclipped there when I was around 7. It wasn’t funny and the rest of the game had already desensitized me so it wasn’t that horrifying, it was just very fucking weird; I kinda liked it.

I think what he's implying is that Doom is so out of reach for zoomers because old graphics are icky to them that it's better to pretend you've played Doom 1 and 2 instead of slogging yourself through it.

There are zoomies in this very fucking board who can't play PS1 classic games because graphics.

The graphics I can deal with, but not so much the horrible framerates. It’s why I still haven’t finished SH1.

cute cute cute!!!!

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It's Fallout all over again.
Bethesda seemingly can't tell the difference between "game with a serious tone that occasionally cracks a joke" and "literal meme game".
I know it's different studios, so maybe it's producers making these retarded calls, maybe it's Todd himself, who knows.

Attached: LOL.png (640x1212, 595.12K)

Most PS1 games were legit ugly tho

>a fucking easter egg meant to be hidden

>maybe it's Todd himself
Todd runs BGS, that's it, he has no oversight on the other studios. Don Jr has more pull on the creative staff for all Beth IPs.


>What is Daisy
>What is the Big fucking gun

>What is Daisy
Doom’s only remaining thing he even remotely cares about, his life clearly sucks.
>What is the Big fucking gun
BFG 9000’s acronym never gets explained.

Come on, dude. are you really suggesting Doom is serious?

Zoomers should be rounded up and their necks wrapped with hemp rope. Said rope would then be fixed unto a high strong branch of an elm tree before its pulled, lifting zoomers high up and letting them choke as they all get hanged and die.

Even Romero enjoyed playing Doom Eternal
, people on Yas Forums are schizo and hate anything new

And Romero also said that Brutal Doom is the greatest next thing to happen to gaming and that if they released Brutal Doom back in 1992 they would have broken the industry.

I wonder how many of you fucking troglodytes would agree to THAT Romero statement.

>demons invading hell
Yes. A few intermission screens they thought were fun didn’t really take much away from the setting - and this is all different if you started with Doom on playstation or N64 with their much darker atmospheres.
If you wanted a “non-serious” shooter then you went next door to 3D Realms for Dook and Shadow Warrior. All of IdSoft’s shooters back then were much more grounded.

He’s not wrong. But what mod wouldn’t do that, besides the “vanilla-like” ones?

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Just halozoomies mad that Doom Eternal has once again BTFO everything Bunjew has ever made.

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>halo fades into obscurity
>doomdude, powered by memes, enters centerstage
you’re onto something

Don't forget Doom 64's atmosphere

Doom was long fucking dead by the time Halo came out, and Halo was long dead by the time Doom 2016 showed up, I don't see any grounds for this comparison.

It's a case of consistency.

But nu-Doom is Halo.

dead simple is a better mp map crusher is a better sp map