Seriously what’s going on? And don’t tell me it’s Chinese virus, PS4 and Xbox are in stock no problem.

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American virus*

Use your big boy brain for like 2 seconds

Everyone already has a PS4 and no one wants an Xbox. Thus, plebs panic buy Switches.

Don't drop out of school, unless you want to end up like OP or me.

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Literally nobody wants PS4 or Xbox, even with coronavirus. It's like the vegan aisle in the grocery store. Panic buyers will clean out everything except for that shit.

been looking for tbe splatoon addition

there are parents going out of their mind with kids at home right now. Schools are closing due to coronavirus, what better way to shut the kids up than buy a switch.

i want an xbox

I ended up getting my wife into Animal Crossing, so now she’s looking for a Switch Lite and has convinced three of her friends to but Switches for Animal Crossing.

Last time most non-gamers bought a console was the Wii.
Now they're stuck in they're going straight to the latest Nintendo product

if that's true and non-gamers are all buying a Switch then I can see an influx of newfags

Very simple.
Terrible children have terrible parents who don’t want to educate their children so instead they’re buying Switches in droves so their kids are occupied and they don’t have to do a single thing with them.
If you buy an Xbox or PS4 those are too complex for children

Bummed me out. I havent bought myself anything in a long time, decided to get one and its out of stock everywhere.

I was also thinking about hacking a wiiu but gamestop doesnt have those either.
Hows the 2ds? Never owned a portable.

People know that PS4 and Xbox One are at the end of their life cycles, with new systems approaching from both companies it would be silly to buy either at this point. Switch is going to be consistent for a few more years so it's a smart choice.

>how is the 2DS
You can play 99% of games very well using Citra. It's not worth it.

No one wants PS4s and Xbones this close to next gen you dingus

Nah if you are too lazy you give your kid a tablet, parents dont buy consoles for their kids anymore as its too much money for something that niche when a tablet with fornite and freeware is much more accessable.

The xbox and ps4 are fucking 7 years old and have had several revisions and price drops, you moron.

>If you buy an Xbox or PS4 those are too complex for children
More like they don't have enough games to keep them entertained

it's called artificial scarcity, if they keep supply low and demand high, they can keep it a high price for ages

>playing handheld games on a computer

Just throw them a phone :^)

Bullshit, nongamers bought the ps4 as a netflix machine.

Are you a troll chink bot?

Fuck Xbox. Get an PS3 and Wii U.


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nah, its just that most games for xbox/ps4 are boring as hell, unless indie shit that dont get physical release.
>buy mario/yoshi/kirby
>straight to action no talking or cutscene

>buy TLOU/GoW/Uncharted
>character walking while NPC talk bullshit

Winnie the Pooh

That will make the XB1/PS4 even sell more because they are cheap,the games are cheap,lots of online communities on them, and can be found all over the place used for cheap.

Nintendo shooting themselves in the foot.

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good boy points?

No it's the FIFA Madden COD normies that bought it

After you die from a deadly virus? I can have it all?

You mean yellow virus right?

Literally has only casual trash on it though, literally the most popular game is the least "gameplay" thing in a while, literally a shitty social sim with minimal player input.

Why do people pretend Nintendo makes any core games anymore?

If you're doing it because you're stuck at home, the chances are that you don't care about the handheld meme and care more about the library.
>paying $100 for a console to homebrew hax it using a PC anyway

You're implying I will die. African blood is the strongest compared to asians and white boys

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Because Cartridge (game card) taxpayers cost more than BR disc

Literally has only casual trash on it though, literally the most popular game is the least "gameplay" thing in a while, literally a shitty movie sim with minimal player input.
Reguardless, you seem to think that the switch came out simultaneously with the PS4, which came out 4 years before it. That's what casualfags and nongamers bought.

Go back

it needs to be to carry around all that HIV

And who's fault is that? Nintendo because they are jews.

Microsoft and Sony would LOVE to have the braindead loyal fanbase that Nintendo has on various franchises they release.

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What race got to do with this? Dumbass burger.

this, just look at GoW, intense as hell.

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t. Cope

Of course it's Asians

Seems like Sony and Microsoft are the ones with a more loyal fanbase

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School is cancelled for the rest of the year so parents need something for their small children to do to occupy their time while they’re stuck inside.

Not on franchises. They go all over the place when it comes to microsoft and Sony.

>Animal Crossing
I tried getting into the 3DS one. Partially since there was hardly anything else to play on 3DS back then.
I couldn't fucking enjoy it. What the fuck is the appeal?

Nice try, chink insect

they did this at christmas too

these god damn jap fucks want me to become desperate for their shitty fucking console that I'll buy anyway

Very based
Wut m8


Furries and females.

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Loyalty mean nothing. Switch selling like hot cake.
Weak player. 3DS is god tier

The kids already have phones and tablets, parents don't buy consoles for their kids nowadays.


why.jpg mine sits in the closet for months now, literally no fucking games

Hello based department?

Dare I say this loading screen has SOUL?

Everybody is stuck at home, nobody wants to have to share a TV. When you want to do different things Switch lets you play entirely on a single device. At the same time, when you want to do something together it has the best single system multiplayer games.

If your child is 5 years old you sit their ass in front of a PC and make them play Putt-Putt and Freddie Fish. Come to think of it, what is this current generation's equivalent to Humongous Entertainment and Jump Start?

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