>Persona 5 ROYAL has a 96 metacritic score, getting 10 and 10 everywhere
>VII REMAKE is amazing as well, getting great reception from everyone who played it
>Animal Crossing New Horizons has sold 6-7 million alone in Japan
>Code Vein sold 1 million
>Dragon Ball Z Kakarot sold 1.5 million
>Atelier Ryza is poised to be the best selling game of the franchise
>Pokemon Sword and Shield is the fastest selling game of the franchise
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1.8 million
>Fire Emblem Three Houses is the best selling game of the franchise
>Final Fantasy XV is the fastest selling game of the franchise with 8.9 million copies sold
>XIV is the most successful MMORPG currently
>Nier Automata sold 4.5 million and it's one of the most successful Platinum developed games
>Octopath has sold over 2 million
>Breath of the Wild is the best selling game of the franchise
>Tales of games are selling well too
>Ni no Kuni II did amazing as well
>Kingdom Hearts 3 is the best selling game of the franchise
How come Japanese games are making a comeback?
I dunno but now I wanna go re-read the UBW route. Thanks user. Bye.
>Warcraft 3 reforged (blunder of the century)
>Cyberpunk (delayed and looks like trash)
>TLOU2 (delayed and looks like trash)
>M&B2 (early access)
>Ghosts of Tsushima (literal weeb game)
>not even any indie games besides a clone of a JRPG that's inferior to a japanese fan game
Yeah I'm thinking japan won
The absolute state of the west
>making a comeback
They've never gone anywhere.
I don't have a problem with western games. I just want them to stop trying to be movies and try to be challenging for once. Also for the love of God stop focusing so much on realism.
>The "pinnacle" of video game story telling is a zombie game that doesn't even follow its own rules.
>Its good because sad dad is sad and sad lass pets a giraffe.
Your right about more actual game content, but I want more realistic fps games. Gimme a good room clearing/ night op game and I'll cream my jeans.
damn, what a boring design
>FGO made $4 billion
Nothing personnel, Stay Nightards
>turn based weebshit
no thanks. only faggots play jrpgs.
Good. They have more soul than Western ganes
I want to stick my dick into rin. I don't even want to have passionate sex with her. I want to just shove my dick into her
Me too
> Paying for a mere chance to unlock a character
> Thinking popular equals good
And yet your dumb zoomer ass has the audacity to call others tards
Does it even have to be her ass, pussy, or mouth?
What about her ear, or her eye socket?
They never went anywhere, only traded good gameplay for more fanservice.
Because a lot of western games are completely derivative and just sort of blend into each other, having no real identity.
Don't misunderstand me, there's some fresh and unique franchises in the west too, but in general the meme that it all blends together is too real. Not just visually, but in gameplay also. They are in general too scared to actually try anything.
Because people are tired of feminism, multiracialism and left wing propaganda plots in western games
I don't pay though.
Japanese devs don't cater to Western SJW shitters that's why.
She can even make a hole with her hand and I'll stick it in
>VII REMAKE is amazing as well, getting great reception from everyone who played it
Never ever
devs don't, but the localization teams sure as hell do
pretty sure the people who are playing those games aren't all cuck obsessed baseboys who can only absorve reason through supposed opposition, imagine thinking about the lack of multiracialism when you are about to buy a game, probably by obession twisting the meaning of the word and indentifying it with whatever hits your brain first, you are slowly exposing yourself to the product of the people in which you oppose and probably spits the same quality shit as they do
Honestly if the games were good no one would care that much, but its literally retarded producers going "we got a strong progressive narrative, put a few more bucks into that and cut costs for every other aspect of the game".
If they focused on making a good game and then went with "oh and this character is LGBTQWQEWQQCQ+" they would probably get away with it, especially in murrica the most cucked country ever.
They stopped trying to make games "for" Americans.
That's seriously it, there was a panel at Tokyo Game Show 2018 where they talked about it.
Laugh all you want but you know its true. Especially now a days
I'm no disgusting weeb but games in the west are just awful. They care more about virtue signalling than making good games.
Comeback? They never stopped.
Japanese games have always sold good
Persona 5 has a 95, it's at the same level as god of war, I'm sorry user, turn based weebshit is still bad.
it was never the case because japanese are souless insects
Because people get hyped by censorship.
Post more of the sexy cross-eyed Mexican please
boring, what happens when tlou2 and cyberpunk outsell everything here?
I don't trust anything positive about P5R in the West since in it's home country amongst players it's badly received.
>>Pokemon Sword and Shield is the fastest selling game of the franchise
This isn't a good thing and not solely because of dexfaggotry.
Howsabout Siege or Arma?
>doesn't remember the early 2010s when they were trying and failing to imitate the west and every jap studio put out a forgettable 6/10 TPS
>doesn't remember when final fantasy and resident evil were dead
you must be at least 21 to post in this thread
That wasn't every Jap studio.
Final fantasy still isn't that good.
>Final fantasy still isn't that good.
it's leagues better than the 13 trilogy, which only existed because they lost so much money on FF13 that they had to keep doing asset flip sequels
Based Luvia.
Western games have gone to the shitter, only good ones are made by Bethesda. The great ones are underappreciated like Dying Light.
With final fantasy getting worse, that made other JRPG series rise in sales
All had more of a chance to shine now. Final fantasy isn't the end all be all of JRPGs anymore. That was long ago. If it dies others will take it's place.
Yeah, tell that to the FF7 remake
Made for OBC.
I don't know what that means. Have more Luvia!
I think Rin sucks.
realism can mean different things when it comes to vg design, but it's generally good when done right
not false
Based Oh Ho ho poster!
Ojisan's Big Cock.
What the fucking shit is that?
>no doujins of Luvia fucking Rins brains out
>not even in their Pseudo-Servant forms
It's a Oujou-sama power bombing some Japanese high school girl.
It doesn't matter to most people anymore. It's FF7 it's been awaited. Other than that people moved on
A Finngolian magus showing Rin who's boss.
>Because people are tired of feminism, multiracialism and left wing propaganda plots in western games
In what games? I haven't played many western AAA games probably in general, but some games I have played from the last decade that would classify would be Mass Effect, God of War or RDR II. None of those have any of the elements forced into those games.
I love Rin so much :3
Real answer is it's Fate Unlimited Code. A pretty fun Fate fighting game from the PS2 era.
Man Fate is in a real bad need of a fighting game.
good thing your virginity doesn't need a comeback
>Doom Eternal has almost universal praise across the board,top that with the best opening week in it's franchiese history
The West ain't dead