What is Yas Forums's opinion on Celeste?

What is Yas Forums's opinion on Celeste?

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Good platformer. I appreciate how often it introduces new mechanics, and remains consistently challenging. A little pixel flag in dlc I haven't played doesn't ruin my appreciation of the base game I enjoyed though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

fuck off tranny.

Great game with perfect level design

Good platforming. Games 'abloobloobloo muh anxiety' storyline was melodramatic and stupid. Theo was a shit character. OST was a banger.

hard and monotonous

Tranny meatboy?

If she was a trap instead of a gross tranny I would have bought her game

>"dude spikes lmao" platformers

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Agree with this. The story and characters are stupid. I never even slightly cared about anything going on, and Madeline becomes emotionally weaker over time.
Platforming is damn good, though.

It's a good game but the levels are too fucking long

>tr*nny game


Great platformer, and it doesn't wait until the second playthrough to get hard.

CUTE tranny game

A game that could have been decent if it wasn't so far up it's own ass trying to make the story important. I doubt I will go back to finish it after getting bored in the mirror/cave level.

good pixel art game

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What's up with the tranny comments? Is she actually tranny in the game or is it the usual Yas Forums autism?

Yas Forums autism

That looks like puke

very good. only fun percision platformer. rekindled my interest in indie games and platformers. billing the debug mode as an "easy mode" was unironically genius because it guaranteed that even journos could beat the game. the story goes from okay to abysmal the moment you get stuck in the tramway with the onionsboy, but every cutscene can be skipped.

because of this

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why are there anal and cross dressing pride flags there anyway?

lol stupid

It's not confirmed but the free dlc they added has this picture the guy who made the music for the game is a trans and the lead dev is spiraling down into trannyhood as well, so it seems they decided to take the main character of their new game with them.
The main character was an actual girl before all this, though

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devs are trans

>lol what if we made a bunch of extremely tight precise jumps and covered the rest of the area in spikes roflcopter
Someone post the graphic

A depressed and anxious tranny does dangerous things in order to either succeed or kill themself

This shit rights itself. 40% ftw!

I don't like platformers I just enjoy Celeste threads because they're always "haha she's a tranny" and "fuck of trannies" back and forth
I'd totally fuck him in the ass and call him a girl though

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SJW shit. Trannies go!

I do not understand how someone over the age of 11 can like playing 2D platformers that have no good narrative and nothing innovative
It's actual autism, most boring genre ever

that isn't how Celeste plays outside of one level

The game is good but now every single fucking tranny I meet has stolen my name because of the god damn tranny protagonist madeline

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>who cares about video games for the gameplay?
>autists probably
coming up with agressive rationalizations for people liking things that you don't like is autism.
autism is not people liking things that you don't like.

Most of the gimmicks suck. Especially the fucking wind. Also fuck the wavedashing autism in chapter 9.

There is no gampelay there

its a pretty damn good game, a little bit unfair at times, but its fun

I wish there was an achievement for playing without assist mode. Kinda weakens the feeling of accomplishment when I get through the hardest levels in the game with 300 deaths and then see that the achievement for that is owned by 10% of all players because they just turned the cheats on.

Wait, what? You still get the achievements with assist mode?

>How can anyone enjoy good gameplay without a story?
You're the reason we have movie games, you fucking faggot.

Yes. It annoys me greatly.

My favorite game ever is DMC4 and that has shit tier story, I'm talking strictly about platformers with no story

I was wondering how the fuck so many people finished the later b-sides.

cope and seethe, moviefag

this is an actual problem
putting optional baby proofing in your games is one thing. rewarding babies the same way as everyone else is a different, shittier thing entirely

The game is too hardcore for its own good. I don't mind challenge and difficulty, but even chapter 9's A side is fucking brutal for no good reason. The rest of the game was good though. Fluid movement, good music and art, etc. My favorite zone was the Mirror Temple

The game also has an interesting definition on what constitutes as a diagonal input. Doesn't help that wavedashing and wallhopping heavily relies on it.

>gameplay doesn't matter, only story matters
>w-what do y-you mean "moviefag"? my favorite game is-uh-um devil may c-cry-uh-four!
be honest user. you've never played a single dmc game in your life besides maybe the ninja theory one

The platforming mechanics in this game are amazingly tight and fun to use, but I feel like by late game you barely get to use them because of all the fucking gimmicks. Some of them like the blocks that respond to you dashing into them and the springs are good, but:
usually shit
>golden feather
beyond shit. I want to play a platformer not the scary maze game with worse controls.
The game’s best moments are when you’re just jumping and dashing all over the place, which is interrupted by these gimmicks constantly. It doesn’t feel like a git gud thing either because those shit gimmicks aren’t even fun to interact with. Meat Boy is more my speed, as the gimmicks are environmental instead of modifying player control, but Celeste is still probably the best platformer (or splatformer, do people still say that?) since that game.

Cope nigga, I played 1 and 3 when 3 came out in a local arcade, knew the owner so he lent me the PS2 to finish 3 because it was too long and hard for me to finish in the arcade. Played 4 when it came out, played DmC when it came out, bought 4 Special Edition for Virgil mostly but Trish and Lady were a nice addition, played through the campaign on DMD 3 times. Pirated DmC when it came out because I didn't like the new Dante but minus the stupid story and edgy writing the gameplay was pretty good. Upgraded my PC last year to play 5 and bought it day 1 and had a blast with it, would probably be my favorite DMC and therefore favorite game ever if not for the nostalgia I have from original 4 ( And Special Edition 4 since it's just the better version of 4 )

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adams apple

some of the screens with the bubbles felt more like fighting game inputs than platforming

Here you go

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why they don't have eyes?

Decent platforming, story feels a bit pretentious but nothing horrible.

>"jumps that can barely be done"
>jumps on the left are clearly piss-easy, like the short hops near the top
Is this meta-commentary about the people who don't like this style of design.

> bumpers
> usually shit
I never got this complaint, aside from the fact that they wobble around in place by like a couple pixels I never ran into problems with them.
Also the way wind works actually means it enhances your dash and that's pretty fun at least.

Tranny shit.

Only thing I didn't like was how obtuse some of the crystal hearts were to get. It's not a huge problem since you can look it up online but I'd rather have figured it out myself. The colored birds one was absolute horseshit.

Confusing level design

>The game is too hardcore for its own good
you don't need that to be fair
only the A sides are needed, everything else is optional content

>The game also has an interesting definition on what constitutes as a diagonal input
big agree on that
i THINK i've read somewhere that the guy who made it changes how the thumbstick work based on what room you are, eg if a map relies heavily on diagonal inputs, he made diagonals easier to input in that room only, and vertical inputs harder

but yeah, most of my deaths was due to bad inputs like that i feel

great game otherwise.
wind was annoying at the beginning but as you get better it gets easier and easier to manage

i suggest trying tornado valley, a fan-made chapter, it will help you learn about wind and it's not even that hard, it's around B side difficult

> usually shit
not him but
i don't like them because they are inconsistent on which part of them you hit

the fact that they are ovals instead of circles doesn't help one bit
which is why chapter 9 has the pufferfish, which the creator specifically designed to make bumpers that weren't as bad

Good game, cute story, if only the devs didn't wanted have politics in a game that need none.

See, I never ran into the inconsistency as to where I hit them. Or at least I never felt like it was the game's fault instead of my own.
The puffer fish felt easier, but the bumpers felt perfectly consistent.

But it didn't have any

>he didn't played the dlc

>muh body muh choice
haha seriously

The DLC is so fucking stupid it made me hate the game retroactively. It's not fun at all and if you want to play the game properly you NEED a keyboard.

F for the girlanon

How about you post an actual screenshot from the game that looks like this, C-sides don't count.

Get good.

I did play the DLC. I beat the DLC. It still didn't have any

Why do indie devs feel inclined to appeal to the LGTBQQ? Do they really think humanitarian points would help them sell more copies? I swear if satanism was the overwhelming popular vote, most would put in pentagrams for money.

Best platformer of the decade

I beat all the C-sides you hack, fuck off

It was good but undeserving of it's praise, it felt like a Super Meat Boy game with better music and somehow a worse story. Self referencing that your plot is obvious doesn't make it good. Gameplay was fine but much better indie platformers exist.

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Clearly you didnt.

>much better indie platformers exist.
No they don't

It's bad, I don't like 2D platformers.

The Messenger, Super Meat Boy, Hollow Knight, Gunvolt, Cuphead off the top of my head are all much more fun

Clearly I did. So what's your next excuse?

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They hate it because if a single end game (dlc btw) screenshot has a tiny pride flag in it, because for Yas Forums politics > gameplay even if it's this insignificant

>I don't understand how someone could like a simple game with tight gameplay

It's overrated.

The only one that's a platformer in your list is Meat Boy, and you're wrong that it's better.

when you are moving decently fast it's pretty damn hard to hit small spots consistently

other times i'm trying to stall for time by bouncing on the top of the bumper, but the bumper doesn't send you straight up, so you have to constantly microadjust after every bump to keep yourself on top

also the bumper doesn't have segmented circular sections like the pufferfish does, it's hard to tell where it's going to send you, unless you dash into it from the side

mind you, i finished every side, ch9 too and a few golden berries
i just didn't like them specifically

HK and cuphead aren't even platformers, the fuck are you smoking?
messenger is an action platformer so not even a pure one

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Actually beat this game yesterday. It was really fun.

Just because they aren't purely jumping doesn't make them not platformers, unless you don't consider Mega Man to be a platformer. Even still, games like Shovel Knight and Cave Story are better. Celeste is good but highly overrated

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