Jill Definitive Classic Costume

As with the Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom did a terrible job making the classic costumes, for this reason I made this mod that improves Jill's classic costume in every way as she really deserves.

It includes the following improvements:

- Now the skirt is really a skirt! Not a horrible short.
- Improvements in the anatomy of the body
- Stockings are shorter
- Without superior weapon sheaths
- The sweater is smaller as in the original from 1999
- The physics of the skirt were remade so that no cuts are seen and it looks natural.


Attached: 73-1586092141-625801840.jpg (2214x1081, 458.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh, well.
Thanks OP.

Don't forget to check out my Patreon for
"exclusive" skins ;).

>anatomy improvements

what makes gamers autistic

pc wins again

>still haven't fixed the face

you sound more autistic desu


>Nuuuu they can't change it I need to COOOM!

call when they fix her ugly body and head

Attached: 1585909370251.gif (250x197, 1.08M)

see, you literally sound identical to this guy coincidence? no. youre both autistic.


Attached: AePWlgY.jpg (1920x1080, 422.61K)

it is a skirt in the original

Attached: 6EA5D5C3-3439-44A2-92C8-C3CE9B90F62C.jpg (914x975, 56.64K)

Jesus you weren't kidding. They replaced her skirt with a short.

I don’t even understand why they changed it in the first place. If they didn’t want the skirt be sexualized than give her spats.
I find it weird how people refuse to have video game character sexualized but people want shit like onlyfans to be accepted

>classic costume
>isn't actually the classic costume
I honestly don't even care about Resident Evil so I am not really invested. But isn't that like, false advertising?

oh I don't think you understand
see we are making fun of people like op who are complaining about tiny things

>anatomy improvements
>breaks her knees

What the fuck is wrong with RE fanbase? The games have literally no waifufaggotary yet the fanbase is more autistic than fatefags

>jokes on you, I was merely pretending

Now you get it

Resetera trannies are seething in this thread, thanks OP!

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No. Mislabeling something that isn't explicitly in an advert is not false advertising, nor is there any legal consequence or otherwise. You bitches need to stop thinking false advertising is something you can hold companies accountable for when you don't even understand the basic principles and just apply the most retarded literal interpretation you can think of.

False advertising here would be having an image of Jill in a skirt, and on delivery of the product there is no Jill in a skirt.
>B-but they SAID it was classic! It's not exactly like classic!
No shit, it's a remake and the skirt was remade into shorts, again, learn the basics of what words mean you illiterate philistine.

I mean its dumb as fuck that they changed it, but that's no excuse to go full retard like this.

kys incel

why is her upper torso so fucking W I D E

That skirt looks way worse.
The biggest issue with the 'classic costume' is how the top is way too loose fitting, and the whole outfit doesn't feel clubby at all like it did in RE3.

Attached: k1of92927v341.jpg (926x1199, 105.92K)

Autism. It's just a costume bro. Reminds me of when faggots were complaining about Sekiro not having alt outfits

And you clearly still don't, which kind of proves the point.

>broken knees
>retarded ass and waist

What do I not get

Why are you embarassing yourself like that

Based, gonna download this before my Nightmare run

Attached: IMG_20200216_130042.jpg (140x251, 8.12K)

I have no skirt and I must coom


So if was remade, is not the same than the original, so its not classic

i know that this kind of posting is inherently low effort but come on man, dont you have anythign better to be doing?


>shorter socks
holy autism


look at the replies. this world is doomed.

nice effort but honestly capcoms DLC costume is so shitty and unfaithful it's better to just throw it out and model a new one from scratch.

Why can't we just range ban these spergs

You're not pretending, you are.

for making a mod?

twitter, like other sites, bans everyone that disagrees with the left so its not a good measure

user. Sincerely. Stop trying to use words you don't understand while pretending to be some kind of authority capable of explaining things. You REALLY aren't anywhere near that level of comprehension.

It's a remade classic outfit. None of your sperging and retarded drivel is going to change that from being exactly what it is.

Why am I autistic?
I don't complain about shorts that look like skirts

Kys tranny

user my man, go see a therapist, have them explain it to you, the fact that you have no idea what's going on in this conversation showcases quite clearly that you're on the spectrum.

Okay so I'm not, got it

>change the short to a skirt
>change other forms of the costume and body
So were people bitching about the whole look of the classic instead?

the dumbest part of her outfit is the radio on her hips

Whatever helps you sleep at night mate, but do try and get some better lines, drivel like that reaches it's expiry date by the time you graduate kindergarten.

looks like shit retard

>Modders fixing shit for devs again
Now to wait for crack

But trannys are obsessed with dress up

Judging by Yas Forums, a shitload of people care. They're fucking WEIRD.

Now you're starting to act autistic dude, take care


No for shitposting about her non stop
Every fucking RE thread the same fucking bullshit

this is just sad

he's right about you

>the fanbase is more autistic than fatefags
that is a VERY bold claim

funny that you're so obsessed
you are as mentally ill as they are desu

Come now mate, I said better lines, not give me more of the same crap. "no you" is just about the worst one you could have pulled out.

And lets not forget that inability to grow socially (i.e as you're showcasing right now) is one of the primary symptoms of autism. It's not like you don't act like an adult, it's that you're not capable of learning how to.

it's a thread specifically for the mod, not for talking about the game you fucking mongoloid


fucking this. made her a skeleton with retarded bend legs.

>No for shitposting about her non stop
sorry but your waifu is not immune from being shit on so why don't you go back to the circle jerk/cope thread about your awesome 4 hours of gameplay

>Retreating back into his own mind
Another sign of autism, when overwhelmed they will always retreat back into easily understood and digestible biases and stop interacting meaningfully.

About as mature as plugging your ears and screaming "you're not real". You really should see a therapist mate, the diagnosis would be over in minutes.

>body adjustments
Why? had you just made the top tighter and the shorts into a skirt I would have downloaded but you fucked it up.

>200 coomers worldwide
>lots of people

I don't get it please explain

I find it funny how quickly modders have been with lewd costumes.

>Doesn't even know how greentext works
Get back to Plebbit please

OP post took it from this thread here
OP didn't make the mod he just wanted easy (you)s

The RE Engine was pretty much figured out long ago. It's almost as easy to fuck with as an Unreal engine game. Day one mods for any game that uses it is easy.

> Milla Jovovich Face

I was referring to people like you who for reasons unfathomable to me care what other men do with their penises or what media they consume.