
All games, all DLC. All questions, few answers.

Let's do it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If Elizabeth dies for Sally, why did she not just save her when she could? Actually, when did Elizabeth do anything wrong to Sally?

Also, for 3, why kill Booker when you could kill all the Bookers who accepted baptism instead?

And also, it was really the Luteces who first opened tears to rapture, then?

Is the rest of the world presumed to have access to all this incredible technology?

Infinite questions need not apply since the game is retarded and non-canon.

No. There's no point in Rapture being a haven for scientists to do their work without being held back by moralistic lawmakers if the rest of the world already has that advanced technology.

No, people don't even have access to Rapture; it's like a nation. But the government storms the base in some endings.

>mfw multiple endings may have been what prompted Levine to think about multiple realities

Please stop posting in my thread larping as a Protestant from 1540.

Are you upset that Bioshock Infinite is complete shit? There's no reason to be angry, you can still play your CoD re-skin.

Do people really play the game and assume the rest of the world has this stuff? Are people 'tarded?

Yeah, this thread is proof. I mean, people ACTUALLY defend Bioshock Infinite, if that's not proof that most people are retarded, I do not know.

Bioshock bros... What went wrong?

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Is it good? And low long does it take to complete?
I own the games+all the dlc but never had time

>Are you upset that Bioshock Infinite is complete shit?
No, because that is your opinion, and I have no problem discussing with people who have different opinions, as I find that interesting and I feel no insecurity about disagreeing. I can see the flaws, or perceived flaws, and I can discuss that. That's why I'm here. If you want to make it personal, it won't work because I'm not 15.

My Protestant from 1540 comment was meant far more humorously than you received it. Relax, friend, I'm only here to have a fun chat.

The whole deal about you deciding what is canon or not was funny, hence my comment. Now if you'd like to argue why it is complete shit, I am all ears.

Ken Levine broke the only hard-drive were the sources of all those builds were kept because he thought the game was too fun and didn't focus as much on his "cerebral" storytelling, so he forced the dev team to start the game from scratch 9 months before launch. BASED?

Ya seethe? Ya boil?

Bioshock 4. Wild west setting that critiques identity politics and feminism.
Yay or nay?

>Bioshock Infinite is complete shit?
Here's what I liked/loved about it:
>voice acting
>Elizabeth, 100% nailed it
>dream-like story (which does or does not make sense depending on how you look at it)
>incredible chemistry between the main characters
>the mood

I would say in terms of sheer gameplay, it isn't 2 or even 1, but I approach this game more like I approach walking simulators, and arguably, the Bio games were always closer to that than to sheer FPS. The story is in the places you visit, the people you hear, etc. I love that stuff, so I love that aspect, but I understand you may not if you want an action-based shooter and nothing else. Now that makes it weird that you'd mention Call of Doodoo in an insulting manner, seeing as you basically criticise 3 for not being more like Doodoo. I'm confused. Maybe there's a reality where you make sense.

>Yeah, this thread is proof. I mean, people ACTUALLY defend Bioshock Infinite, if that's not proof that most people are retarded, I do not know.
I defend it, and I'm not retarded. You'd not believe my credentials, but I ain't stupid. If you'd like to attack 3 so that I can defend it, please proceed. I promise not to get upset or fallacious; I'd like an interesting exchange for the benefit and sake of all.


Just kidding.

>Here's what I liked/loved about it
Nobody asked. The game draws all its beats from Call of Duty, going so far as giving you a literal rail to attach yourself to in order to get to the right place, and this is without mentioning the one section that is literally ripped from a CoD game, where you get to use the airstrike key from CoD to call in Songbird to do awesome and kill the bad guys. It treats the player like a moron, then gives him a "brainy" story to make him feel smart for playing the game. It is Call of Duty for people who are ashamed of playing dudebro shooters.

>bioshock infinite fans are cringe lolsorandumb posters

OP here. Listen carefully.

Yes, all BS is great. You'll need around 20 hours for the first two games and maybe 16 or 20 for 3. DLC varies, and I don't remember, maybe 6 hours each.

The Remastered version of 1 and 2 make the games way way harder and you will get your ass fucking kicked like never before, which is fine since you respawn at the moment you died. The result of this is that the original games were more on the scary side (since you died less and threats didn't last long) and less on the action side of things. You choose which experience you'd rather have, but personally, the Remastered weren't bad (although 2 constantly crashes).

I'd play the originals and then play the Remastered versions later on, when you need your fill of BS.

I'm sick of amerimutt politics.

That's not the OP, don't listen to him. I posted the OP with the actual Bioshock logo for a reason, not Infinite's logo. Play the real Bioshock games and ignore the remasters and Bioshock Infinite.

Not at all, but I do want some arguments or attacks that I can work with. I no longer care for bantering anonymously online. Pretty please, tell me what makes BS3 shit in your opinion.

Why and how was Elizabeth on the Bioshock 1 plane. How did she get there? Why was she flipping through multiple versions of herself?

I can't find an answer to this liteterally anywhere

>calls Bioshock Infinite Bioshock 3
lmao what a dimwit.
why do retards like you think that Bioshock needs to be this series were every game plays the same exact braindead way and the only difference is how retarded the plot is and how magic manic pixie dream girl the city is?

>Bioshock 4. Wild west setting that critiques identity politics and feminism.
Fuck that noise. 3 only had politics as "everyone involved is basically a cunt" and not as an agenda, which you guys obsess over. Same thing for Far Cry 4. I like the Wild West setting idea, but not the rest.

I personally thought BS3 would be about Nazis on the Moon. It would work, it shares similar ideas: breakaway civilisation, modern tech, crazy ideals, etc.

Nazis on the moon in the 1970's. I'm aware Wolfenstein already did it, though, so maybe something somewhat different.

Rapture in the future? Rapture 2050! Some space colony.

Bioshock is genuinely one of the best series of all time.

All of the games are good enough to be worth playing, but Infinite is noticably worse than the other 2 (depending on what you look for in the series. Some people actually swear by it)
Don't play the remasters. They are broken, at least on PC

They didn't care.

Nobody swears by Bioshit Infinite, other than you when you reply to yourself.

All of my normie friends think it's the best in the series

>two hours
>still only 7 unique IPs posting
Holy fuck, how does it feel to know that the only reason why your desperate Bioshock Infinite thread is being kept alive is by people who hate Bioshock Infinite?

Yeah, but this would tell everyone that said "politics" were bullshit and that trannies and feminists should die in a hole

>Nobody asked.
Nobody asked for your opinion either and yet here we are. That said, nobody needs permission to voice their opinion. We're all here to express ourselves and listen to others; if you don't like how it works, a public forum may not be the best place for you.

>The game draws all its beats from Call of Duty,
I must confess that having never played CoD, I wouldn't know, but I trust you on that.

>where you get to use the airstrike key from CoD to call in Songbird to do awesome and kill the bad guys.
Coincidentally, these are the elements I disliked the most about the game. They made no sense and brought nothing, storywise or actionwise.

>It treats the player like a moron
I agree with that. Everything about the skyhook was silly beyond belief: you can jump 100 feet from a skyline to the ground, but the same jump NOT from a skyline will kill you. Because reasons. And while I can sort of accept the magnetic activation idea as to how you can suddenly fly away onto one of those lines, I still don't know how the hooking doesn't tear away their arms.

>then gives him a "brainy" story to make him feel smart for playing the game.
That's a bit bad-faithy; the game could have been a lot better with the same story, it doesn't have to be related, and certainly not as a compensation.

>It is Call of Duty for people who are ashamed of playing dudebro shooters.
I see your point, but I will wager that CoD is far superior in terms of sheer shooting action. I also hate iron sight and how it basically removed using plasmids/vigors since now the weapons have the upper hand in the combat, so much so that you barely ever use vigors or invest in them.

I just want a good game. I don't want to get my worldview or philosophy from videogames.

>mass replying
Holy fuck, dude, this is the big seethe.

What I mean is that it basically says "Orange man GOOD"

It's not random, but it is far-fetched in ways that are both interesting and possibly retarded. I just enjoy discussing that stuff.

You filthy liar. BioShock Infinite is an experience unlike anything else. I agree that the combat has very weak points and a lot of dumb shit, but it's a magnificent game otherwise and it is worth playing. Definitely the highest emotional charge of the entire series.

Okay, here's something about Infinite I really don't get. And yes, it's possible there isn't an answer to it - we all know they didn't care much about logic.
So, the twins pull in Booker to save his daughter. But as we find out, "our" Booker is just one of many - they've done this many times before. But where do those Bookers come from? We need at least two timelines/dimensions for it to work: Booker's and Comstock's. Booker is put in Comstock's dimension to stop him. But are we only looking at those two timelines and the twins are pulling "the same" Booker into "the same" Comstock timeline, only grabbing him 1 minute before the last time they grabbed him? So they keep overwriting the earlier timelines.
Or are we looking at several dual-Booker/Comstock-timelines? So the twins find a fresh Booker each time at, say, 3am, put him in Comstock's timeline, watch him fail, and then travel to an entirely new Booker and grab him at 3am. But if that's the case, are all twins from all timelines converged into the pair we meet in the game? It seems like they've seen the earlier Bookers fail themselves.

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>Why and how was Elizabeth on the Bioshock 1 plane. How did she get there?
She didn't, she only saw it. When she isn't siphoned, her quantum powers are limitless: she can see everything, she's God-like. The visions at the end of BaS2 are not from the moment she dies, I believe, but from when she devised her plan to send herself back, powerless.

Yeah. But there would be gameplay. Perhaps you're a woman in WW2 who stumbles into what looks like a feminist/minorities paradise, but then shit gets horrible.
Basically, unlike the first 3 games our protagonist is 100% unaware of the horrors being perpetrated initially

>lmao what a dimwit.
I see what you did there, Duke. I also call Aliens "Alien 2", if you're curious.

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My answer is still no.

I only come to Infinite threads to bitch about it

>Don't play the remasters. They are broken, at least on PC
I played them recently. BS1Remastered worked absolutely fine, and was a lot harder. I died a lot, whereas in the original, I almost never died. I saw no problem. 2, however, crashed very, very often. Almost every time there was any fight, I had a 50% chance of crashing, sometimes more. I had to save a lot and redo numerous segments solely because it kept crashing on me. But 1 was flawless.

Well that's good. It had a broken brightness slider for me so it was impossible to see what I was doing and I had to settle with the regular edition

You really wouldn't play a game that flipped off woke culture?

The game is objectively (kek) more loved than the first two. That's quite understandable. Playing 3 is such a breath of fresh air from 1 and 2, if you play in order, because you move from darkness and loneliness to sunshine and the coolest princess to save, who helps you and talks to you and gets mad at you when you're a cunt. It sure beats the ass out of being a replicant and a great father.

>No timeline where Sinclair and Delta escape Rapture and Sinclair sets up his enterprise hocking broke-ass rapture tech to world governments from a reclusive estate in the Louisiana bayou, with Delta serving as his mysterious diving bell-clad bodyguard/enforcer and Eleanor keeping books


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They are right. Not for the combat, but for everything else, it is fucking awesome.

>Holy fuck, how does it feel to know that the only reason why your desperate Bioshock Infinite thread is being kept alive is by people who hate Bioshock Infinite?
It makes me wonder about the mental issues of people whose sole reason to spend time on something is hate.

No. As I said before, I don't like shitty american culture.

>enjoy bioshock 1 and 2, want to discuss them
>hate bioshock infinite
>bro you have mental issues
Do you ever stop to think about how retarded you are?

Okay, so they needed to get guns for Daisy in exchange for the airship so they go find the guns but realize they can't move the guns so they jump to an entirely different universe where the niggers have guns? Why didn't they just go to a timeline where they have an airship? Why didn't Liz just open a tear to the ground so they could escape the city?

Bioshock Infinite is linear as hell, has bad combat in a game where the rest of the meat of the series has been gouged out in favor of combat, and the story isn't even that good except for Waifulords having Elizabeth to obsess over.

The only good thing about the game is the initial worldbuilding and the literal 10/10 aesthetic, everything else after the intro is a slog.

Wise user.

"Mass replying", really, now? Why not use the opportunity to practice discourse in a thread where nobody knows you so you can sound less retarded at parties? Just try, nobody will mock you (you're the user doing that). I fully own up to writing a lot, because that's what I came here to do.

Did you come here solely to mock others for doing what you can't or won't do? What dysfunctional way of living.

This collection is on sale on the Xbox One. Is it worth it for 22 bucks?

The ending needed to be tragic because the devs lack self-awareness. At least the demiurge is still living under Rapture.


Yeah, bor Orange Man is abysmally retarded regardless of actual politics. I thought 3 had balls of steel for having the black hero turn out to be a massive asshole.

No matter the hamfisted retconning that came later, and isn't truly a retcon anyway, since it doesn't break anything. In fact, I even think this hamfistedness is a way of making things worse, not better.

If there is infinite timelines with infinite possibilities whats the point of trying to kill Booker?

22 bucks is too expensive for Bioshock Infinite, they should pay you to play that game.

What's the point of playing Bioshock Infinite? You already got the whole experience if you played any CoD after 4.

Nevermind, it's actually 15 (12 euros). Did it drop again, I was sure it was 22 last I seen.

Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite. I think I'm gonna consoom.

>they've done this many times before. But where do those Bookers come from?
Alternate realities. They pulled 122 Bookers before the one that lived.

>Booker is put in Comstock's dimension to stop him.
They used over 122 "timelines"/alternate realities. They are not limited to anything, which DOES put into question the validity of saving anything or anyone. Just like the meaningless choice of bird or cage: it doesn't matter what you choose, it doesn't matter what you do. 3 might be the most cynical and depressing game of all time.

>But are we only looking at those two timelines and the twins are pulling "the same" Booker into "the same" Comstock timeline,
The "twins" are themselves from two different realities (rather than timelines). They can pull as many Bookers as they want, since every node can produce any amount of versions. It's endless, I suppose.

It's less about time than parallel dimensions, user.

>It seems like they've seen the earlier Bookers fail themselves.
They have. Rosalind and Robert just happened to conduct the same experiment at the same "time" (whatever that means here) and so they connected, and then, Fink tried to murder both when they were using their device, making it so that they got lost in space/time and are basically gods in the game, somewhat like Elizabeth but apparently even more so.

I hate them. I find them to be the most despicable cunts in the entire franchise.

It works because of magic.
Everything in the game makes sense once you realize that they wanted certain scenes to play out, made them, and then later thought about how and why they might make sense.
You lose your memory when you travel from one world to another! That way we can have a stunning reveal! ... but it only happens once in the game, for one single person.


Who is this? And why the threat?

Opinion: this is a leftover from when Lutece and Lutece were different characters and more assholes than they still are in 3, and when the plot was completely different.

Talking of which, what do we know about earlier versions of the plot? I'm pretty sure Elizabeth's power, originally, was only about changing ONE reality into another ONE via POTENTIAL realities that didn't actually exist, but could have existed. I never could explain the nose-bleeding stuff without that: merging people, as shown early in the game. It wouldn't make sense for people to get nose-bleeds just because other versions exist.

Also, the quote at the beginning doesn't really match the game anymore, but it would match a different story.

>the mind will create memories where there are none
>the entire game and its DLC hinges on not remembering super important facts

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Weird take: every bioshock game except 2 would've been better serviced as an adventure games than action adventure/survival horror.

The opening of Bioshock 1 and Bioshock Infinite are the best parts of their respective games, where you're being immersed into the city before the game starts going all arcade and and becomes running around a maze shooting drug addicts and the experience starts to blur together. The draw of 2 is being an unstoppable armored killing machine dual wielding plasmids and giant-sized weapons, so arcadey shooter gameplay suits it more.

People IRL don't care about this Internet political stuff nearly as much as you guys imagine.

Then improve your bitching! Use arguments, facts, logical points, etc. Give me something to sink my teeth in.

>It had a broken brightness slider for me so it was impossible to see what I was doing and I had to settle with the regular edition
You must have played the Doom 3 edition. I never heard of that problem, did you play recently? Maybe they fixed it since then.

I will say though that Cumsock House is kino. Especially that projector room with the weird Wendy Carlos sounding pachelbel music. Good job Levine.

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Because anyone good in BS needs to die. These games are too fucking depressing.

Wise user.

About a year ago

Okay Anons, thank you. I'll give them a higher priority on my playlist