Do good "souls-like" games exist?

Do good "souls-like" games exist?

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Genuinely liked Nioh 2 and The Surge 2.

Unironically Jedi Fallen Order

Hollow Knight.

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i cant believe i got isekaied to a shitty souls-like game again

Sure, I enjoyed Nioh and Salt and Sanctuary a lot (the latter is ugly as fuck, mind).

Nips just love their long titles

Jesus fuck, Japan, stop it already.

It's just a gimmick to get attention for stuff.
Search Engine Optimization matters less with chex mix languages anyway.

Salt and Sanctuary is absolute dog shit if you want a stylized, unique souls-like experience.

They basically cut and paste elements whether they work or not, on top of that it's in 2D. Fails to balance platforming and combat.

Nice bait thread faggot

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Arn't they coming out with an update that reworks the game?



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Souls-games are inherently bad. The gameplay is just boring.

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what the fuck is a souls'like game? arpg or horrible creature game almost as vice as african americans but more pleasant looking?

Code Vein

>Do good "souls-like" games exist?

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Salt and Sanctuary

What's a game you don't find boring.

Boring thread

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This, but ironically.

Thread is conquered

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Does the anatomy on this look fucked to anyone else?

>paralyze is worthless

based footchad

>looking at the anatomy


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What was the thread about?

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>somehow being propped up by her hair
The anatomy is fine, the pose makes no sense

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Perhaps, but any honest person here knows that no one even comes close to the source material. It’s really not even worth trying. Devs should really just try to do something original that FromSoft isn’t doing.

why can't zoomer nips make an actual story where the main character has to survive ridiculous bullshit and scrape through alive instead of glitching shit or using the power of god to win

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I feel like her pelvis is rotated way too towards us for her to be able to sit up that much and grab her knees like that

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yes it is, her torso and hips aren't well connected

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Wanna play my soulslike, user-kun?

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Does one have to slog through the surge 1 to enjoy the surge 2?

Maybe when you stop hijacking threads. And you wonder why people don't like you insufferable footfags.

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But the thread is still here, anonitto-kun! You can proceed to discuss whatever you want.

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dead cells
remnant seemed ok but i never finished it and it was basically just a third person shooter with bonfires

Noice bread

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OP, please check out Vin Diesel's Riddick's Chronicles Immortal: Unchained

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>press "hide post"
>post gets hidden
>both us footchads and you anti-footfags can live in harmony and stop coexisting
Try it out. Maybe you'll stop seething for once, user. Vent out your anger on society or on women or whatever the fuck you do lol.

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>Dead Cells
Are you retarded? It's a good game, but it's not a souls-like

>good game


They're telling revenge-porn stories, ,not overcoming adversity stories.