Dude back off

dude back off

Attached: backoff.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

Other urls found in this thread:



If you can be any avatar in the game why would you purposefully choose that one?

Is this vrchat?

Sansar or High Fidelity or whatever.

no some alternative where you only have beaches



This guy seems pretty based.


Why go through the motions of getting offended on behalf of a virtual body? Surely they understand they merely invite harassment by sending the signal it upsets them? People walk through VR bodies all the time is not your real body it doesn't get automatic respect and social distancing.

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>yfw Sansar flopped and the devs sold it to a no name studio

How embarrassing

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It's britbong right? He's the opposite of based. Absolute faggot.

we got an actually fucking cuck over here

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Model is too tall

get out of my face goober

oh, I don't watch E-celebs, so I wouldn't know, redditor.

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What the fuck is a simp

its like a simpson

People are more prone to get bent out of shape over (((online harassment))) if the (((victim))) is female.
Its basically a whiteknight

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Its a beta orbiter white knight.


>that loud screechy laugh followed immediately by "basedboy"
So this is what a modern Yas Forums user sounds like.
No wonder I don't get along with anyone here anymore.

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>he laugh funny therefore i cannot get along with this man
What is this thought process

The awkward laugh afterwards ruins it.

That's just britbong.

A sexist meme

Well for starters it's more than just the laugh, the entire attitude of the guy making the video is something you'd find in a cringe compilation from the psychotic laugh down to meme shit.

newest ebonic lingo

Mr. BTFO is BASED and dare I say REDPILLED.

Listen lads. He's been on Yas Forums since the start, BTFO'ing normies, girl gamres, etc and redpilling incels to get them the sex they deserve.

He's a dlive streamer (Cause trolling kids in video games was too hard on poor ole youtube and twitch.) who e-bullies kids on the regular.

Attached: SwoleBenji goes to McDonalds.png (686x707, 1.01M)

Well the guy in the OP was being a pathetic retard.

Got your bot to search your name again?

Mr.BTFO. I used to watch you, but I ended up stopping due to how whenever you would get mad or had a bad day, you would sometimes take it our on your fans.
I still hope you are doing ok. Good luck with Keem and such stalking and flagging you like the two-faced faggot he is.

We're not the same person lul. My name wasn't dropped here.

Not him but I know what you mean man. I wish he'd stream more multiplayer games with VOIP honestly.

Oh right. My b.


I dont think so.

Fuck. I thought you were him by how you typed. Well i'm sure he is here somewhere. Send him this Tweet with my regards.

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I smell the stink of manlet tears on this one

If that's what you think the problem is then you're an idiot. It's the fact their humour is just taking what they read here and screeching it like a retard. This is the definition of someone whose entire personality is screeching Yas Forums memes and being as obnoxious as possible for attention. Pure cancer.

>but the other guy is pathetic
Yes he is, I agree. That's not what is being discussed.

Pretty sure he's @MrBTFO

I was @SwoleBenji but I bullied some grill gaymo's and it got locked. Now I'm @SwoleBen1

Also check out @FrankHassleYT if you want some keks.

stop being a normalfag you fucking newshit

Is this Britbong? Haven't seen him in years

>pole dancer
>some chubby guy

nuke the fucking uk

how about you stop "pretending" to be an autistic retarded faggot aswell

It's been a decade since he trolled/spammed Yas Forums and people are still this butt hurt about it. The absolute state of boomers.

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Only a newfag would say this. Stop posting anime and manga because you don't deserve it, 2001 millennial.

You know this is manlet tears we're talking about, right? He can't quit, even when gargamel has his number. He's been back.

He moved to Dlive because Keemstar used his connections to deplatform him everywhere and brag about it.
People who need to snitch & report others should get off the internet.

1996, how bout u? 1980's?

Exactly but add more 5

I can only imagine how bad McSpaghetti is.

I want to try the McDO though.

looks like a Yas Forums user

It's the fucking way the simp just appears out of nowhere as soon as he hears m'lady is in "trouble"

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kids genuinely think this shit is funny, soon it's gonna be people nothing but speaking in buzzwords and screeching each other- like Yas Forums already is

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>I'd watch who gets out of the game
What did the simp mean by this?

He called the admin and got him banned, unironically.

It is. Bullying people is comedy gold. If you don't find it funny you're an NPC sheep.

>He doesn't find this funny
I bet you watch late night shows like Trevor Noah, faggot.

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do more wow gold videos, you hack!

ngl this is funny af


Everyone in this video is a major faggot

it's funny if the person and the situation is funny, not if you're a sniveling cunt with zero wit who just has to scream and spout off internet funni words and memes. i don't expect you to understand this benji you're well known to be a retard

god i miss stgggs.

That's not at all what that user said