I think that video game companies should keep their servers open free for me, forever because I bought their game

>I think that video game companies should keep their servers open free for me, forever because I bought their game

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...or provide the means for the buyer to play it offline

That's not even remotely close to what he says though.

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Sup retard autist.

you're right OP we should just give away our money and get nothing. hell maybe we should even pay them more when it ends to thank them for all the hard work of taking our money


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>he plays games with forced matchmaking and no direct-connect or ability to host your own server
>he actually buys games with forced matchmaking and no direct-connect or ability to host your own server
I seriously hope you guys don’t do this.

>I think video game companies should be allowed to arbitrarily destroy games we bought at a time of their choosing

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>old game
>has server browser and bots
>new game
>matchmacking only and no bot
Fuck yeah I'm gonna play the older game.
Quake 3, UT2004, Quake Wars are all playable even today.

Trannytech did this recently with a new update. Flat out stops working for some people. Parajew always fucks up their games, though.

>this thread again
Was it autism?

i have no idea who that faggot is but he's so fucking ugly

Ross is basically retarded. Last I remember, he pretended to know something about law and basically publicly shamed himself so badly real lawyers came to make fun of him. He's a real man of letters, aka misinterpretating Wikipedia articles.

Based opinion OP, good to keep companys responsible for their products. If they sell it they shouldnt break it later

Ross is just a beta faggot who tries to get other people to act out his ideas. He would be able to do it himself if he was not too pussy to get a girl in his own country. He had to move to Poland in a shitty mold filled apartment just to get a girl. Seriously, fuck him.


>This man single-handedly made people like Deus Ex: Invisible War

First post best post, end the thread here.
If you pay full price for a game, you should have a finished product.

Games as a service is a horrible, scummy idea.

Ross from acursed farms. His videos are honestly really fucking good and he doesnt go on camera often so i would highly recomend you check out ross's game dungeon.

dont know who the fuck that is but if you cant run your own servers then fuck that game

He said the game is shit in every way except ragdoll physics and some of the writing.

No one ever hated D:IW it was just thought as a inferior game to the original but certainly not hated.



Sorry Ross, but you shamed yourself.

no u

>retards haven't watched the update video


>27 minutes of this faggot.
kek. No.

>he lost


>"Dude, after everyone told him he was retarded, he doubled over like a bitch."

>Not having everything be peer 2 peer

This. It's by definition not free if people paid for the game.
I think companies SHOULD be required by law to keep whatever servers their game needs running forever. And I mean FOREVER, as in heat death of the universe. Don't like it? Don't make your game require access to online servers.

>another one who lost

thanks to iot this is happening to almost everything in the house now! thanks future!

Or give the community the tools to host their own servers

Imagine shilling for shitty game devs for free

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Ah yes, the guy that thought he was a lawyer but turned out to be retarded.

Here's a better idea you mindless fucking consumerist sheep, don't buy a game if it's always online.



You know what a better solution to this is?

Making it mandatory that companies give a copy of their source code to an archival organisation dedicated to preserving it, while also making it legal to operate private servers when the game shuts down.

Which would be a fine option if building in mandatory online requirements hadn't become the standard years ago.

Lmao, niggers actually out here supporting massive corporations and not their own best interest

Kek, okay you retarded faggot.

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For mmos that's somewhat unreasonable but that's why mmos are shit. For other games there is just no excuse to tie that shit to online server. You should be able to play single player offline. Fuck this gay earth and force online/launcher bullshit. Only GoG gets a pass from me.

Don't buy new games, solved your problem.

yeah, bethesda must be losing money hand over fist hosting all those quakeworld, quetoo, quake 3 arena, CPMA, zandronum and zdaemon servers holy shit

In what regard? I bought bannerlord, no required online, in fact I played it yesterday when my shitty isp was doing "maintenance" for 8 hours.
Witcher 3, dead space 1&2, the ff games on steam (or you could emulate of course but i'm trying to show buyables), most indies really, dead cells in particular, bloodstained was fun.
There are games out there that don't have always online, so I repeat, just don't fucking buy the always online one if it bothers you that much. Simple solution to a simple problem.


>took him about 20 years to finish freeman's mind
he's more of an idiot savant

>Don't buy new games
>also don't buy old games because you can't
>also don't pirate because thats illegal
>just don't play games lol

They can't push people on to the new games by force with community servers, so yes, they are losing money.

>>took him about 20 years to finish freeman's mind
Because of all that Machinima shenanigans.

Fuck the developers, just pirate you fucking retards so many games can be played through alternate means without the official servers, I'm honestly disappointed how many people here speak against piracy

literally and unironically vote with your wallet, fagboi

>dude just vote with your wallet while whales exist


Yeah, I just pirate most of the stuff these days, sometimes simply because I don't want to deal with online launchers. Steam auto updates for Paradox games is a cancer that breaks mods, for example, so just have multiple pirated versions with mods running.

>no one actually does
>blizzard ACTUALLY does it
>everyone acts surprised when people have been screaming it for ages.

You are talking about Warcraft 3 remake and how they forced people to update old versions, right? I told you so moment right there.

Not even that, blizzard freezing accounts when people say shit on twitch is absurd.

Everyone acts like blizzard is a single instance, but every company can do what they do without consequences.