JRPG Thread

Lockdown Day 5 edition. Here's to you, XIIanon.
What are ya playin' and/or grindin', Yas Forums?
Passed the Mantra test in Nocturne with a somewhat underpowered party a few minutes ago, and I gotta admit, it's a great feel. Rakukaja + Sukunda spam really goes a long way.

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Replaying TWEWY. Still one of the most thematically and mechanically cohesive JRPGs out there, which honestly says a lot about how much passion the devs put into the game. I’m also thinking of playing Radiant Historia later on as well.

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About to play Wild Arms 3 for the first time. Heard lots of good things about it so I’m excited.

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Should I play FE: Three Houses or P5 Royal?
I don't really want to play 2 jrpgs at the same time

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Play the one that looks more interesting to you. Either that or flip a coin.

How well does TWEWY play on an emulator? I've seen it being shilled a fair bit on the last few JRPG threads, and it seems pretty fucking interesting. Strikes me as a combo of Persona and KH, for lack of a better comparison.

Just finished Xenoblade 2 guys I honestly thought they didn't make games like this anymore what a magical adventure.
Doing Torna right away and already loving the welcome addition of the new combat style and am definitely looking forward to replaying Xenoblade 1 through Definitive Edition.

Also these are my favourite threads on this board right now keep up the comfy vibes.

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I’d honestly wouldn’t recommend playing it on emulator due to how tied its gameplay is to the DS hardware, though that may just be me since I’ve heard of people that were able to play it just fine that way.
As for the game itself, you have 3 different partner mechanics, you have brands with their own unique designs and mechanics, a huge variety of attacks in the form of pins, food that permanently increases stats as well as effect your synchronization rate, threads that act as equipment and dramatically effect how you play the game, etc
Not only do all of these mechanics strengthen one another and make for a cohesive gameplay experience, but they also help strengthen the game’s messages and themes as a whole.
The Partner combat is simple so you can always reliably dole out damage on the top screen when testing new pin combinations on the bottom screen, so the gameplay is a little consistent no matter how you've customised Neku in combat. Not only that, but each partner has their own unique battle style and separate mechanics, which tie into the theme of Neku having to learn to work with different people to achieve the best results possible. Threads and pins are connected by brand bonuses to encourage the player to have a consistent fashion and help narrow down the choices of what threads to wear and you can actively change and manipulate the trends to your advantage to increase the damage output of certain brand, which also ties into the game’s commentary on the effects trends and modern society can have on people.
Food is tied into the chain-battle system by having it so you don't just grind for EXP and Pins, but for for consuming food as well, not to mention how it's connected to Shutdown PP in encouraging the player to play the game daily, but not for too much each day.

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Not only is all of this thematically consistent and engaging but it also allows for the player to have a shit-ton of freedom and self-expression in the form of its mechanics, which also ties into one of the game’s themes of the importance of individuality as well as finding a style that works right for you. And that’s not even getting into other crazy shit, like how the 13 brands are based off of the Chinese zodiac and are made to be both thematically consistent and make it so that each brand has the same fashion compatibility as their zodiac counterparts do romantically, each Noise in the game being named after a certain music genre or term, how Imprinting works, etc...
It’s all so wonderful.

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I'll be damned. It sounds lovably complex and amazingly crafted as all hell. Thanks, user! Might as well try it out after I'm done with Nocturne.

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Based as all hell. I fucking loved TWEWY.

Is the Switch port ok to play first anons? Tell me honestly the differences between the original and the port.

Have fun, user! I highly recommend it. Even to this day, there’s still not another game like it.

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Here’s a copypasta:
DS > Switch Dual Joy-cons > Mobile/Switch Handheld with stylus > Mobile/Switch Handheld without stylus > Switch Solo Joy-con
DS: Most mechanically complex with a high learning curve. Control Neku with the stylus on the touch screen and control partner on the top with buttons. Both characters share a life bar, so you have to be careful. Bunch of systems in play including the light puck (perform successive combos between characters to boost finishers), sync rate (increase puck duration by fighting well, matching trends, eating, etc), and building up fusions stars with the partner character (Collect ESPer cards by choosing the correct combo branches and collect enough to activate fusion attacks). There's a lot to take in, so it's easier to start off focusing on Neku and leaving the partner on Auto at the beginning. Gradually, you'll learn to control both though and you'll have a lot of freedom on forming your own preferred decks.

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Mobile/Switch Handheld: Simplest version of the game, good for beginners and people who couldn't get into the DS version. 100% touch controls. Partner has been turned into a pin with a specific input (tap, slash, or drag) and recharge time. Light puck, sync rate, and fusion stars have been merged into one simple system. Build sync and earn boosts by performing cross combos (alternate attacks between Neku and partner). At 100, 200 and 300% sync, you can perform fusion attacks. The game is easier because the partner cannot be hurt, so you only need to focus on Neku. I feel you're more limited in what decks you can choose because of the cross combo system. For example, Shiki is controlled with taps, so you'll want to use tapping pins to make it easier to alternate hits. I highly recommend getting a capacitive stylusfor better control. I like to combine a stylus with my dominant hand and my index finger from my other hand to perform combos. Like I'll perform slash attacks with the stylus and then tap with my finger to use Shiki.

Switch Solo: Same as touch screen, only control with joy-con. You perform a motion with your hand and then press of button to activate it. This has a higher learning curve than touch because the game does a poor job of explaining the controls. However, once you understand them (look online for some tips), the game becomes a breeze. It's similar to the DS version in that people who complain that it controls poorly just never learned how to do it right. One advantage to the joy-con is that attacking and moving are separate, so mobility is a lot more precise and it becomes a lot easier to dodge attacks. However, I find it much harder to perform cross combos with the joy cons, probably because I can't use my stylus-finger technique here.

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Switch 2-player co-op: Control the partner player with a second joy-con. Partner gets 3 pre-set pins with different inputs. Otherwise, they play the same as Neku. Partner is invincible, so the game becomes pretty trivial. Played this mode with my roommate who doesn't play video games much and he enjoyed it. Not much to say other than try it out if you have friends to play with.

Switch 1-player co-op: Control both characters by holding a joy con in each hand. This is the closest you'll get to the DS version. If you haven't gotten good with the single player mod, this will be a struggle. But if you know what you're doing, Ultimate mode will feel like easy mode. Most people will be in between since they're still learning. The partner is both invincible and incredibly strong and you'll be able to pull of cross combos with ease and often times stunlock enemies. And if you wanted to, you could easily beat any enemy by just dodging with Neku and attacking with the partner (but that's no fun). I think this is probably the most fun to play out of any version, but there really is no challenge.

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Graphics: Switch > Mobile > DS. Not that graphics matter much in this game.
Music: Switch > Mobile > DS. Switch has the most number of songs in the best quality. There's also the option to switch to the original soundtrack.
Tin Pin: DS > Touch >>>>>>>>>>>>>. Joy-con. Tin Pin Slammer is the best, but playing it with a joy-con is the worst.
Content: Switch has a bonus day you can play through (One day arbitrarily split into 3 parts). IMO, it's not very good. Gameplay-wise, it adds challenges such as enemies multiplying, draining health, etc. Overall, these challenges add nothing because the goal of every one of them ultimately amounts to defeat enemies as fast as possible without getting hurt which is exactly how should already be playing. There are new pins added though, which are pretty fun if you like shooting swords at things. Storywise, it's just sequel bait ending on a cliffhanger. And everything important that happens right at the end was already spoiled during the reveal trailer.

Overall, I think every version of TWEWY is still a good game. If you have easy access to the DS version, I would recommend that first and foremost. It's a unique experience that really can never be replicated anywhere else. If not, then I would recommend the switch version (it basically contains the mobile version). I would recommend starting off on solo joy cons to learn the controls and the switching to co-op as soon as you're comfortable. And then switch to handheld whenever you feel like changing things up or have to play Tin Pin. If you already played the DS version, you can always try out the switch version just to get a different experience while still getting the same story. But don't buy the switch version just for the new content - It's not worth it.
And that’s about it.

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Fists > Short Sword > Dual Swords > Spear > Long Sword > Axes

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Is the Rune Factory series worth checking out?

Definitely. RF3 and 4 are the best ones overall.

Anymore JRPGs like this? Where the gameplay and themes are in complete sync in one another? I love seeing shit like this.

Replaying FFX, almost at the Seymour Flux fight, might give it a go with no aeons, as I throw out all the aeon overdrives to kill him. Planning to replay IV DS once I beat X.
I've pumped hundreds of hours into the entire series have only ever used the staff, dual swords and short sword, staff only for labyrinth cheesing.
Yes, the first two games are dated but are still quite charming, 3, 4, Frontier and Tides are great though.

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>shitposting on Yas Forums
Also, a thread where people consistently talk about and have actual discussions on a certain video game genre will always be more better than just random shitposting and wojak spam.


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How much of an improvement is royal over the original? The other resone versions of 3 and especially 4 were pretty great but im a bit salty about buying the same game again everytime like this.

What are some JRPGs to play if I hate random encounters?

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How's SaGa 2 and 3 for the DS?
SMT IV, SMT IV Apocalypse and Dragon Quest 8 3ds version

Anything released after 2000.

Paper Mario.

>Chrono Trigger
>Radiant Historia
>Tales Of games
>Valkyrie Profile
>Star Ocean
>Super Mario RPG
>Persona 3-5
>Trails in the Sky
>Romancing Saga 3
>Lufia 2

What am I in for, bros? Playing the 3DS version for the first time.

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Grandia 2

Is it your first time playing ToA? Then get ready for a insufferable protagonist for the whole game or for a fair while, depending you view.

Yeah, it’s my first time playing it. I don’t particularly mind playing as an insufferable protag if its done well, like TWEWY.

That's not really fair take, you shouldn't lie like that. Nearly the entire cast is insufferable


Shin Megami Tensei series does it in more subtle ways

Playing TO LUCT, going to floor 100 in PotD to kill some lich called Blackmoor for the best accessory in the game

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I just found Luke and Anise to be insufferable, at least Luke had moments of not being so bad later on, can't remember much Natalia, Tear and Guy but I enjoyed Jade.

Hope you enjoy it, user. It’s a breddy gud game.

Persona 3 FES, The Answer: about to explore the second area, I just fused a Clotho. I didn't want to grind so much, but I'm forced to keep battling so that I can find the shuffle personas I need to upgrade my elemental team. So far I'n not really feeling the higher difficulty, the enemy AI is not much better than The Journey normal.
As expected, the lack of Compendium sucks ass. Metis is pretty great.

I'm staring fire emblem three houses. Seems like there's a fuckton of stuff to do in the game and i kinda feel overwhelmed, but it's pretty comfy.


Any SaGa games after the original GB ones.

Still playing XB2:Torna and P4G

Still slogging through Super Nep.

This seems bonkers for a "kill 500 monsters" quest reward

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Started Star Ocean First Dparture R and Atelier Ayesha DX.
Both good games that I would reccomend

If you're talking about Monastery stuff, after a month or two you should figure out your groove. It's going to seem like too much to do until you raise your professor level. Once it gets high enough, you're going to run out of useful stuff to use Activity Points on.

As for raising up units, you shouldn't need to worry because unless you're playing maddening mode, you should be able to beat the game even with screwing around on unit builds. I would just recommend focusing on either two weapons or a weapon and Mount type, with a little bit spent onto Authority.

Thanks, how does character affinity work? I see that some characters are pleased when i make cetain choices or spend time with etc, but how does it translate into the combat? (if it does)

Both are great remakes, they keep everything from the original games while fixing exploits and adding a few interesting layers of new mechanics, some QoL features and very nice new content too.
SaGa 3 especially is more or less compulsory since the original game isn't even a real SaGa game and it really needed a lot of fixes to everything, which Kawazu and the team delivered in spades.

The hearts you see from responses they like, spending time with them, or using actions in battle when they are near, are for Supports, which range from C to A. Whenever units have supports with each other and they are within 3 tiles of each other on a map, they give each other a boost to hit and/or damage. It's typically a small boost, but any units in range will provide the boost, so if you support multiple people the bonuses stack. You need so many hearts to get increase support levels, which increases the amount of hit/damage you do.

Gimme a chronological list of must play Jrpg classics. never played any of them

Another thing to note is that Byleth can talk to/spend time with people outside your house to gain supports with anyone. You can use these support levels to recruit other characters more easily (IIRC, getting a B support with any student will nearly guarantee they will join your house at some point). This is only for students, other professors/church members have their own way to join.

I've been itching for a game with a job system, any reqs ?
(I've already played FF3, FF5, DQ9, Bravely default/second)

Breath of Fire
Lufia and the Sinistrals of Doom
Beyond the Beyond
Lunar Dragon Song
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Dawn of Mana
Ys V
Giten Megami Tensei
That one fucking Konami JRPG on the PS2 that was like Majora's Mask

One of the best rpgs in recent memory. Torna is also fantastic. Enjoy!

>Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Is it really that good?

>not playing Azure Dreams again

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3DS Etrian Odyssey games


I never played it..

Couldn't this be rpg thread instead? I just started kotor for the first time and wanted some tips on how to be a beast at this game.

How is the emulation of the 3DS ?

play darkside
prioritize force lightning

>Giten Megami Tensei
Do you think this is a motherfucking game?

That's a shitpost list.
As long as you don't start the usual shitposting, sure.

ragnarok tactics?
Dragon sinker

>turn into rpg thread
>shitposting everywhere
>people turning the thread into a wrpg vs jrpg

pretty much this. These threads have been comparatively chill, I want this to last as long as possible.

Nice troll list. I aint falling for that

>Lunar Dragon Song
I already knew this is a troll list because of this alone.

it's those damn wrpg assholes being jealous of our cool thread

>I want this to last as long as possible
Careful with what you wish user. Monkey paw is a thing and you know the state of everything worldwide right now.

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Good, I like playing on console because drawing the map is part of the experience but you could just turn on full automapping

Ragnarok Tactics is easy to break, like how Archers, Jonda and Dancers getting goddamn fast and strong thanks to how Dex works on that game.

Sorry user I couldn't help but shitpost.
If you want a good JRPG then give the PS1 version of Final Fantasy 1 a shot.

Mana khmeia, Nep nep or a Kemco game?

Mana Khemia, no other alternatives.

Mana Khemia 2

Does mahotsukai no yoru count as a Jrpg?