I'm hating this game more and more by the minute

I'm hating this game more and more by the minute

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remember snoys its not a movie

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Wtf is it legit?


The game has been shown off way too long. People will beat this in five hours and it will have no replayability at all. They should have just announced it this year. Now it's like we're supposed to be overly impressed by a minigame.

it lost its momentum. It wont flop but it will make Neil Cuckman cry so i guess there is that.

it's made by a dude who doesn't allow his employees to use the word "fun", what did you expect

remember the guitar moment in Bioshock Infinite?
or the one in Beyond Two Souls?

Anyway here's wonderwall

I always wanted to play kike dyke sim.

>in five hours

The least you can accuse ND of is making short games. Each one of their games after the Crash games were at least 12 hours long, I think for TLOU I needed somewhere close to 20.


Ah yes, now i see why we needed a sequel! Impressive...

Game has to have flippy 9000 anime air combos for Yas Forums to consider it good

I have accepted that there is nothing in this game for me. The first game was the vidya equivalent of oscar bait that seemed to hate being a video game.

The one in Bioshock: Infinite really annoyed me. It was so clearly a "see how deep and artistic we are?!" moment. They're being hunted by people who mean them harm, they're in hostile territory, and they go "hey, why not relax and sing a little song?"
It was such a fucking bad game.

nah it just has to be a game rather than linear, pre-scripted, cinematic movie experience
as soon as you have to walk down a line and all around you epic gamer lights glow up, cars crash, fuel stations explode and all you gotta do is occasionally press triangle to do a cool vault/dodge/attack animation, you know the game's just a fucking movie, and sony loves making those for the normies

>"Now I will play a beautiful song to convey my tortured soul to the audience and--"
>Mash buttons and swipe up and down as fast as I can to get through this stupid shit

Powerful stuff Neil

>12 hours

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If it was "The last of us 2: A HIDEO KOJIMBO GAME" you fucks would shill this shit in a blink of an eye and dont you dare to deny

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>if it was another game you would react differently

Well no one here liked Death Stranding or was looking forward to it once the walking sim aspect was shown.

It's okay when Silent Hill does it

I play G#m - E (every deftones song ever)

>posting speedrunners

You know you're a faggot, right? Who - aside from these turbo autists - rushes through games that fast? I think I did 24 hours on TLOU playing on hard, and I wasn't hunting every collectible either.

Three hours is pretty long for a speed run. The Arkham City 100% run is about that long.

Well 100% even half the speed wouldn't be even 10 hours.
The game isn't 12 hours long unless you are a retard. Dunno about cutscenes though.

if kojimba made a lgbtq pandering:the game, he's dead to me

After the ending to MGSV I will never care about another Kojima game. I haven't played Death Stranding and I never will. Now fuck off Neil Druckberg with your bullshit.

Honestly first game wasn't that good either

Why the fuck are you playing that piece of shit to begin with?

yeah, It's the epitome of pretentious and hipster. I have zero interest in it.

I liked the multiplayer


this is what happens when you hire animators over programmers, see Uncharted series

>end of the world
>time to repopulate the earth

imagine waiting for this piece of hot garbage

cutscenes vs gameplay

I liked that scene in DMC3

It's a troy baker thing. Note that tlou had troy baker in the end credits playing guitar and singing a song, he played booger in bioshock so he probably jumped like a little puppy at showing off his wonderwall. I'm betting money theirs a joel flashback where he plays some dogshit stairway to heaven and Ellie is just so fucking inspired by it

Well TLoU already has a throwaway line about Joel wanting to become a singer when he was younger

Everyone was shitting on Death Stranding

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>whispering song in Cm

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>protag can play guitar
>it's societys problem i can't get laid
Found a picture of OP. Too bad schools are out so you can't go on a rampage

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>extra 5 months of development for this shite

And I fucking love TLOU, holy fuck Druckmann just sniff your own farts.

>shut up and buy it

WTF OP is based?

Id 1000 times over be OP than this faggot

Tlou is pretty long, like 20 somethin hours on your first run. Same as uncharted 4, i struggled to get the 6 hours trophy on that one game is fucking long compared to other singleplayers tps

Nothing about this looks comfy at all. Stuff like Viva Pinata is comfy, this just looks boring.

Wow Rocksmith 3 isn't looking so hot.

>everyone must like rythme games
kill yourself shill

If it was then it wouldn't be jewish faggotshit.

Why do people here prented to be retarded so badly

Take your meds.

Who the fuck cares about TLOU2 ? is the most normie game ever

Why you pretend to be triggered by something you would not even play?

I hate this game so I make a thread about it on Yas Forums because I want to see more discussion about a game I hate.

>is the most normie game ever
Only after nintendo games

TLOU is one of those NPC answers. people dont like that game or never played, but they will say its the best game ever. NPC answers:

Chrono Trigger - Wow this is the best RPG!
Witcher 3 - Best game! (although they only played 5 hours with no mods)

you get the idea. NPCs just repeat that shit.

Nothing you said applies to the game. Have you seen the gameplay?

Yup - same with "The water temple was just the hardest part of any game ever!"

In TLoU's defense though it's also receiving a lot of hatred because it's overrated. It's a fine 7/10 game, with surprisingly good multiplayer.
It's not the Citizen Kane of video games that the reviewers claim it is, simply because it goes a bit further than "save the princess". However, it's also not a barely playable mess of a game. It's a perfectly decent game.