Tifa is Asian

>Tifa is Asian
>Yufie is also Asian
>Cloud is a blonde Aryan male
>Aerith is the sole White woman in the main cast
>fucking died in the middle of the story because not canon

Why is this allowed?

Reverse-racism is racism too.

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japan hates white women

this. the fujo writers in ffxiv wrote off all the white girls.

Isnt Tifa like half asian?

i wont to fuck yuffie

>Cloud; White & Tifa; Asian
>Squall; White & Rinoa; Asian
>Zidane; White & Garnet; Asian
>Tidus; White & Yuna; Asian
>Snow; White & Serah; Asian

So why is a White male/Asian female paring so common in this franchise?

i'd ask the same as black mail , white female in every jew produced thign.

WMAF the final fantasy.

Cloud is an albino black man. Zack is mutt, Final Fantasy women are made for bbc

It's an asian made game after all

because it is the titular Final Fantasy.

>Tidus; White

They're all Asian just with extremely fair skin because Japan still thinks dark skin is only for islanders and peasant scum with the exception of FFX because Tidus is supposed to be exotic.

must be one of them blue eyed blonde white asians.

Yeah, because they use some of the same race traits as us humans but disregard others.

How is Garnet Asian though?

fucking none of the males in FF are asian they have caucasian eyes, noses and bone structure.
Asians need to use sticky tape and get rhinoplasty to look like that.

Cloud and Zidane aint asians and Squall basically looks like River Phoenix. You are right about Tidus though.

Aeris and Cloud looked super chinky in the CGI scenes tho

Tidus looks like your average White Australian dude.

Yellow fever

Beyond all Fantasy the Final Fantasy, WMAF.

But...Tidus actually looks asian. Any pic for comparison?


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lmao you really wish you were asian

>reverse racism
lol fuck off

Oh yeah gook dem blue eyed blonde asians.
No one wants to be asian you mouthbreathing mongloid cuck.

no one wants a one inch penis.

>asians make all their characters look white
>this is who we really are :)
>you wish you were like us
This is the asian equivalent of trannies thinking they are women.

He isnt

you're on this site because you're a weeaboo incel that wishes to be asian, don't fight it

What about her? She’s a goth white chick in ff14

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I agree with all this except Tidus. Tidus’s face is Japanese as fuck. He’s a blonde asian cuz anime

Squal is white through and through imo, I can’t imagine squal and Zidane being asian

These games always make all these asian people so beautiful that they end up making them whiter.

Its like some weird alternate reality where white genes are the strongest, and even clearly asian people can have 100% white features.

cases like these they're selling out to the west to make as much money as possible, clearly it works because every white automatically likes every blonde character and self inserts as them. you can talk to a white who plays smash for example and they'll always play a """white""" character. whites are simply the most ego centric creatures on the planet, but it extends to a point that they see anything with blonde hair as needing to be white while whites can just dye hair black because uh it's a color

tifa looks uglier, exactly like that gremlin anri okita that people here with shit taste love so much. coincidentally she's a hapa

Aerith is asian as well obviously

Attached: 747ED1C7-011B-4A19-9C82-057D7CA511FA.png (1204x845, 1.12M)

she is literally that elf girl from lord of the rings

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vast majority of asians is barely different from whites skin-wise, shut-ins just think that everyone not white must have dark skin

Beautiful asians and whites arent that different but ugly ching chong eyes pan faced asians dont look anything close to whites(most asians)

>>asians make all their characters look white
>cloud and other cloud clones look like jpop singers
>dude they're modelled after us whiteys

I'm not talking about obvious differences, just that some people actually think that pale-skinned asians don't exist.

Thats ignorant to say the least.

Tifa looks better that she ever looked.

she looked better in ac

Nah. She's way better. And if nomura is not a retard and has made her a couple of alternative costumes including og she will be unreachable.

Attached: Tifa with girlfriends.jpg (1280x720, 65.09K)

I didn't like nu-Tifa at first, but she's really grown on my. It's the subtle things, like how she has really nice abs, and also the top tier zettai ryoiki they gave her.
And also her milkers are amazing despite being less massive than originally.

Tifa is a happa
Yuffie is asian
Aerith is jewish

Get it right, retard

Cloud is asian, though.


>>Snow; White & Serah; Asian
Is Noel white btw?

He isnt though and if he is he is probably mixed.

>tifa is asian
>dressed like a cowgirl
>bar literally says Texas on it

But you also have the reversed version like
Did I miss someone?

Her VA is 10/10.

Zack is white. And noctis is mixed since his dad was white. Vincent is probably white too

No way Noctis is mixed he looked like he came straight out of Tokyo

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Is this chick Asian?

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>Reverse racism
Fuck off, there's no such thing. There's only racism, and it's racist to claim that only whites can be racist

Don’t worry the time jannies will force Tifa into plastic surgery to make her white again. It’ll be a major plot element


Who's this

>White male
>Cloud, Vincent, Cid
>Asian female
>Tifa, Yuffie
>White female
>Black male
>Asian male
>Black women

Why are the devs racist against Black women and their own people, Asian men?

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