Mass Effect

*blocks your path* edition

When will we have another decent Mass Effect game?

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It's dead, Jim

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Never, let it die

Haha no... No

>When will we have another decent Mass Effect game?
After the massive buckshot Andromeda delivered to the franchise's head, I'm doubtful we'll even get another game, let alone another decent one. But here's hoping.

I can't let it go. I don't care about most other sci fi shit anyway...

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I don't have time for this, CHARGE!

Never cared about this change desu.

Give it to another studio

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Stand by shore party. Decontamination in progress.

Logged: the commanding officer is aboard. XO Pressley stands relieved.

Would it have made more sense if they had just reasoned that with advances in shield technology, they had to increase the power of infantry weapons but hadn't gotten around the increased heat output yet?

Because the idea that the entire universe gave up infinite ammo to reload a little bit (not even that much) faster is impossible to reason around. It's asinine.

When they remake the trilogy, or at least the first one. And I really mean "remake", with combat that doesn't feel like it's from 1997, buildings that aren't the same across the galaxies and walking around cities not being a pain in the ass.

First third or fourth of the game on Citadel (assuming you don't leave it ASAP) is mostly an exposition as you talk with npcs, unlock a lot of codex entries to establish the setting. But I like it.

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When hell freezes over

I think the reasoning in the codex is that by the time a Geth's shields is dropped the average rifle has overheated, but the issue is that its never said in-game.

>Would it have made more sense if they had just reasoned that with advances in shield technology, they had to increase the power of infantry weapons but hadn't gotten around the increased heat output yet?
Nope. Manual reload makes sense since cooling down takes more time


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Watch the Expanse, old Star Trek, play Star Wars KOTOR. But just let it go, you know the absolute state that Bioware is at right now, you know how Electronic Arts works. If they made something new they would rewrite the lore once again and make some piece of shit, just accept it's over

Here, have this kino opening sequence:

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Not at all corroborated by any gameplay appearance of cooldown weapons in the series, and even if it did, it's generally not worth giving up infinite, weightless ammo for it.

In ME1 you could fire a weapon pretty much forever by feathering the trigger in brief bursts and it was more than enough to kill most enemies.

Iron Man had writers?

>saren was meant to have a not reaper roid look at this point in the game so it wasn't totally fucking obvious
>they ran out of time

>Not at all corroborated by any gameplay appearance of cooldown weapons in the series, and even if it did, it's generally not worth giving up infinite, weightless ammo for it.
It's actually worth, because that's how weapon for bulk of infantry forces should function, simple, but stable, gun which refuse to shoot when it's needed doesn't fit.

you know, running out of ammo so a gun refuses to shoot EVER once you run out of disposable thermal clips is pretty unreliable.

You know what the definition of "reliable" is? Never having to reload ever and only having to suffer anything resembling a long cooldown if you're dumb enough to overheat the gun. Heat buildup decreased fast as fuck if you hadn't overheated in ME1.

>you know, running out of ammo so a gun refuses to shoot EVER once you run out of disposable thermal clips is pretty unreliable.
You know it's basic logistics question, right?
>Heat buildup decreased fast as fuck if you hadn't overheated in ME1
Nigger, I was talking about the lore, not RPG system

>in ME2 and ME3 cut-scenes use certain weapons instead of what you have equipped at the time.
Frustrates me to no end.

Not always

Yeah, but I think I seen a lot of cut-scene where Shep uses Avenger instead of what you have equipped.

It is. But in the two or so re-plays I've made of ME1 I had to use mods to increase the walking speed and tweak other shit for it to be bearable because vanilla is so slow and clunky.

You know what would've been awesome to see - your abilities and/or loadout having an impact on the cutscenes. Listen, I have a mini nuke launcher (I know it's not a real nuke) strapped to my back, can't anyone acknowledge that when trying to fight against me?

I guess it could have been cool, biotic quick events and so on. But I can see them writing it off as too costly.

>fighting this asshole as an infiltrator on insanity

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Try Farscape.
The first season is a bit shaky, but apart from that it's top stuff

You don't understand user, it's just not the same. Why did they have to fuck it all up...

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Who is best girl and why is it Jack?

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For me it's Liara. But I ship Jack with Mirri.

Both are straight for Shepard's dick.

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After reading fanfics I can't imagine them not being in lezdom relationship.

Odd way to spell Tali

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god talifags are so pathetic...

Probably the sale of the IP is the only way we'll get another good ME game.

She doesn't even look like that user, do you really love her?

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Jackfag is a shallow bosh'tet. Who would've thunk?

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Why don't you post some real picture of her, don't you love your waifu?

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I wonder when they are gonna shut down BW. Or maybe they will just merge it with some other studio (would cause less bad rep anyway).


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As long as Bioware has it's shit staff, it won't happen. ME is dead and most other games and media in the west are as well due to dumbass lefties infesting production of games that are meant to take mind off of real world issues.


>best face in the franchise
>good character development
>strong parental instincts
>actually useful biotic
>unlike Tali and Liara really believes in Shepard
>stays on Earth while other runs away
Human waifus are truly superior

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Something wrong?

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Fuck your waifu fights, every time with this shit. Just appreciate your LI and stop shitting on others.

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With Shepard being the strongest soldier in the entire galaxy and her being the most power biotic, they would literally make a 10/10 godlike child.

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Trying to

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>Trying to
>Jackfag is a shallow bosh'tet.

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What were you attempting here , hmm?

>What were you attempting here
It wasn't me
But I guess user wanted to see Tali's face to demonstrate how poor Bioware did her "face reveal"-moment


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The lore is that weapons always had thermal clips, but when the Geth attacked the citadel, the galactic federation was pinned down heavily and unable to damage the Geth due to their superior rate of fire, so they began issuing backup thermal clips to soldiers so they could wait for their gun to cool down, or swap clips if it was faster.

The problem is Bioware was rushed as fuck with ME2 and was unable to implement a regular cooling system in the game by deadline, so they stuck with just clips, and rewrote nothing to convey this. If they had enough time to implement this, you would have been able to let your weapon cool down like in ME1, or change clips for faster reloads.

Miranda is best LI.

Her voice actress did a good job, but man they fucked up her face
However I agree she and shepard have some chemistry